
"I just didn't pay attention. If we do it again, the gods will not make the same mistake twice!" He is a god!

How could he be defeated so easily!


A few minutes later, when Hermitos came to Guda again, he persisted for a while and was hacked to death.

The Alchemy God's face darkened.

Is this a game?

Is this really a game that humans can play?

Originally, games were supposed to be something that brought happiness to people.

However, Hermitus doesn't feel any happiness now.

He even wondered if the Dark Souls he was playing had a bug.

At this time Hermitus had recalled Guda's identity,

In the epic story of Dark Souls, this is obviously just the first mini-boss, right?

He couldn't even defeat Guda, so why fight against the hero Guda, and even the unknown king in the future?

Can humans beat this game? ! @#¥%! %

And just on the other side,

What Hermitus did not know,

He had already challenged Guda twice, and he even persisted for a long time the second time.

Most people play the game alone without teammates online.

Even the mobs can't be defeated.

Ashes' health was too fragile and he couldn't withstand a few knives.

And some experienced combatants, even though they manipulated Ashes' body to move in a coquettish way, would still be killed by a mob that suddenly jumped out of nowhere behind them with a set of three consecutive slashes.

Even worse, some were directly knocked off the cliff and fell to death.

That sense of reality, even after resurrection, makes people feel horrified.

Some people can't stand it and can only lower their five senses, especially their pain perception.

However, this will weaken the senses and make it easier to be attacked by sneak attacks. You will not be able to react until you are hacked to death with a knife.

Some people have been abused too many times;

I just gave up on this game and tried other games.

And some people who like Dark Souls, have strong self-esteem, or have special xp, have a burning fire in their hearts and insist on completing this game.

Many people have already fallen in love with those monster bosses that they met around the corner!

Until now, these people didn't even know that the real boss of the first level was Guda.

And in the city of Ceylon, the cat-eared lady Youye,

She once had a deep understanding of the Dark Souls trial version,

When I saw this game, I shivered all over. I once recalled the torturous journey of suffering.

Although in the end, Heidi and I got through the first level with a pique-like thought,

But she must never touch this game again!

Even if you are very interested in the world of Dark Souls, you can learn the background story through other players’ exploration in the future. Just be a cloud game player!

And the cat-eared girl is even more interested in the only game that has nothing to do with epics - Genshin Impact!

The login interface of Genshin Impact's game space is a road walking in the clouds, leading directly to a door.

The beautiful scene makes people want to go to the end and push it away.

The cat-eared girl Youye was hit at the top of her heart at once.

Chapter 1,107 Want to win the seal? Krypton guy? Let’s recharge two more orders.

And just when the cat-eared girl Yuye started her adventure in Teyvat Continent——

Some people also started playing FGO, and found that this time they were playing the game from the perspective of Fujimaru Ritsuka, playing various choices.

Those who are familiar with epic plots will feel familiar choices every time they see them.

You can't help but choose another one to see what special dialogue will happen.

The update of Magic Crystal was like a fuse, and for a while, the entire different world began to set off a game craze.

When I saw the five-star servant summoned by good luck for the first time from the Chaldean dining table and calling you Master gently,

That kind of feeling is beyond words just watching the epic!

In the same way, whether it is Dark Souls or Genshin Impact, the game world that is like a real other world, they all bring people completely different feelings.

Some people who originally played games with a purpose,

There are those who want to earn points just like Hermitus.

There are also some people who like the limited skills that can only be obtained by completing the epic level. As a result, they gradually become addicted to the process of exploring the grand background of the game world.

It's okay for those who play Dark Souls, but now I'm mainly suffering in the Novice Village, thinking about how to pass Teacher Guda's trial.

But now those who play Genshin Impact and FGO are starting to see a different scene.

The cause of the matter starts with someone posting a card on the forum.

If you play games like FGO and Genshin Impact that allow you to draw characters, there is a special game section in the forum, which provides the function of summoning (drawing) characters and items and making them into beautiful cards for publication.

And those vertical paintings are all exquisite and very suitable for people from other worlds.

Genshin Impact is okay, people are not familiar with the characters in it, it just looks good.

And some people in FGO who could only draw three-star characters as the main force at the beginning began to feel sour.

I haven't charged a single point into the forum either. Why are these people so lucky to have powerful characters at the start?

Isn't this official pretending to be someone? (It’s just a matter of popularizing the concept of dog carriers)

With rare and powerful characters, the difficulty of the game will be much easier, right? !

Although there is such a description in the game,

Character strength has little to do with star rating.

But subconsciously, people still think that five stars must be better than three or four stars.

Among the current low-star servants, perhaps only the great hero given at the beginning of the game can warm their cold hearts.

Arash, the great oriental hero of ancient Persia, the man who represents the name of the archers,

There are still many people from other worlds who are his fans!

And things like drawing cards are the easiest to get into,

——Comparison, jealousy, and the desire to have a strong role.

"No... I have to get a five-star servant too!" The son of a duke from a large empire thought unhappily.

He is the son of a duke and the only heir!

The future Duke of the Empire!

Whether in reality or in the game, they should be the noblest ones.

Just like how can a prince ride with the common people?

The real other world is not a fairy tale, and the story of Cinderella does not exist.

And when the Duke's son was looking for a way to increase the number of summons, he discovered the same recharge interface as the forum.

Looking at the Saint Quartz for 518 gold and the Creation Crystal for 648 gold, these are the two biggest gold levels in the two games.

The Duke's son just took one look and called his servant, asking him to take his magic crystal to the nearest bank to recharge money.

An expensive krypton gold experience for ordinary people,

For the Duke's son it was just a little pocket money.

And just after the two orders were placed,

The Duke's son immediately excitedly began the process of summoning heroic spirits and extracting original God partners.

A few minutes later——

The Duke's son, who was shaking all over and whose forehead was almost the color of pig's liver, looked at the blue, gray light, and a few purples all over the place...

"Go! Buy me two more orders!" The Duke's son called his servant angrily. At this time, he was no longer as elegant as he was at the beginning.

He is just the duke's heir, and he has not actually inherited the family property.

The total spending on the two games exceeded 1,000 gold coins.

Even for him it was a big expense.

He didn't expect the explosion rate to be so low.

But I saw the card pool guarantee shown in the game.

"..." Gritting his teeth, the duke's son thought that at least two games would require gold, right? !

At the beginning, we planned to create a golden team.

They all use the highest-star characters to form teams, and now the Duke's son simply doesn't dare to think about that kind of thing.

The servant looked at the Duke's son who was sweating coldly and extremely anxious. He didn't dare to raise his head, took the magic crystal and left.

And when another two orders of krypton gold came in...

The son of the Duke finally got the five-star golden legend he wanted!

When you see colorful lights rising from the dining table of the Knights of the Round Table!

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!" The Duke's son was feeling like he was on a roller coaster, jumping up from the bottom of the abyss.

Hit, hit! ! I finally got it! The excitement is beyond words at this time!

"Servant—Archer. My name is Arjuna. Master, please use me as much as you like." When a servant of a noble black-skinned nobleman appeared in front of him,

The Duke's son stared at the black skin for a moment.


Never heard of it at all!

An unknown heroic spirit?

Inexplicably, looking at Arjuna's dark skin, the Duke's son had a subtly complicated mood, always feeling that something was wrong.

But it was finally the first five-star heroic spirit I drew.

Thinking of this, the Duke's son couldn't help but burst into a confident smile.


It seems that five-star characters are not that difficult to draw!

Even if those civilians were lucky enough to draw a five-star, that would be the end of it!

They must have used up all their luck in this life!

And as long as I have money in the future, I can continue to spend money, and I will only get more and more five-star characters.

At that time, it’s not just about how to earn points, but how to earn them! !

The son of the Duke was immersed in the joy and sorrow of drawing cards. At this time, he forgot that he could directly exchange krypton gold for points...

Even the money I just used to spend on two orders is much more cost-effective to exchange directly for points.

The Duke's son, who had just drawn a five-star character, couldn't wait to go to the forum to share his joy.

Especially in the forum, @ the forum IDs of other aristocratic descendants among his peers that he knew.

This function of @人 was discovered very early.

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