Looking at the chess pieces that seem to come alive,

Various emotions surged through people's minds, it was so... so powerful!


Claire and the others couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Sora: "All troops! Everyone! Listen to my words! This war will decide who will hand over our city, Elkia, the last bastion of mankind! It is a battle that will determine the fate of mankind!

Keep your ears open! Open your eyes! The king of this country—"

Sora then pointed at his opponent - Kurami.

People subconsciously looked at Kurami.

At this time, Sora continued to speak: "Is it really okay to let such a dead, simple-minded woman be the one!"


Then ignoring the speechless Kurami, Sora grabbed his crestfallen sister's head, brushed her bangs aside, and revealed her cute little face.

Underneath the long pure white hair is skin as white as snow.

Then there are red eyes that are as red as rubies and seem to draw people in - but with sad eyes.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by Bai's pitiful appearance...

They stared at that lovely face, slightly absent-minded——

So, so cute!

They almost forgot that they were still in the game.

But is this what Sora wants?

"As long as we win, she will be the queen! That's right! I just thought about you all! I wanted to bring you victory and commanded the entire army ruthlessly, but you thought you were "without mercy" and were treated indifferently. I am crying in my heart. It's her!" Sora continued to shout.

Such powerful eloquence that even black and white seem to be reversed,

Make people fall for it——

‘How can you explain it this way? ! ’ Hermitus and the others looked like they had learned something.

Sora: "I'll only ask you once -

——Are you still considered men like that——! "

When these words fall,

The atmosphere around the chess soldiers has completely changed...

Even though they are chess pieces, they still think of themselves as 'human beings'.

Whenever a human male is asked the question "Is he still a man?"

You absolutely cannot say no!

People could feel that a strong fighting spirit began to spread among these soldiers. The eagerness to try and the burning flame seemed to completely defeat the fear;

Can such ironic and encouraging words really work?

When Kankong directly ordered the soldiers to rush onto the battlefield, and also asked the soldiers to attack from behind, ignoring the original rules of chess, and directly killed them.


Kurami's chess pieces began to decrease rapidly.

At this time, people seemed to have seen something incredible——!

Is this how the game is really played?

Even Kurami panicked and hurriedly accused the other party, but was ignored. Wasn't Kurami doing the same thing just now? I fought back.

As long as the soldier actually takes action, the order is accepted.

And for Kurami who is anxious——

Sora kept jumping the gun, and even the king and queen were sent to the front line to skip her turn...

Same reason as above!

Sora: "What? Are you an idiot? In a real war, what idiot would wait for the other side to take action?

So if you care about turns, just give orders faster than me, idiot. "

For a time, the situation was extremely reversed.

Emptiness is like breathing, proposing these absurd theories that seem reasonable but are unreasonable.

But——it happened that the chess pieces all moved, which meant that these were all legitimate actions.

So that's it, that's it, that's it, so you can still play like this...what a ghost!

People were stunned!

And when Kurami hurriedly asked the soldiers to advance in order, building defense walls to resist the endless attacks in the air.

Sora caught her speech problem,

He also called him a coward who hid behind a wall of soldiers.

What follows is a series of exaggerated gestures and realistic acting.

In conjunction with some touching speeches that aroused people's fighting spirit and anger——


What kind of king is he who lets his soldiers fight on the front lines while he dominates the rear?


Titles such as dictator and tyrant were given to Kurami.

Even Kurami's chess pieces, whose morale had been strengthened by the magic of the elf species in advance, were quickly killed by the chess pieces on Blank's side, which had a higher morale.

Seeing failure was almost certain.

Sora gave a loud speech again——

[In ancient and modern times, no king who led his own army through tyranny was a virtuous king; more importantly, people only fight for justice - and there is only one absolute justice in this world! 】

【Cuteness is justice! 】

In response to Sora's words, there was a roar from the chessboard that shook the table.

No matter which world it is in, the purpose of men risking their lives and fighting will never change.

That's for the people you love.

Fighting for fame and attracting the one they love.

To put it bluntly,

As the king... Shiro is cuter and more popular now!

However, people who felt something was wrong could not say what was wrong at this time.

In the end, I was led astray...

"Is cuteness equal to justice?" The princess murmured subconsciously, her mind a little disconnected.

So, so - if she could become more cute, would she be able to gain the love and support of the people?

At this moment, she would inevitably not imagine that if she were standing in Bai's position, she would look like she was about to cry, and look so endearing.

ah--! What a shame!

The princess, whose face turned red, hurriedly lowered her head.

Although there is no other person in the epic, no one will pay attention to her reaction,

But shame is something that knows no time or occasion.

But do people just think that this is the end?

Sora's next move brought even more shock to them...

A scene that they never expected appeared.

At this moment, Sora seemed to have completely let go. He held his sister with one hand, stood up from the chair, raised his arms and shouted!

"Knights with high honors! How can the title of knight awarded by me, recognized by the queen, be lost to a soldier! I bet on the name of the queen, on the name of your title,

I won't allow you to die casually! The enemy is a miscellaneous soldier, they only attack from behind! Reverse and retreat, maintain the front line - your way out depends on your sword and shield! "


The knight about to be eaten by the human wall,

He actually took the initiative to attack before the soldiers attacked and crushed the opponent. After receiving Kong's praise, he turned around respectfully and saluted the king on the stage. He suddenly disappeared from the plate and moved to the corner of the table.

——That is the phenomenon of [death together] that cannot happen in chess.

Have you ever seen a chess piece that drags the enemy to death before being 'eaten'?

At this time, people finally realized what -

What is in front of me is not just a simple chess game;

It is the epitome of miniature war!

Chapter 1124: From black to white, it wouldn’t be strange to dye it another color!

Compared to playing chess in a disciplined and honest manner,

It is more important to inspire the chess pieces to have their own will to fight.

In real wars, there are not many cases where the weak defeat the strong and one is exchanged for one with the determination to die.

If you still regard this as a simple game of competing layout and calculation power, then you will definitely die miserably!

Sora knows the weaknesses of this strategic game better than anyone else.

In other words, the gameplay relies too much on that bonus effect——

As long as he sees how his opponent plays, he will not lose.

Just as Kong was so confident, people were also infected and inspired, as if they were witnessing a miracle——

They all look forward to the moment when victory comes.

What a feeling that would be!


"Soldier Team 3! Now is a good opportunity - to attack the enemy bishop!"

After being convinced, all that remains is to checkmate the opponent.

Sora yelled out instructions, and the chess pieces faithfully obeyed the orders and acted.

But when the chess pieces arrived in front of the bishop——

——The soldiers were dyed black.


The audience screamed in astonishment - that scene was a common sight...what a ghost!

The chess piece that was obviously white turned black.

What does this represent in the game?

For a moment, people had a bad premonition.

But at this time, seeing Sora's similarly changing expression, people's hearts sank.

Kurami showed a sinister smile,

It's like finally moving back into the game.

This behavior was described by Sora as 'brainwashing magic', and Kurami readily admitted the 'brainwashing theory'.

This is exactly what is called forced brainwashing.

That would mean that all of Blank's offensives would be blocked.

Once you attack, you will be controlled by the enemy.

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