At this moment, does this girl still want to say something to refute?

But are you speechless?

Just when people are thinking this——

Although I am really speechless,

But he was not speechless, Kurami suddenly said: "Wowhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"Uh-oh!? What's wrong!?"

Kurami suddenly sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

Cry, cry——?

The people who were originally full of anger and fighting spirit were ignited like a ball of fire, but the fire in their hearts was suddenly extinguished by a basin of water.

Everyone looked at the girl crying on the ground.

After the intimidation went too far, a sense of embarrassment arose spontaneously.

woc, this is——

Chapter 1,128 I have to find a migrant worker to take the blame...!

Before being troubled by the response, Sora was so frightened that he took a step back - shouldn't he be blamed?

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh use me"

But you! But you~~! I’m not looking down on you~~I’m serious, ahhhhhhhh…”

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Kurami crying and shouting with big tears streaming down her face.

Is that the reaction that comes from finally being liberated from the burdens you have been carrying?

Or is that her original character?

However, it seems that no matter which world you are in, it is a common understanding that crying children are the most difficult to deal with.

"...Brother...made the girl...cry."

Bai's words finally made the people in the audience wake up.

For a moment, they all turned their heads sideways and continued to look without eyes.


If you think about it carefully, Kurami is indeed bred for the sake of mankind, and he is a rare good boy.

After all, not everyone can be a player like Blank.

Is it too difficult for ordinary people to defeat magic without relying on magic?

Even if it was blank, people could see just how difficult and dangerous the game was.

If it were Kurami,

It must be a great plan for her to come up with the idea of ​​borrowing the power of the elves to preserve humanity's last hope.

In comparison, if other humans become kings, the situation of the human species may only become worse.

Even the race completely loses its territory——

It is not impossible for everyone to become slaves of other races!

One thing people don't know is-

Kurami was once the human slave of a girl from the contemporary Nirvalen family.

Because he and his master grew up together, they are actually more like friends and relatives than master and servant.

This gave Kurami the conditions to borrow the power of the forest elves.

After all - not everyone can be a puppet king!

As for what kind of unequal treaty Kurami signed with the elf species, people could only look at the girl with pity.

Poor guy...

If no blanks appear, her plan must have been successful.

Now you are not winning, but you are losing yourself?

And on the other side——

Sora: "Eh? Wait! Is this my fault!?"

Kurami: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... idiot... idiot... go to hell..."

The audience was excited about the victory just now...

Now I just stand in the distance, watching Kurami's scolding mixed with childish sobs——

Embarrassment is temporary——

Overall, Blank's victory is what everyone expects.


Just as Hermitos and the others were looking forward to which one, Sora or Shiro, would ascend to the position of king——

In the preface to the epic, it seems to say that two people are one king, or can two people become kings?

It should—no?

There is only one throne, how can a country have two kings?


People haven't seen the new king ascend the throne, and the immersive epic ended suddenly.

" more?!" the princess screamed.

How could it be so fast this time?

Then she got a reminder in her mind that the immersive epic was not played directly this time.

The subsequent part will be updated the day after tomorrow.

Similarly, everyone else who got the message said: "???"


People who are anxious and eager to know the follow-up are preparing to open the physical version of the epic.

They suddenly thought of buying the physical version of the epic before. The store said that this time the physical book would be available two days later than the immersive epic.

"It couldn't have been settled long ago, right?! Oh no, no, no, no, no!" Countless people covered their heads and shouted.

NMD, don’t carry this!

I saw something really exciting, why did it stop?

ha? ! ! !

At this time, the princess could only quit the immersive epic in disappointment.

When her consciousness retreated from the magic crystal, her spirit was still in a daze.

"No -" In this state, if he participates in the final rematch, he will definitely be ruthlessly defeated again.


By the afternoon, the princess completely lost the game rematch.

"It's over -" Standing in the square where the game was played, the princess murmured with an extremely pale face.

Huge uneasiness and haze enveloped her soul——


The princess suddenly remembered the Stephanie who now had the same name as her in the epic poem.

Blank space comes to mind!

"At least - we have to choose a king suitable for this country! This is my father's last wish." Princess.

She failed -

The pride of the royal family seemed to be overshadowed by this, but at least we had to fulfill my father's wish and crown the strongest gambler in the human race as king.

Afterwards -

Under the princess's lobbying, those old ministers were indeed gathered together.

However -

What the princess didn't know at this time was that Yan had never thought of becoming king from the beginning.

If he wanted, he could completely control both Atilan and Ceylon.

But that would be too tiring...

Even Kong Ming didn't dare to work overtime like this!

He would definitely die suddenly in his soul.

Even if his body could support it, the boredom and fatigue would come in droves.

So -

Yan: "We have to find a part-time worker..."

And before that, he and his sister Ji Zelu would get the throne first.

There are many ways to pass the buck later...

And in the finals on the second day,

Yan took Ji Zelu to participate again, and won the victory easily and without pressure, almost by crushing.

One of them even defeated a god's clone.

"...Wow, they are really brave.

There are gods who dare to come to this city..." Yan.


No matter whether they cheat or rely on powerful game skills, no one can defeat Yan and Ji Zelu.

And the brother and sister's outfits are so familiar to people.

"Are they playing Blank?" Finally, someone couldn't help but put forward this point of view.

"No, I remember that the two appeared before the release of the epic. They were dressed like this."

"Are you kidding?

Before the release of the epic, who would wear such strange clothes?

Uh-although it's still pretty."


Those who were talking about it suddenly realized something.

No, this can't be Blank himself? !

Although in theory Blank comes from the [future].

But even things like traveling to different worlds and crossing singularity timelines can be done.

Maybe this is Blank in a parallel world and space-time that has developed to the future time?

As for the fact that there is something wrong with the color of Kong's hair?

It's a parallel world, so it's normal for the brother to be a little different? !

The more people thought about it, the more terrifying it became!

No way? No way? No way? !

Chapter 1129 A confident king is always more attractive!

Of course, it's just a wild imagination,

but people didn't really think that the brother and sister were blank.

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