The changes in Ceylon and Atlan alone are still too slow.

If you want to influence the entire continent with one or two cities or one or two countries,

It would be better to let all human beings on the entire continent get used to and come into contact with these new concepts and knowledge.

When you know that there is a better way, a way to make the kingdom stronger and a way for the citizens to enjoy a more favorable environment,

Will anyone really resist implementing it?

Even if there are some places that will touch the interests of the nobility and be rejected by the upper class, when everyone knows the benefits of this change,

I saw that future prospect...

Even if the top people are unwilling to reform, the people below will force them to reform.

This is a conspiracy——!

From Kong's various decrees, Hermitus vaguely saw many reform methods that he was familiar with.

Isn’t this the process of change in Ceylon?

And clearly know how beautiful Ceylon is now being built,

With red tiles and white walls, the buildings are orderly and prosperous.

The streets are spacious and smooth, and the food is not only abundant but also diverse.

In Ceylon, everyone can dress beautifully and eat the healthiest and most delicious fruits and vegetables.

Living a life that is no different from that of a minor noble.

After Hermitus saw this paragraph and was slightly stunned, he realized what he understood——

I even started to look forward to it.

Looking forward to what changes humans will make after reading this decree in this immersive epic!

And after that——

It’s a plot where the only god suddenly comes to Elkia and meets Sora again. (In the novel, it appeared directly in front of the ministers. From the dialogue, humans learned the truth about having defeated the only god.

It seems like there are no special pictures in the drama. )

And in the conversation with Tetu, the God of Games,

All the humans present understood that the God of Games had no opponent for thousands of years and was so lonely and bored that he ran to another world and finally heard the legend. This was the scene where the epic first invited Blank to play a chess game. .

There are sixteen chess pieces on one side of the chess set, and the plenipotentiary agent of the sixteen races happens to be in control of sixteen race chess pieces. ,

That is to say——

Tetu told everyone from the beginning how to challenge the throne of his only god.

"...To dominate the entire race is to challenge you - that is, [the right to challenge God]?"

When faced with Sora's question——

Tetu smiled happily and affirmed.

The reason why they were drawn to this world was not only because they felt that this was the world suitable for them to live in.

When asked by Blank whether he was very unwilling to lose for the first time as the God of Games, Tetu did not directly admit or deny it, but just laughed happily.

But this incident was so shocking that all the humans next to them almost shrank into ostriches! !

Not only did they defeat magic, these two people also defeated the 'One God'? ! !

Defeat the only god who is the god of games?

...Princess, Claire and others felt that they could understand the mood of this group of people at this time.

At this time, they were looking at the dazed and dazed people in the hall, and they felt like they had seen their own stunned and empty-headed expressions when they first saw the gods being killed in Andersen's epic poem.


Claire and the others: ‘Finally someone can feel the same as me (we)! ’

What is it like to watch other people be shocked by an epic story?

For a moment, Claire and the others showed somewhat complicated but secretly happy expressions.

Now they feel that they have become a little strange!

Chapter 1,136: The conquest of the Beast Ears Dynasty? Yuye: What's going on? !

The country will be governed in an orderly manner and gradually get on the right track.

Even in the meeting hall, in front of countless human species, he confidently and arrogantly boasted about the 'God of Games' and the strongest 'Only God', and he would eventually stand in front of him and defeat the opponent once. !

It can be said——

After reading this, people's expectations have been raised to the highest level.

Just wait and see when Kong will take action on countries of other races.


The immersive epic happened in the blink of an eye, early in the morning.

Today it was Stephen who went to wake up the two new kings of the human race who were lying in bed.

Since that day, Sora has become a jerk again.

According to the description in Stephanie's eyes: the brother and sister stayed at home all day long, just playing games and reading books all day long, making all kinds of demands to make things difficult for others——

He is simply a [tyrant].

He even wanted to sell the precious king's bed and replace it with an ordinary quilt bed, just to get more used to sleeping.

He also wanted to change the king's palace to be near the outer city where the maids lived.

Just because it's close to dining, you can stay closed as before, there's moderate greenery, it's well ventilated, and few people pass by!

Thanks to the shielding of the city wall, the morning sun cannot shine in! Nice!

After becoming the king, I still want to live like this at home——

Even people with a God's perspective can't help but have a trace of doubt when they see this. Is Blank really depraved and no longer planning to work hard? This idea.

Even if they don't believe that the blank space will really continue like this, people are still a little disappointed in their hearts.

At this moment, Stephanie finally couldn't bear it anymore!

She once again declared war on the sky, saying that she must punish these two tyrants today.

People were also a little surprised,

Stephen actually has the courage to challenge?



——As soon as he heard the word [decision], Sora immediately put away his emotions and showed sharp eyes.

Although both Stephanie and people from God's perspective have seen this scene many times, they still can't help but shudder.


In the end, of course, Stephen lost again.

Even though Stephen, as the dealer, deliberately remembered the cards being shuffled.

As a descendant of the royal family and a member of the Dora family, Stephen himself is naturally not stupid.

Using this kind of cheating that won't be discovered, you still lose.

Although she is not really stupid, she is even very smart. Otherwise, she would not be able to manage the country in an orderly manner while she is busy [secretly planning and collecting information]!

But her level also depends on who she compares with!

Once you compare yourself with a player of the highest level like Blank, it is inevitable that you will be regarded as a fool, right?


As a loser of the bet, Stephanie had to be a dog for the rest of the day or something.

It was rare to leave the house with Stephen like this.

It’s not just a leisurely stroll,

Instead, he found three nobles from the old faction who had been resisting agricultural reform recently, and by the way, he won their pants off.

"...Full bottle...over..." Kong leisurely gave the three nobles on the opposite side the final poker blow.

When the nobles even lost their underwear and could only run naked.

The parade fanned by them naturally subsided.

Stephanie worriedly advised them to proceed with caution.

The problem with this parade is her problem, and she's sorry—

However, he has used the remaining prestige of the Dora family to contact the Ouluoga and Beard families for assistance, and Stephen himself mediates -

Through the promotion of interests, we divide the big nobles of our faction into factions, and then use this as bait to gradually divide the leaders of the smaller princes...

Today, those three people are already one of the few opponents among the great nobles.

From now on, she will try her best not to let what happened today happen, and she also hopes that the blank will not irritate these nobles too much, lest things turn to the extreme.

...Stephanie's series of clear-minded analyzes have made people begin to re-recognize the talents of this princess.

Although the psychological game of the game is not as good as Blank, it does have two brushes.

Should it be said that he is worthy of being an outstanding heir trained by the royal family since childhood?



If it weren't for the strange outfit Stephen is wearing now.

At this time, the princesses and the others looked at Stephen with a strange look and blushing——

What kind of shameful play is this!

Now with a collar, and dog-like furry ears and tail.

If the cat-eared girl Yuye hadn't seen Stephanie's true face, she would have thought she was a fellow orc of the dog-eared girl.

Stephen, who is wearing such clothes and talking seriously, does look very strange!

Dangkong said in surprise, could it be that Stephen is actually ‘not a fool’?

(Serious person) Who with a good mind would dress like this?

And Stephen's face turned completely dark,

Who gave her this outfit now? hateful!


Bai just said suddenly: "...Stephen, shake hands..."

Bai stretched out his hand, and saw Stephen stretching out his foot—correction, stretching out his right hand and placing it on Bai's hand.

But this humiliating action made Stephanie break through her defenses and almost burst into tears.

After that, just like taming a dog... Bai kept giving orders, such as lying down and turning in circles.

Stephen did so.

It attracted passers-by to watch.

Sora: "Great, you are still the same Stephen."

Stephanie: "I feel like you use Stephen as a contemptuous name. Am I too worried!? Am I too worried!?"

And now the princess with the same name was so embarrassed that she covered her eyes.

I don’t want to see this scene again—this is almost ruined, right?

Ah, now when she heard Stephen's name, she felt like she was talking about herself.

It felt like my whole body was burning and I was suffering from the same feeling of shame!

When I think about it, if I learn to play games with the brother and sister (Homura and Himezuru) without overestimating my ability,

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