Then take out the pre-written note.

——It says [Coulomb force].

"When?!" Everyone's eyes suddenly glowed with astonishment.

This is word solitaire! !

Every time the two parties answer different words, they may lead in different directions.

How could anyone possibly calculate the opponent's answer after so many moves? But still managed to leave a note?

Incredible, too unbelievable!

Surprise flashed in people's eyes,

At this time, the shock in my heart became even deeper.

If they had to describe it, they could only think of 'awesome, so awesome, they two are really awesome! ! ! ’ This simple and pure word describes it.

So is this the real killer?

People seemed to be able to imagine Jibril's disbelieving eyes and dull, frozen face at this moment without even looking.

This situation will arise, that is to say——

Even the word she thought of as her last "respect" was always in her calculations.

In other words, everything was done to deliberately induce her to say the word "darkness".

Is this... the wisdom that seems to predict the future? People thought excitedly.

Compared to -

In the end, Jibril seemed to be the winner's last declaration of mercy. Her mental calmness and respect seemed so ironic now!

And then people also saw the impact of the word [Coulomb force].

That was - even if it was called a moment, it was too short an interval.

The atmosphere, earth's crust, and outer shell have all been eliminated, and in the space where all atoms do not exist, there is only constant falling.

The only thing left is the iron core of the current planet.

The high-pressure and high-temperature liquid metal core shone with a snow-white brilliance and was imprinted on Jibril's retina.

——The central core of the planet...the core of iron atoms.

That happens when the [nuclear force], which attracts atoms to each other, encounters a stronger resistance [Coulomb force].

Originally, it was an astronomical phenomenon that would only occur when a very large planet dies and collapses due to gravity.

Now, due to the disappearance of the Coulomb force, the asteroid began to produce nuclear fusion instantly.

The phenomenon that occurred because of this is called this in Sora's world:

That is a gamma burst caused by the collapse of iron's light, also known as——

[Extreme supernova explosion] that is enough to evaporate galaxies several light years away.

A fighting race created by God to kill God.

Being directly hit by [Hydrogen Single] and not dying, that means——

She can withstand heat higher than that of the sun's corona, shock waves of 50 million tons, hypoxia and super-decompression caused by gas evaporation, and even residual toxic substances - this is the sixth Flügel in the sequence.

What stands between the human race and her is the despairing performance gap and the huge wall that is too high to reach the top.

However, that high wall is not infinite——

——Now, the weakest race is about to transcend the past.

As for Claire and others, as for everyone...

In the process, the ignorant finally understood the meaning of the planets.

People who already knew the concept of planets without the need for epics, such as gods like Hermitos and those knowledgeable magicians, couldn't believe the explanation in the immersive epic.

They all had blank voices to tell them.

The horror of [Supernova Explosion]——!

If it’s not clear yet——

It doesn't matter, they can experience it for themselves soon.

Although in a space where there is no air, sound cannot be transmitted.

But Jibril seemed to have heard what Sora said, raising his index finger in pain.

[50 billion degrees Celsius is equivalent to the impact of the creation of the world. If you can bear it, just bear it, Flügel. 】

Everyone trembled inwardly——

This is the real groundbreaking!

Compared to the Big Bang that affected the entire universe——

The deviant sword that tears the world apart is no different from a water gun.

Chapter 1,147 Just because I was born with nothing!

——Whether it’s the phenomenon that occurred or the [Coulomb Force], Jibril doesn’t understand them at all.

Yet the Flügel's instincts screamed.

This is incomparable to the explosion he endured in the first place, and the concept of how to stop it does not exist in his knowledge.

——[The light that annihilates the gods of heaven and earth] is about to strike in less than a millisecond.

(How could it be possible—how could it be possible—I want to protect you this time—)

However, that's it for now.

——Jibril finally understood the meaning of Sora and the others’ actions.

Because Sora and Shiro jumped a little before they eliminated the surface...

So Jibril is slightly below.

No matter what kind of high fever strikes - it doesn't matter, because it doesn't matter how many megabytes, how many seconds, how many fractions of a second.

The one who dies first loses, this is...

(This is...their real intention in taking away the Elf Corridor.)

At this time, people suddenly realized after listening to Jibril's voice that the initial jump was not to fall into the "abyss" deep in the planet.

But it is indeed a premeditated plan!

The initial explosion - it was an experiment to see if [a concept unknown to each other] could be realized.

With just that one explosion, the man had already gathered all the information he needed.

He knew from the beginning that neither heat, pressure nor poison could kill Jibril.

The purpose of this series of reactions was only to distract Jibril.

"Breathtaking... No one can match this wisdom." Hermitus couldn't help but murmured in awe.

Weiwei pretended to bet on those thirty seconds - [farce], and even readers like them from God's perspective were deceived.

Everything is a trap.

Incredible - these two humans are simply too incredible.

Even the God of Alchemy, who has always believed in the possibility of humankind, was amazed and shocked by the 'inevitability' and 'miracle' created by these two people.

As the empty index finger means - the first step.

The game is over.

The core of the planet emitted a brilliance several times that of a star. Now it was impossible to look directly at it. Jibril turned her head and had only one thought in her mind.

"——People from another world... no, humans——what an amazing race."

In this world, sequence is absolute.

In this world where fighting is prohibited and is determined by games, I will actually be killed by a [human species] ten levels lower in the sequence.

Jibril burst into laughter, and what flashed through her mind was the speech of the "King of the Human Race" that she heard someone relay.

"...Just because they are born with nothing, they can become the weakest race of anything - right?"

Can their hands really even touch God...?

At this moment,

Although it seems like a long psychological process, it is just like a slow-motion movie in an immersive epic, allowing people to experience Jibril's thoughts in that moment of bliss.

And for those who have been waiting for a long time, their eyes widened at that moment.

After being slightly startled, he felt the joy of falling rain.

From Jibril's mouth (psychological), those words were finally spoken——

Compared with the self-promotion of human beings, it makes people feel more proud and proud!


Now they can proudly announce that even a sequence creature that is more than ten levels stronger than humans was defeated by two ordinary humans at this time.

Even those two people were classified as magic, and they had not learned even the most basic combat skills and methods.

Among the people watching the epic, no one chosen at random would be much less powerful than him.

This is not simply barbarism or crushing in strength, but a victory of human wisdom.

It is also proof that the intelligence in the weak theory is utilized to the extreme by relying on the information gap.

For many ordinary people, this is the best lesson of all - and the greatest lesson of all!

Make them excited, envious and regain their confidence!

And on the other side——


In a corner of her field of vision, she found Stephen, who had suffered a series of news because he was not a player, lost consciousness and fell vertically.

"——What an amazing race in many senses."

She wanted to see their end from the bottom of her heart.

When the final roar announcing the death of the planet resounded across the sky, everyone's consciousness was dyed blank.

at last--


"...I'm dead."

When Stephen's frightened voice reached people's ears.

Even a person who only maintains one-tenth of his senses has a frightened look on his face and his eyes open palely.

Although he died very happily, he didn't even have time to feel the pain.

But that last scene,

Even if it was only for a moment, it left a deep and indelible impression on their souls.

"So that's the creation of the world." If someone asks them in the future what the creation of the world should be like,

Now they may finally stop hesitating and fantasizing.

At this time, people who had only realized it later finally came back to their senses in surprise and looked around.

Only then did I realize I was back in the library.

This is……

Is the game over?

Claire and the others thought to themselves, who won in the end? It should be blank.

And on the other side,

As the rightful owner, Blank is still suffering from Stephen's strong crying and condemnation.

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