I really want to watch the Blank brothers and sisters win over all those high-ranking races and see those races being defeated.

Just thinking about it will make you feel happy!

And at this time and space, a question was raised. If all memories could be erased, no one would challenge it.

Being the challenged side already has home field advantage.

Like nuclear deterrence theory,

The opponent turned out to be absolutely invincible, so naturally no one would challenge him.

This strategy of only defending but not attacking——

Confused Blank.

If you have a [must-win strategy] that even elves and Flügels cannot defeat, why should you implement a strategy of only defending but not attacking?

Deliberately exposing flaws, luring the opponent to attack, and then defeating the opponent in turn would be more beneficial.

[The country that has expanded rapidly in half a century... only defends but does not attack... is strange. 】

Just when Sora was troubled——

People also racked their brains to think about it.


There is no clue at all, even Hermitus, as a god, has already given up thinking.

Too little information——

If you cannot come up with a reasonable countermeasure, continuing to think is just a waste of effort!

And knowing this horrific record, no one would be stupid enough to challenge the Eastern Conference.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes,

Even if the Eastern Alliance [only defends but not attacks], it can at most ensure that the existing territory will not be invaded again.

That’s exactly what it is to stick to one side – and there’s actually nothing to fear about it.

What is the difference between a tiger that is not aggressive and only passively fights back, and a beast with its teeth pulled out?

The God of Alchemy frowned at this, and then relaxed.

The orc kingdom is no longer even considered a major threat to humanity.

Compared to orcs, the magical elves are indeed the number one enemy of mankind if it wants to achieve revival!

"Looking at it this way, the goal should change. Wouldn't it be better to attack another country first?" Hermitos murmured.

Knowing that it is a tough nut to crack, who would be so stupid as to force an egg to touch a rock!

There are many people who think the same as Hermitus.

However, everyone who just thought this way——


“However, in fact, the countries that have challenged the Eastern United Nations in the past ten years—

No, there is... only one country. "


"Huh? What? Which country?"

They were stunned for a moment, and then everyone became curious, widened their eyes, and subconsciously had such a thought - is there really such a fool? !

Then he seemed to react again——

"Hahahaha... which race is so stubborn! It can't be the second country among the remaining top three in the world." Claire burst out laughing.

In her opinion, a country that has the courage to force itself will

Either he is stupid or he is very arrogant, thinking that he can complete game challenges that even the elves cannot.

Countries that are not strong enough can’t even think about it!

Since it is a war that has risen to the level of a country, compared to the former - a [silly] conjecture.

It's more likely that it's the latter.

Hmm – that makes sense! Claire felt that her guess was more than 70% accurate!


Chapter 1152: Kneeling for eight consecutive times, is he the worst gambler, or...

Jibril caught 'Xiao Duo' who was guilty and wanted to escape.

Let everyone follow her and see with your own eyes - the answer that Kong wants to know!

Then Jibril took Sora and others to the outside world and pointed them to a huge tower in the distance!

The tall building doesn't look like a product of this era;

It is almost the same as the futuristic buildings that people have seen in immersive epics.

Even more exaggerated.

Afterwards, at Jibril's request with a smile, Stephen had no choice but to lower his shoulders and introduce the place——

Now named Eastern United - [Embassy in Elkia],

In fact, it is also the site of the ruins of the [former] royal palace of the human species.


"What?" Even people who already knew that the human race was in dire straits and had lost a lot of territory were all exclaimed at this moment.

Wait, that was the original location of the palace?

What is the current capital? !

Everyone finally reacted after being stunned for several seconds.


Not only the library, but also the real palace had been lost long ago.

What they originally thought was the last royal city turned out to be just a small border town?

"Are you... kidding?" People felt dizzy.

It is simply unbelievable that this is something that humans from another world can do.

Even if you lose in a national war, you should generally not lose the unimportant areas first.

Will at least some of the most critical buildings be saved until the end? It symbolizes the royal city and palace at the center of the kingdom.


I can’t understand!

This kind of thing...

Everyone wanted to speak but stopped, stopped talking but wanted to, and their brows were deeply tangled.


It’s hard to believe this is true! !

That represents the highest power of the human species, the location where the powerful live!

It can be said that the meaning is quite profound——

At this time, Stephen's voice also came from the epic,

"My grandfather, who has been repeatedly defeated in battles, um, took the king and the palace as a bet."

"...Then I lost..." My sister said without mercy, and then she hit the target.

"..." Sora and Shiro were speechless, while Jibril smiled gently as if looking at a puppy.

"Why, why are you looking at me like that!"

"Their [Embassy] is more luxurious than your palace in the capital, so what position does the human race have..."


Hearing this, everyone felt cold and a little heavy in their hearts.

As humans, this kind of thing sounds like it will only make them feel frustrated.

Dangkong couldn't help but ask why the royal city was taken away.

But I got an even more incredible answer.

"To be precise - all the land on the other side of the border has been taken away by them."

"——What?" Hearing Jibril's words, Kong couldn't help but widen his eyes, wondering if he heard correctly.

"...In the past ten years...the late king...lost to the Eastern United...eight times." Bai said the information he had just seen from Jibril's collection of books.

Sora could only manage to explain it - to show that he understood.

As a race of orcs from the archipelago, they naturally lack minerals due to their geographical environment. With their high-rise buildings, one can tell that they have a fairly advanced civilization.

For example, rare metals must require resources that many archipelago countries cannot provide.

It’s normal for the human species’ territory to be targeted——

What a ghost!

Sora expressed why the human species did not refuse the game before.

If the challenger is Eastern United, it would be fine as long as they don't accept it.


Regarding this question, Bai shook his head.

The gradually weird atmosphere gave everyone a bad feeling.

Jibril suddenly spoke and mentioned the question that she had not answered directly before: "Master, have you forgotten? In the past ten years, the only country that has challenged the Eastern Alliance..."

! ! ! ! !

People's eyes widened in shock, no, no way!

Absolutely impossible!

"...The challenger is...Elkia..."


Later, people learned that the building was originally the center of human territory.

The human race in the past was not as miserable as it is now.

At least you can see the land that belongs to humans, at least to the plains in the distance.

It's not a big or small kingdom in another world.

It is much better than the current country with only one city left.

"What does this mean? Even Erwin Gard has challenged and lost four times, but the human species has bet half of its country and challenged eight times, right? Hey, how is that possible? Don't be kidding me. ——" Sora kept shaking his head.

Everyone: "...!!"

At this time, they didn't know what to say.

This...could the late king really be the Foolish King?

Even those who had a favorable impression of the royal family because of Stephen were wondering how to find reasons for the late king.

Even if she replaced herself to a certain extent, the late king also replaced her father's princess who had just passed away...

At this moment, I feel like cursing someone in my heart——

"Are you an idiot? This is..." Claire grabbed her head with both hands and dug her fingers into her hair with a shocked expression.

It was as if he had seen something incredible.

She felt as if her thoughts were being subjected to extremely strong mental stimulation.

Ah, this is a mistake that even a slightly more sensible kid wouldn't make.

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