It completely exploded in an instant——!

What, what, what?

What did Sora just say? Did they hear wrongly, or was the man completely broken?

I originally thought that Sora, who looked so terrifying, glaring like an eagle, the ruler of the sky, would say something handsome——

At that moment, the hearts of some girls from other worlds began to beat faster and faster, and their faces flushed with excitement.

Is this the result?

"Eh? Are you dissatisfied with Stephen's? Is Jibril's better?" Unexpectedly, Sora was surprised and said something even more unrestrained.

And Jibril, who was obedient to her master's empty orders, was even ready to take it off on the spot as a bargaining chip without hesitation.

The development of the situation completely shocked Claire and others.

The princess covered her face with both hands, but couldn't help but open her fingers slightly, and looked at the outside world with her eyes widened.

At this time, her ears were already burning red——

This kind of thing is so impure.

Everyone was dizzy for a while - they were all confused by Kong's actions, and they couldn't tell his true purpose at first.

The male animals suddenly became excited after thinking of something, howling and looking at Jibril.

However, before they could see the scene they wanted to see,

Hatsuse Ino stopped this ridiculous thing in time.

When he was suppressing his anger and asking Sora about his true purpose, and was shaken by another round of back-and-forth, the people on the side became even more confused and dizzy——


Kong looked like a gambler who was betting on winning the bet of a lifetime, and showed a particularly sarcastic smile.

"——Old man, I'm sorry to interrupt you when you're pretending to be able to read people's minds, but you've got it right."

Hatsuse Ino's body was shaken. It was a reaction that was extremely difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but for Sora, that was enough.

For those who enjoy ‘thinking acceleration’ from time to time in immersive epics and capture those subtle and imperceptible fluctuations that are difficult to see with the naked eye,

He also had a panoramic view of this action, so clearly.

People showed shocked expressions.

‘What is Sora talking about? Is mind reading fake? ’

"Aren't you going to tell me your true purpose? That's it. Although I thought you saw through my mind with that statement, if you can really read minds,

Then you should agree to the game with blue and white bars as bets. The side result of the selection is that I understand all the Eastern Union games, so you will not ignore the importance of [erasing my memory]. Yes. "

Sora burst out a large amount of information without waiting for anyone to think carefully.

Making people even more stunned——

What, what, and what?

He looked at Sora with a meaningful smile.

People were a little confused and didn't understand what was going on.

But they felt Hatsuse Ino's heart.

People don't know whether the orcs' mind-reading abilities in this world are really a lie.

But at this time, their 'mind-reading skills' will not be fake -

Although they didn't understand what was going on at this time, the feeling of being able to read the mind of the orcs in turn made everyone feel inexplicably happy and silently listened to the relevant information about Sora.

In Hatsuse Ino’s mind——

Although he is still expressionless now, it is just to carry out the disguise to the end, not wanting to be tricked by the enemy's words.


The look in Sora's pupils, the sound of his heartbeat, and even the sound of blood flowing when he said those words told Hatsuse Ino that the man in front of him was fully convinced of what he said.

[Mind Reading] Regardless of whether it is true or not, the orcs do have the ability to distinguish lies, which was revealed during the war.

People who came to this conclusion from Hatsuse Ino all turned their eyes to Sora.

Out of trust in Sora, people who still couldn't understand what was going on still believed his words.


A group of people couldn't help but look at Hatsuse Ino suddenly.

Before they could think more.

Sora raised his feet and changed his posture.

Suddenly he announced with an absolutely powerful gesture that no one had expected: "In the name of Sora and Shiro, the sixteenth in the rank sequence, the sole agent of the country of human species [Elkia]."

Sora held Shiro's hand and raised it, and then continued to swear loudly: "Congratulations again to the fourteenth-ranked country of the beastman species, the Eastern Union, and congratulations to your country for being selected as our hegemon to [conquer the world], The extremely glorious [Number One Victim], in this [Country War], our request to your country is——"

Sora's smile revealed all his hostility, and he announced aloofly: "——[Everything we have on the continent]."

People who heard those words exclaimed in surprise.

I was stunned for a moment.

Claire is trapped, the princess is trapped, elves, vampires, and even dwarves and dragons——

Countless races were watching the immersive epic in secret. When the plot reached this point, they were all blinded.

Especially the beastmen who are beastmen.

At this time, Yuzuye could see how unstable their emotions were.

The hair on Yu Ye's body stood up like a cat with explosive hair.

No, it's impossible...

Such an exaggerated bet,

How could the void open to demand that kind of stakes.

If you can't pay an equal bet, no one will agree to such a ridiculous bet.

This is more terrifying and terrible than the national war!

Because that request——it’s so out of the norm!

Even in this kind of game world, the struggle between races and race countries is to test each other land by land.

Betting all the studs right from the start——

In this case, before the enemy is frightened to death, their own people may be frightened to death first.

How can there be a game that directly determines the fate of two countries and two races?

Either you are finished or I am finished...

Hiss~! Although I understand that I don't like to play by the rules.



At this moment, people were still stunned. They took a breath and were speechless.


When they thought Kong's announcement just now was shocking enough.

Kong said at this time, our bet is still Stephen's blue and white bars.

This humiliating bet filled everyone's heads with question marks.

Even Jibril couldn't help but wonder if her master's mind was still normal.

But Kong maintained his unwavering confidence, "I'm sorry, Grandpa - [General]."

This kind of confidence that if you make such a humiliating decision, the other party will not refute it.

However, it should have been an extremely stupid move, but when people subconsciously looked at the orc old man Hatsuse Ino, they were stunned.

Not only did he not immediately sternly refuse or angrily reprimand anything, the old man's downcast face and silent attitude seemed to indicate something.

As a result, people's breathing stopped in response to this incomprehensible scene.

Chapter 1161 Everyone: Is this a game where you don’t even know how to lose?

No one understood the meaning of that sentence. At this time, it should be said that she was the most courageous, or out of curiosity, Jibril asked her master:

"Lord, Master, what do you mean by this?"

"Eh? Don't you understand yet?"

"...Ah..." Bai, who had been deep in thought before, now spoke up.

"As expected of Bai, do you understand? That's right - this way [Eastern United will have no chance]."

Watching the exchange between geniuses and people who claim to be stupid——

He said that he could not even be a stupid person, "..."

At this time, all they have in their hearts is more confusion and heartache.

WOC’s uncomfortable group——

It's like several people chatting together.

‘Do you understand? ’

‘Yeah, I understand... Don’t you understand such a simple thing? ’

Simple? I know a hammer.

Everyone who couldn't see what kind of riddle Blank was playing felt once again suppressed by their IQ.

But when I saw that even Jibril, a Flügel, looked confused.

They felt a little more comfortable now...

No one but Blank seemed to understand what that statement meant.

Sora could only say lazily: "Then, let me explain it to everyone and the old man who claims to be able to read minds."

"Half a century ago, the Eastern Union rapidly developed superb technological capabilities, but high civilization has its difficulties.

The TV in this room, the elevator and the sofa just now, all of these modern technologies require resources from the mainland.

As the name suggests, mainland resources are the lifeline of modern technology.

Then the Eastern Alliance started from an island country, and it was obvious that it must obtain the resources of the mainland no matter what, but [before that] Erwin Garde launched an offensive. "

Along with Sora's words, scenes flashed before people's eyes.

For people who have already seen a future civilization and began to gradually accept these creations, they quickly understood the meaning of emptiness.

Previously, because Sora first came to the modern world, people almost forgot about the world here. The level of human civilization was obviously similar to theirs.

The level of civilization of the orcs is so advanced that it must have used a lot of resources on the continent.

And when I think about it, those resources were obtained from wastelands that cannot be mined by humans.

Even if they knew that these lands would not be used in Elkia, people were still a little unhappy.

But the doubts in everyone's mind are still not solved——

Until Sora continues the analysis...

"It's nerve-wracking - [We have no other tricks except luring the enemy to attack], but if we beat the world's largest country, then no one will challenge the unknown must-win game, but we can't lose. To the other party—why?”

Sora raised his finger with a smile and said: "Come on, let's solve the puzzle in order. [Question 1] Why do you want to erase the memory of the must-win game?"

Bai answered the question.

"...because if we don't will no longer be a sure win."

——Why did the Eastern Federation include requirements that are contradictory to the [Enemy Lure Offensive Strategy]?

That's because they have to do that, even at the cost of suffering the consequences.

If you lose to Erwin Gard on purpose, the content of the game will be exposed - thus losing the characteristic of winning.

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