And at the same time - in reality,

In the northernmost part of the continent, a village near the Sea of ​​Mist,

The name of the troubadour Andersen finally spread here,

A touching and shocking epic story that happened in the ancient past.

The emergence of these epics will always affect the beautiful longings and fantasies of people in a land.

And for fishermen who live by the sea all day long and make a living by fishing,

Have all their fantasies been left to the sea?

That area is wider and wider than the earth, and is the birthplace of countless legendary creatures and monsters.

And this coincidence is like, even the elves would never guess it,

The next enemy that Blank will face is not the same as the forest elves.

——Those are also beautiful creatures that live in the sea! Um? Although she is only beautiful on the outside.

A creature that cannot be said to be beautiful in any other sense.

Chapter 1181: Are silk stockings an important creation that leads the appreciation level of humans in another world?

Bitru, Pamoto is eighteen years old this year.

Today is his coming-of-age ceremony.

After today, he will start to take charge of the family and inherit the fishing boat he has always wanted from his father.

From then on, he could go fishing freely and realize all his childhood fantasies.

Instead of helping my uncle and father, I am sailing independently...

This was a very happy and exciting thing for Bitru.

As long as today passes——

He can go anywhere he wants, even deep into the misty sea that humans have never explored.

In the past, whenever he mentioned that he wanted to go to the depths of the sea,

My father and uncles would all refuse because going too deep into the ocean would be dangerous...

But now he is an adult.

He has long passed the age of "fantasy", and has become more mature and reliable in appearance. His father and others are also relieved to allow him to independently control a small boat.


Tomorrow he can go and take a look at the ocean he has been longing for since he was a child?

Bitterroot's heart was pounding.

He is not a rebellious child,

But just like every child, they have a heart that yearns for freedom and adventure.

Even if it was to say goodbye to the regret that had not been realized in the past eighteen years, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

He didn't tell anyone about it, fearing that his father and others would stop him.

Anyway, he didn't plan to go too far from the coast, just a little further than his father's previous fishing route.

Just - a little.

There will be no danger...

Thinking about it this way,

The idea in Bitru's heart became stronger and stronger.

Some people think that after they reach adulthood at the age of eighteen, they lose something precious...the innocence that is full of fantasy and longing for the future.

The dreaming self can never go back.

But Bitterroot had no regrets at all.

He believes that his adult self is the inheritance of his past self's will.

It’s time to make those dreams come true with your own hands!

There is nothing more exciting and touching than this...


There are actually many young people like Bitterroot.

It's just that some people are lucky and may actually realize their childhood dreams.

Some people have become more aware of the cruelty of reality, and fairy tales are all made up of fantasy.

Soon, night falls...

The villagers of Kanum Village prepared a bonfire party for Bitru as a coming-of-age ceremony.

From Bitterroot’s perspective…

My father was in front entertaining guests to drink, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Seems very happy——

The look he looked at himself became much kinder than usual.

And he himself was busy accepting the [blessings] from his brothers, sisters, and elders.

Everyone prepared a small gift for him.

Although there are few valuable things among them.

Bitterroot still feels happy and enjoys it.

It's like opening a blind box——

Until the gift is opened, the sense of anticipation can fill my heart.

After finally getting through the party——

Bitru returned to his room with the gift in his arms and immediately couldn't help but start opening the gift.

What will happen?

A sharp sword? A fancy comb? Or a box of delicious cakes?

It can't be a set of clothes popular among the noble ladies of the royal capital, right?

Bitterroot, who was in a good mood, even had the time to laugh at himself, imagining all kinds of imaginative and absurd gifts.

And the gift boxes in his hands are not very heavy.

Apparently he wanted a sword and his dream of becoming a powerful warrior was out of the question.

It’s not impossible to wear women’s clothing…

Bitru remembered that last year, when his little friend was coming of age, Aunt Shamei from the tailor shop actually gave her a pink dress hidden in a gift box.

Bitterroot was a joke for a long time at that time...

This is also the first time I know that Aunt Shamei has such a tricky personality.

But if it’s really women’s clothing…

‘Never let others see it,

Destroy it tonight. ’

Well, that dress last time was really beautiful!

If he were a girl, he would definitely be able to put it on right away.


Bitru thought about what he would look like in a dress.

He was a little curious... Ahem, if no one saw it,

I just appreciate it for myself, it’s not that I can’t bear it.

It would be too wasteful to just destroy it without wearing it once.

What I didn't expect was...

When he actually took out women's clothing from a box of gifts, he was stunned when he looked at the white transparent stockings in his hand.

If he remembered correctly, this packaging box was given to him by Uncle Tewatt who came from out of town.

Uncle Tewater is a big businessman with his own caravan.

I often bring them good things from the outside world.

Originally, he was looking forward to how much surprise this uncle's gift would bring to him.

But now there is a shock, but it is a fright...

Speaking of which, this village is too far away from the center of the continent.

Andersen's epic poem, which is so widespread that it is known to other races, has not yet reached here.

Not to mention, stockings are now only popular in cities near the capitals of Ceylon and Lindo.

This is a skill point that conveniently lights up on the way to developing the garment industry.

Flame said——

If you let the elves wear white stockings, this creature becomes even more wonderful.

This is an important step in improving the level of human appreciation and accelerating the development of civilization.

Silk stockings are very popular among the noble ladies in the royal capital. Just having a pair of unique socks can greatly enhance their charm. Why not.

Those lsp nobles and businessmen were even more fascinated by it.

Of course, such an excellent thing should be strongly supported and developed.

Bitterroot's uncle's caravan happened to pass through Ceylon on its return journey, where he purchased many silk stockings.


Maybe he heard about Aunt Shamei’s mistreatment of the children’s women’s gift boxes.

Tewater also felt a sense of joking.

Bitterroot, who originally thought she could bear to dress up as a woman, looked at the thin and transparent white silk in her hand and instantly trembled from the bottom of her heart.

It's no different than not wearing anything.

With this thickness, the skin color of the thighs can be seen from the outside.

Are this kind of strange socks popular among beautiful ladies outside now?


Swallowing hard, Bitru blushed as he watched.


Even my uncle has become so fond of playing pranks!


As the stockings were taken out, Bitru's hand holding the gift box tilted slightly, and other things actually fell out of the gift box.

A magic crystal caught his eye.

"This is……?"

Chapter 1,182 Shipwrecked, Singing!

From the bottom of the gift box, I found the instructions and instructions for using the magic crystal...

Later, Bitru learned that it was the most popular magic item in the outside world.

The epic that records the heroes——

Can you even immerse yourself into that world and accompany (watch) the heroes through their dazzling lives?

Wow, this sounds so interesting!

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