‘Sure enough, you are also from our side. ’

What exactly does this sentence refer to? !

Claire vaguely felt that it contained the real reason why the two parties had such a tacit understanding after meeting for the first time.

"Forget it, I'll just observe it - hahaha." At this time, the "Miko" suddenly said.

——In the past, I had dreamed of unifying the orc race and achieved this great cause.

How long ago had I become so conservative?

The "miko" thought mockingly to herself and poured the wine into the cup.

"Let's all play together in peace...right?"

After reciting the tenth article of the "Ten Covenants", the miko drank the glass in one gulp.

It seems that even an overlord like her has the deepest softness in her heart.

Then a message entered people's consciousness,

Even people who were fashionable at this time and did not understand the story of "miko" couldn't help but write down a passage.

"——That was a dream that I tried to challenge in the past and then gave up.

Now ‘they’ are confidently talking about the follow-up to the ended dream——

Even in the future that is more distant than the follow-up

That whole new story that I had given up on. "


"I am fascinated by the flowers in the distance, but I will trip over the stones under my feet."

If you just want to dream, anyone can do it.

But talking about dreams – requires qualifications.

You need to reveal all the cards in your hand to them... and you have to wait until you confirm that they are qualified before doing so.

The "Miko" raised her palms to the sky, and her palms were dazzling - and then the "chess piece of the beastman" appeared.

——Thinking of the true meaning of that chess piece.

The miko placed the finished wine glass on the railing, played with the racial chess pieces with her fingers, and looked up at the sky.

The miko sarcastically laughed at the being who had made her give up on her dreams in the past.

——My heart is looking forward to "that moment" coming soon.

All the cards in "Miko"'s hand?

As a god, Hermitus seemed to be vaguely aware of it, and frowned as he glanced at the chess piece and the "Witch".

That doesn't feel like a lie—

Even when cornered by Blank, he has no trump card to use.

Even with the intuition of a god, he could only feel a faint sense of familiarity and strangeness.

Gone in a flash——

It's like an illusion! Except for the God of Alchemy Hermitos, no one else... Claire, the princess, the cat-eared girl, and other races including the True Ancestor level and the Dragon King level were not aware of it at all.

But Hermitus did not know this;

Give him more information and he might be able to guess something.

Regardless of strength, this is a strange thing that only Hermitus, as a god, can detect.

...the other side.

In the palace of Elkia,

Stephanie, who temporarily acted like a regent, finally couldn't stand it anymore with dark circles under her eyes, and started shouting and complaining at the top of her lungs.

Why did those two people leave everything to her as a king?

""Mr. Dora," I understand how you feel, but is it not a good thing for a lady to say "bastard"? "Servant Ino stood aside and advised him formally.

Obviously, Stephanie had just made a curse word. It didn’t need to be said who the “bastard” was referring to.

"Mr. Dora...? Huh? Are you calling me?" Stephanie hesitated for a moment before reacting, and Ino nodded.

People looked at Stephen...well, he did look like a grand duke of a country.

Just like the impaling male,

And the same as the Grand Duke of Ceylon.

Although he does not have his own territory, Stephen is now more like a king exercising his authority than a blank slate.

I really owe those two people for their trust.

I have to complain about Blank's laziness.

There is no one who can do this to a hands-off shopkeeper.

Just when Stephen gave up on himself and said that Duke Dora was more like "two errand girls for the king who is away".

Ino also said helplessly, pardoning him for being rude,

That way he would also be called by the same name.

People felt a little pity for these two unlucky guys.

On the other side, as the two people discussed,

At this time, many problems faced by Elkia were gradually exposed to people's eyes.

Who should manage the territory that has doubled in one fell swoop, and how should it be utilized and managed——

For this reason, the princes rushed to grab this huge benefit.

As it stands, the so-called egalitarian "multi-racial country" is just trying to satisfy hunger.

No matter how well the system cooperates, the gap in national power cannot be bridged.

The day when free economy is implemented, Elkia's industry will probably be completely destroyed.

Therefore, how to allocate the "continental resources" required by the Eastern Alliance.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this point affects Elkia’s fate.

——At this time, in order to increase their own interests, it is an inevitable result that all powerful people gather together.

For this reason, the princes of Elkia have come to play games with Stephanie, who is now even in charge of legislative power, in order to have their demands passed.


Stephanie hasn't had a good night's sleep in half a month.

Forced to constantly play games with them.


"Isn't this already bad?!" the cat-eared girl Yuye whispered.

Their impression of Stephanie is still that she is silly, clumsy, and always bullied by blanks.

In the impression of IQ being pressed to the ground and crushed.

Let Stephanie play games with those people, and it's still a wheel-and-wheel battle. Wouldn't this really result in losing all the good situations that were finally opened?

Thinking from the perspective of aristocrats, people would never think that those greedy guys would do anything for the sake of the harmony between humans and orcs.

For the sake of the collective interests of the race and the federation, give up this great opportunity to share the cake.

Once new legislation is passed, there will most likely be many bills that will exploit the interests of the orcs, or even anger the orcs and provoke hatred between the two races.

The problem that the "miko" was worried about appeared so soon?

People nervously think about...

Are you not worried at all?


""Full raise" - Can you please take off your clothes and go back quickly? "...The ladylike temperament of the past has disappeared somewhere. Even though there are deep dark circles under her eyes due to fatigue, Stephanie's eyes are still sharp and she said in a cold voice.

That angry and twisted face simply looked like——

A familiar scene, but the difference is the person...

Just like when Stephen accompanied him to witness, Blank reproduced the scene of those nobles who were paraded naked.

...The face was reminiscent of the "king" they feared, and the princes looked at each other.

Then choose "Don't Follow" - which means they fully accept Stephen's proposal.

However - Stephanie screamed loudly, kicked over the chair and stood up.

Even the crowd onlookers - Claire and the others were shocked.

? ! ! Well,

...Gudong... Swallowing their saliva, people looked at Stephen, whose temperament was completely different from what they remembered. He was a sharp group.

It feels like things are like,

It's a little different from what I thought.

Doesn't look that bad? !

Even the famous princess was stunned, looking stupidly at the girl in front of her——

No, it should be Stephanie who really has a hint of "Mr. Dora" aura,

"Is this... is this the same Stephanie who was so pitiful that she cried all the time after being played with?"

Chapter 1,193 Everyone (laughing): Don’t worry, you are not alone in death from overwork!

Everyone felt a big trough in their hearts.

Looking at Stephen, who looked like a salted fish turning over, like a little hen standing upside down, with great momentum.

It was like seeing some incredible fantasy!

"...Since you can accept my proposal, then don't let me waste all this time in the first place, okay!?"

Stephanie threw away the cards in her hand and spread them out on the table, bang~!

Her hand is...

——Five of a kind.

People were slightly startled watching this scene, what the hell!

‘Not just in terms of pure momentum,

Has Stephen become stronger in gaming now? ! ’


If the cards were not folded, it would be just as she declared - everyone would be destroyed together. Seeing her card, the princes suddenly turned pale.


"It's either a win or a loss (all gain or all loss)! Please prepare yourself to be disillusioned before coming back!?"

Listening to Stephen's disdainful and impatient remarks about the nobles.

What a scene full of a sense of immediacy, which makes people almost think that Stephen is possessed by Blank.

Then Ino cleared the memories of the nobles according to their previous oaths.

The last moment of vision,

What people saw were the nobles who had no idea how they lost after their memories of the game had been erased, and could only flee...

Then, the picture before people's eyes changed again.

——To put it bluntly, it’s a “dispute of interests.”

He didn't want to be responsible. Once he lost his interests, he would blame the king. When the king regained the territory, he came to divide it up without any shame.

"Isn't this what happens when a system like aristocracy lasts for a long time?"

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