Along with the blank memories,

The timeline in front of them suddenly reversed, and people saw the scene last night.

After Sora rejected Plum, Plum hugged Sora's feet and begged as if he was about to cry.

"Please, please wait! I can only ask your Majesty Kong!"

"You're annoying! I don't want to be associated with a race that's basically set to the 18th limit! Please clarify the boundaries!"

"No - ah, no, although some people have become like that..."

"Sure enough, it has turned into a story like butter!"

I heard that there are really vampires who have fallen to that level,

The faces of the little vampire loli and the others turned dark at this moment. Almost holding back his nerves that were about to break, he took a deep breath and almost watched Bram quibble and explain...

"Please, please listen to my explanation! We will perish if this continues!"



Only Blank couldn't ignore the fact that vampires would really perish, and finally agreed to listen to what Bram was going to say.

So he kept thanking him, and Bram, who was about to cry, lowered his head and bowed.

"Uh...please wait a moment..."

When Bram looked at Blank again, there seemed to be some irregular pattern appearing in his purple pupils——

The next moment...

Chapter 1,196 The name of the sea-dwelling species first appears, the underwater city Arcane!

——Just for a moment.

Jibril and Izuna walked around behind Bram.

The remaining air flow from the two people's movements is now blowing through the room.


Bram screamed in surprise, and saw Jibril staring at her sharply.

"It's amazing that you were able to get close to the master without letting me find out, but if you really think that I'm confused and let you succeed a second time, then I'll tell you -

Don't be ignorant of the sky and the earth, little bug. "

"Grandpa said that as soon as you feel the breath of vampire magic, you should immediately avoid the opponent's "eyes", Des. "

Izuna also growled, his cold voice full of wariness.

Jibril and Izuna's strong reactions finally made Kuang realize the danger belatedly.

Even under the ten covenants and the rule of not harming each other, the vampire's magic can still affect them?

‘Are you kidding me? A mere vampire—a succubus—is so powerful? ’ When the elves, humans and many other races saw this, they looked suspicious.

Even the little vampire Loli and others, who had long given up hope in vampires from another world, were stunned at this time.


Even before the little vampire loli had a smile on her face.

Jibril identified some of the special features of the magic that vampires are good at.

Although restricted by the covenant, no magic can directly affect others and harm others.

But the magic of vampires is different. They are very proficient in magic such as 'obstacle cognition'.


For example, there are many suitcases that are still hidden there.

Although it is not a lethal thing, it is possible to knock over that mountain of luggage and be crushed to death without being aware of it?

People who also have an early understanding of how weak humans will be in the future world,

Thinking of this, I shed a cold sweat and felt a bit dumbfounded.

The magic of crushing someone with a suitcase?

No, to be precise, is it a magic that uses ‘cognitive impairment’ to make people accidentally commit suicide?

What are these!

"That is to say - you hide the "existence" of the luggage and eliminate the weight of the luggage? "

"No, I just can't feel the quantity and weight of the luggage. It doesn't mean that the luggage has disappeared."

"Then the reason you were so tired when you first showed up is because-"

"...for this reason...?"

"Yes, I'm sorry... because it's too heavy..." Bram bowed and apologized frequently.

It wasn't until Izuna's sharp senses from the orcs confirmed that Bram was not lying.

Bram was let off.

She hurriedly dug through her suitcase and found a document.

"Looking for it, found it.

Uh-huh, uh... I heard that Your Majesty Kong plans to conquer all races. "

"...Yes." This is the reason to the outside world.

"I'll get straight to the point -

Currently, our two races, the vampire species and the sea-dwelling species, are on the verge of extinction. Although we have tried our best... we are still unable to save our lives, so we want to rely on your help, His Majesty Kong. "

"——Jibril, I want to hear your explanation, what is the relationship between the vampire species and the sea-dwelling species?" Sora asked beside him.

"After the "Ten Covenants", vampires cannot ingest blood without permission, so their survival must require the permission of others - and sea-dwelling species are in a similar situation. "

"...How do you say this?"

"...'Sea-dwelling species'...the fifteenth in the sequence...are a race that can only live in the sea."

When the blonde siren girl heard this, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she was unable to react immediately.

A race that survives in the sea?

Bai, who had already memorized a lot of information through reading books, also began to explain.

Simply put, it is the race of "mermaids".

Living in the shallower seabed, the upper body is a human, and the legs below are the tail fins of a fish.

Their ecology is extremely special. First of all, they cannot leave the sea for a long time.

Because of this, they built the underwater city "Oxende" with the vast ocean as its territory.

The blonde siren girl suddenly opened her eyes wide——

Isn't it the same as not being able to stay out of the water for too long, just like not being able to stay out of the sea for too long?

In fact, sirens also have this need for survival.

Adding a description of the mermaid.

" can't be right? Are the sea dwellers our compatriots in another world?" The blonde siren girl murmured in confusion.

I was a little unsure and a little excited for a while.

Excited to find the Siren's counterpart in another world.

But what is worrying is that

The 'compatriots' over there seem to be having a more difficult time than they are here.

Vampires are starving to death and are on the verge of extinction because they cannot suck blood.

But what about sea-dwelling species?

Is there any reason why they are also in this predicament?


After reading about the sea-dwelling species, the siren girl froze on the spot and was dumbfounded.

Jibril: "Because the sea dwellers are a female-only race, which means that their method of reproduction requires..."men of a different race." "

Sora: "Let me tell you, whether it is a "vampire species" or a "sea-dwelling species," are the flaws too serious for a living thing? "

“Originally—that is, before the “Ten Covenants”, there was no problem. "

Jibril said...

Because sea dwellers just need to catch men of other races and eat them.

Vampires can also suck blood without saying a word.

Then there won't be any problems.

However, they suffered because of the "Ten Covenants" - well,

Maybe other races suffered too - but they were the ones who suffered the most.

‘Eat, eat? ’ The blonde siren girl was a little flustered and surprised.

It seems a bit unbelievable,

How is it possible? They wouldn't do such horrible things! Cannibalism (of other races) is wrong!

At the same time, Sora suddenly asked: "...Hey, you said catch and eat...what do you mean? Literally?"

For a moment, an image of a woman whose lower body was made of fish flashed in his mind, with a ferocious face and a mouth full of food from other races——

This image, which was probably classified as the 18th Edition for another reason, made Sora shudder.

But Jibril shook her head——

But it was not to prove anything to the sea dweller, and the words he brought next had a greater impact on the blonde siren girl than any previous words! !

"No, because the master said it should be healthy, so I said it implicitly. It means reproduction."

Sora instantly stood up happily.

This time, everyone no longer looked down upon Sora, the men’s eyes were shining——

No way? !

Is there such a beautiful...ahem, hateful-looking race in this world?

Hiss~! People took a deep breath.

Some adventurers who had heard the legend of the Sirens felt their noses itchy, as if they were about to bleed, and the blood all over their bodies felt like they were rising.

Could it be that sea-dwelling species are sirens? Isn’t it true that in legends, those who died in shipwrecks were all ‘eaten’ by sirens?

What's even worse is being imprisoned and being fed every day? !

Is this, is this the true version of the Siren legend? ——! !

So envious... No, no, I'm not envious at all.

This is really terrible! Resisting the temptation in their hearts, the men screamed inwardly, and their emotions were completely boiling.

Chapter 1,197 The means of symbiosis of races, and the co-destruction of inversion!

'No, it's not—! The blonde siren girl was startled and became anxious.

That statement that would catch other races and eat them——

Where did this rumor come from?

They wouldn't do such a thing.

For a simple siren girl, this is a somewhat over-the-top topic.

But for those who don't understand, when they think of stories about sea monsters, these people feel a sense of enlightenment.

It turns out that this is the real sea fairy!

What a monster, this is simply a paradise for men, a seductive goblin that sucks male souls! People's blood boils and they think excitedly.

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