But Sora still responded easily.

"Bram said that interfering with feelings and dreams was originally impossible according to the "Ten Covenants". It was only possible because of the Queen's consent——

But her consent was purely in play. "

——That is to say——

"Without starting the "Queen's Game" first, a series of spells cannot be used, and of course the Queen cannot be awakened. To gain the right to play the game with the Queen, the "bet" required by the Queen is——"

Sora looked at Bram and Amira and said in a joking tone:

""If you want my love, show your willingness to give up everything!"...Is that so? "

Stephen was speechless after hearing this, while the others had defeated expressions on their faces.

Amira was the only one who kept praising Sora.

"Correct answer! Ah~ I really don't want to give you up to the queen, can't I take it over?"

The reason is very good,

People have no reason to continue to doubt, but the sense of disobedience has never dissipated.

It even became thicker in the following, and then——

Ignoring the noisy Amira, Sora said: "Anyway, we have the magic to make the Queen fall in love, so there won't be any problem."

"Yes, yes! I can guarantee this, keep it with me!"

"Th-that kind of thing——but what if the magic fails!?"

"Leave this to me, Amira~"

Amira's attitude was clear: "Even if the game can be played, Her Majesty the Queen, who collects the bets, is still sleeping, so her possessions are managed by me! Even if the magic fails, I will return it in its original form, so there is no risk. "

"No, that kind of verbal agreement——"

However, Sora interrupted her.

"Okay, no problem - let's start the game."

——Hearing this, no matter how dull people are, they begin to doubt and be surprised, considering the greed and stupidity that sea-dwelling species have shown towards vampire species before...

Will you really return the peach after you get it?

Liar, right?

The impression this race gives people is indeed unreliable at all, and even a little more trust would be a sign of kindness.

On the other side, Stephen also felt something was even more wrong.

Why is this high-risk condition suddenly raised now?

(It’s ‘now’! I didn’t know until I arrived at Arcande, an underwater world without airborne transmission! Focus on the key points, and I will take the test later...)

Stephen looked at Kong, why didn't Kong doubt this?

This is not like ordinary Sora, who would agree to such a suspicious game——

But Stephen looked around again.

Except for himself, everyone present seemed to have no doubts and remained silent.

"W-what...? What's going on?"

Bram then began to explain the rules of the game.

"Then - after you have staked everything, please "swear to the covenant" before touching the ice... After that, the vampires under the steps and I will use magic to lead you into Her Majesty's dream... for Use "Love Magic (plug-in)", and I will go with you..."

"Because it is a dream, the scene can be set freely... It will be set by His Majesty Sora's representative, right? I will reflect His Majesty Sora's imagination and construct the dream of Her Majesty the Queen... No matter what the scene is - the conditions for victory Only one."

Sora said: "As long as someone makes the queen fall in love with him and awakens the queen, it will be a "win", and if he is dumped, it will be a "failure" - the loser will leave the game and pay "everything" he staked - like this Just swear an oath to the covenant, right? "

"Y-yes...no, but..."

Sora interrupted her with a clear understanding and said: "I know that there is Bram's love magic (plug-in), and even if you lose, you can get it back from Amira - you want to say that, right? Don't worry. ”

Sora smiled fearlessly.

Afterwards, all members swore an oath to the covenant together, and their consciousness instantly went blank.

——The white horizon immediately changes to blue.


As if waking up from a dream, consciousness emerged hazily.

The blood began to circulate throughout the sluggish body, the senses recovered, and then——



In the middle of the sea, a group of people were tossed by the waves.

I could only smell the smell of burning sea tide and feel a pain that penetrated deep into my nasal cavity.

Also caught off guard, Claire and the others struggled with pale faces as if they were choking on water.

It took me a long time to discover that there is also a five-sense blocking setting (a good thing).

‘Saved! ’ It’s like being suddenly awakened from sleep.

After a while, people finally regained their composure.

Whether they are able to swim or not, they all find that even if their bodies are different, they will not continue to sink.

Instead, keep a flat surface just enough to see the surrounding blank space and other people.

Then a sound like that came to people's ears.

"——Just as there is a beginning, there will be an end——"

The special effects of the shining kingdom are like the sound effects of falling stars.

It felt like a narrator reading the lines, and then continued calmly.

"When there is an encounter, there will also be a parting -"

"Isn't this the time to play the opening animation leisurely!?" Sora stretched his head out of the sea and yelled angrily.

"In which world's "Heartwarming Memories" (the name of the love game) begins with drowning? I can’t get excited! "

Chapter 1,224 What’s so good about an old woman? Just say it and give it——

No, the heart was indeed beating violently.

But Sora didn't want to use "heartbeat" to describe his heartbeat when he was on the verge of a life crisis.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry... because it takes some time to mix His Majesty Sora's impression with Her Majesty the Queen's impression to create a stage situation... Please wait for me a little longer..."

If you think about it carefully, this is a matter of course.

Even if they could interfere with the Queen's dream, this world would not be free of their world's "school works".

Of course, Sora's imagination needs to be tempered with the Queen's knowledge, but——

"...Brother...my life...is very happy..."

"Bram~~! My sister has almost given up on survival, hurry up~~!"

Shiro closed his eyes with a happy smile, and Sora hugged her and shouted loudly.

"——Ah, ah, the technique is constructed, I will reflect on the situation now!"


The original situation of drowning in the sea was replaced like turning the pages of a book.

When Kong regains consciousness——

Unknowingly, the ground beneath my feet turned into ground.

Bai was shaking in fear because she almost drowned, while Kong hugged her and complained angrily.

"The game begins with a death ending immediately. Please don't use that kind of special plot here, okay?"

"...I still...hate the sea..."

"The "ocean" that has brought the masters to the brink of crisis—it seems necessary to eliminate it entirely. "

"As long as you learn to swim..." This is the only Stephen who is calm.

However, the beastmen as a whole expressed their annoyance - they agreed with Jibril's statement.

"...Yes, what is the sea? Who created this strange stagnant water?"

"I rarely agree with Miss Jibril. Let the sea dry up."

"Besides, the sea stinks... It would be great if the sea could leave only the fish and disappear on its own."

? ! ! !

Cat-eared grapefruit leaves——

She is also a big fish eater, her ears instantly stood up.

This... what a wonderful idea this is.

There is no sea water that makes your hair wet and heavy, and you can eat fish that are exposed and can only be basked on the ground.

Hiss~! Should we say that they are all beastmen?

At this time, Yu Ye actually felt a little bit moved and agreed with this terrible idea.

And during this communication process,

The surrounding environment has gradually, gradually changed.

A schoolhouse was transformed into a seabed where there were originally only rocks and corals.

The fish became students (NPC).

In the blink of an eye, the fictional stage called "Undersea School" was completed.

It was a "high school" built in the Arcadian style of architecture——

Looking at the wonderful scenery, next to Sora——

“The thing that shocked me the most was that Her Majesty knew about ‘school’… did you read about it in a book? Bram, who seemed to have also successfully infiltrated the game, said this.


Aware of the meaning of the empty sight on one side,

Bram told him with a tired smile and a wry smile.

"Haha... there is no such thing as a school in Osland...

What are those people going to learn? "

Ignoring Bram, and then...

Sora and the others began to set their names and identities in the game.

After that, the clothes on his body turned into a uniform.

With difficulty, he moved his eyes away from the old man in uniform with prominent muscles.

Idling and looking towards the side of heaven (paradise).

Shiro and Miko both wore brightly colored sailor uniforms that were a little more revealing than expected.

Perhaps it was mixed with the impression of the queen.

The scenery in front of them made everyone's eyes light up instantly.

"This...this?! Oh oh oh!" Even if the times are different, men's eyes for admiring beauty can't help but converge.

Shiro's original sailor uniform is so cute.

But this time all sailor uniforms are even more of a visual feast!

"...Miko-san's sailor uniform outfit is really great..."

"Do you have any opinion?"

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