Rhine’s little head that likes to think about random things naturally couldn’t help but think about Yan’s meaning.

On the other hand, after sending Rhine away, Ji Zelu and Restia did not return to the ‘contract space’ this time but returned to their own home.

Although the Clovis couple and Restia’s parents knew that their daughter often liked to run to the ‘mayor’s’ house.

But she still had to go back at night. It was okay to spend a night here occasionally, but her family would be worried if she stayed there for a long time.

When Yan returned to the library after sending Ji Zelu and Restia home in person, it was already dark again.

Back to the desk where he usually worked, he looked at the almost finished second part of ‘Dark Soul’ and the independent biography about vampires.

‘Let’s put up a preview poster first! ’

After several ‘previews’ at the end of the King Arthur volume, the next volume became popular before it was released, and it was sold out on the first day after it was released.

Yan has already liked this kind of thing that whets the appetite of the general public in the other world.

Speaking of suspense and updates...

He suddenly remembered the 'pictures' that the authors on Earth would post when they didn't want to update.

When driving, a scene of Ultraman fighting a small monster was photoshopped into the city ahead.

Below it was marked with a sentence like "If I can come back alive, I will update it for you!"

"Well...if I tell people in the preview that I'm going to participate in the war, and if I can come back alive, I will update it for them. What kind of expression will everyone show?' Yan's eyes suddenly flashed with interest, and a wicked smile appeared on his lips.

Chapter 137 Dumb tape, no one saw it!

"This is the first batch of standard armor. Both the appearance and the defensive effect are very good."

"Can it be armed to all armies?"

"There are still some problems for the time being. This type of armor is more complicated and takes longer to forge. At present, it is the limit to be able to arm a 100-man formation."

"Well, I understand. Then make another 100 sets and see how it works on the battlefield. "The cold voice sounded again.

In the second fortress, the hero king Harut and the blacksmith were talking.

In front of the two of them was a set of 'silver and beautiful' knight armor.

The appearance of the armor was similar to the knight on the cover of the first volume of the biography of 'King Arthur'.

It is better to say that this is the protective gear forged by imitating the description of the 'armor' of the Knights of the Round Table in the biography.

In the beginning, the protective gear used by the warriors of the other world was similar to the chain mail (chain mail) on Earth.

But the production of chain mail is not only time-consuming, but also costly.

Although the value of a set of chain mail is not as exaggerated as a small farm on Earth, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can afford. It is the patent of the nobles.

...As the conflicts between various races continued to intensify, the war finally broke out.

Since magic and some sharp magic steel can easily penetrate the defense of chain mail, chain mail was gradually eliminated and withdrew from the stage of history.

This is why there is now a thick plate armor that is as big as an 'onion' and two balls piled up like a general.

With the emergence of "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table", an old blacksmith keenly discovered that there was a mature method of making "Knights of the Round Table" armor hidden in the book.

Although there were only some simple basic descriptions, with the old blacksmith's continuous attempts, he finally restored it.

This old blacksmith is the father of Warren, the teenager who bought "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" for the first time. At that time, he was very excited when he saw the cover of King Arthur's biography. He didn't expect that he could really make the "Knight" armor now.

... On the other side, Yan.

Today, the preview poster was just made and sent to major bookstores.

Not wearing Lancelot's black armor, Yan with silver hair just strolled in the second fortress.

By the way, because of the exposure of his identity last time, Lancelot's "silver hair, red eyes" image has penetrated into the hearts of the mercenaries.

For this reason, Yan changed the color of his eyes when he went out this time.

At this time, he looked more like the "Flower Magician" who liked to play pranks.

"...Knight? "Yan originally planned to look for Rhine, but on the way he saw the Hero King Guards who had just changed into 'new armor'.

The 'familiar' figures in front of him made Yan's eyes light up and aroused his interest.

'Although humans themselves are boring, the things created by humans have value——' Such words emerged in his mind.

'Just based on some simple introductions in the book, it is applied to reality so quickly!'

Turning things in fantasy into reality, this is a 'surprise'!

Although in another world, things like 'knight armor' have indeed existed for a long time.

However, Yan can sense that those armors are different from what he remembered except for the appearance.

It should be considered to adapt to the warriors' 'breathing method', so the structure was improved.

'Haha! It's a really good structure!'

However, this 'producer' still has a big loophole.

——This armor is highly adaptable to 'qi', but not so adaptable to magic!

Analyze and comment at the same time.

Yan remembered the set of armor made of 'impact steel' that he gave to Rhine.

Whether it is 'releasing magic power' or 'releasing qi and blood', fighting can be very smooth and comfortable. That kind of knight armor can barely be considered a finished product in Flame Eyes.

However, it was impossible for the old blacksmith to know what Yan was thinking at this time.

Even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't be able to understand the 'flaw' in Homura's eyes——

‘Magic adaptability? ’

How can any warrior use ‘magic’?

...the border of the Northern Theocracy.

Still in the church designated by the seal.

"...I'm back." The pink-haired little Loli returned to the church holding several thick books and posters.

The blond vampire Lolitina happily came forward.

"Did you buy it back?"

The pink-haired little loli looked at Tina and nodded.

"Eh? They are all books! Didn't you buy some food? Although I don't need to eat, you are a human being. If you don't eat, you will die." Because she was too bored, Tina asked the other party to help her. Buy some 'hero biographies' from a nearby town.

Loli reckons she is the only vampire in the world who likes to read 'hero biographies'.

"Buy, buy." Looking at Tina, who was patting her little head like a sister and educating her seriously, Lily suddenly had a blush of embarrassment on her face.

Because I bought a lot... the little pink-haired lolita 'Lily' who was embarrassed to speak... well, she was the little girl who was saved by Tina last time by using bloodletting therapy to reduce the high fever.

"!?" Under Tina's confused gaze, Lily put down the books and posters in her hands, and then lifted up a corner of her delicate cloak that was already a little dirty.

Looking at the large pile of food wrapped in Lily's cloak, which seemed to be enough for five or six people, Tina suddenly let out a scream.

"Ah!!!" Tina's face instantly turned red and hot, and steam was about to rise from the top of her head.

No – it’s not about the food!

"Why are you wearing nothing underneath! Lily!" Tina hurriedly helped Lily cover her cloak.

"It doesn't matter if you don't let others see it!" Lily showed a cute smile on her face, stood up on tiptoes and touched Tina's little head, comforting her.

Well, it looked cute, but Tina seemed to see a sinister smile under that smile.

"Then, you can't dress like this! Hurry up! Put your clothes on right away!" Tina shouted in a panic and with a face of embarrassment.


Lily looked at the underwear and coat that she had taken off and left behind because they were sticky with sweat.

Then he looked at Tina and shook his little head pitifully.

Seeing this situation, Tina wanted to take off her outer clothes and put them on for this bold pink-haired little lolita. However, after seeing the fair skin that can be seen everywhere on her body and the same spring-like ripped clothes, Tina still I was too embarrassed to take off the only remaining clothes on my body.

She has been sealed here for a long time, and her clothes have long been worn out due to previous battles, but she has no chance to change them.

In the end, Tina could only sigh.

This made her want to break the seal and leave the church. ‘I want to take a bath and change into new clothes! ’

"Lily, I'm hungry..." Tina, who had just come back from her thoughts, found that Lily had begun to enjoy the delicious food for five or six people at some point.

After Tina saw it, she swallowed, and a trace of desire appeared on her face.


She saw her favorite cream cake.

Although you have become a 'vampire', it does not mean that you can't eat the food you had as a human. It's just that eating those things can't increase the power of a vampire.

"...!" However, after hearing Tina's words, Lily immediately hugged her delicious food tightly.

"Tina said... vampires don't need to eat." Lily suddenly said in a positive tone.

"...After all, it's my money! Let me have a taste!" Tina continued to speak unwillingly.

Well, it was indeed the money given by Tina.

But she found them all from the 'clergymen' she had killed before.

Before she was sealed, she killed many priests in this church.

"Tina, drinking my blood is enough, you don't need human food." Lily didn't know whether she was really being cute or pretending, but she said seriously again.

'hateful! ’

Force yourself not to look at the 'human' food. It's useless for vampires to eat human food anyway.

Tina, who was so comforted in her heart, silently picked up the biography of the hero that Lily bought.

But before she could open it, she was stunned by the picture on a poster.

The bright red coat, the eyes as deep as blood, and the fangs exposed under the wanton smile.

‘Suck… vampire! ? ’

Chapter 138 Profit exceeding 300%! Wealth makes people crazy!

"Vampire?!" Also surprised was Claire, who had just seen the poster in the bookstore.

Those bright red and extremely evil-looking eyes, coupled with pointed fangs and a wanton and arrogant smile.

Many Andersen fans were stunned after seeing this poster.

The upper part of the poster reads this line: 'Injustice and immorality, betrayal and dishonesty, violence and rebelliousness, we hate all these, and protect the country from soldiers who want to prevent them from falling into the path of wild beasts——

Vlad III: A man who abandoned all the blessings received by mankind in order to carry out justice. ’

It was then that people noticed that the line of words was written on another character's black coat.

It was just that everyone had been attracted by the bright and eye-catching red coat of the 'vampire' before, so they ignored this character.

Everyone looked at the black-clothed figure. It was an uncle wearing a black coat, playing the erhu elegantly, with the temperament of an ancient noble duke.

The white-gold hair color and pale skin set off each other, and a pair of sharp eyes that were no less than the 'vampire' appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this... an introduction to the character?!" Claire stared at the words on the poster blankly.

She could understand the words individually. But when they were combined together, a palpitation surged from her heart.

Injustice, immorality, betrayal, unfaithfulness, violence, evil and rebellion... These are all qualities that people hate.

But people rarely thought of modifying and describing these qualities with 'vocabulary'.

When these bad deeds became 'vocabulary' and entered people's eyes.

At this time, 'they' were actually put together. The last sentence, "Hate all this, execute justice", made Claire, a girl, excited and excited.

Is it another positive type of "hero" this time! ?

Then the "vampire" below is the "villain"! !

Claire didn't expect that the biography written by Yan this time has more than one "protagonist".

Both "Dragon Grand Duke" and "Acardo" were characters Yan once liked very much. The "executioner" who insisted on justice for mankind until the last moment, and the "blasphemer" who cursed God and roared with his head raised.

They were all "heroes". They just chose "different paths" before they died.

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