Now she was confused... Those compatriots who had completely disappointed her were not really stupid, but... pretending?

Why did they pretend, and what was the purpose of pretending?

All kinds of questions came to everyone's mind at once.

And the perspective changed,

Sora and others had returned to the beach.

The sun had already set, and there was only the red moon and countless stars - and the beach illuminated by the fire.

Amid the sound of the tide and the sound of sparks bursting from the fire, Sora and others said happily:

"Hey, Shiro, it's almost done, right?"

"...Tropical fish... Can I eat it...?"

"This is a saltwater fish called "Relitei", I heard it tastes good."

--Everyone used Jibril's space transfer to return to the beach from Oceande.

Since they transferred a lot of seawater together, Sora and others baked the fish they brought with them on the beach.

"Puha——! ...Just right for drinking after work...If it's--"

The miko drained the glass in one gulp and ate the fish, and Sora continued her words.

"If it's "fried tofu skin", it would be great--Is that so?"

"--How do you know my favorite food? Did I tell you?"

Ignoring the surprised miko, Sora and Shiro laughed.

The scene in front of them looked harmonious to anyone.

Even Claire, the princess and others who had just transferred here felt dazed,

thinking that they had skipped a lot of timelines,

or returned to the time when the group had not yet arrived in Oceande.

When Blank and others were still playing on the beach.

This strange and harmonious scene made everyone feel a strong sense of disobedience at the moment.

Just because--

"What, what...what's going on? "The sense of disharmony was finally broken. It was Stephane who seemed unable to understand all this and shouted in doubt.

Next to her was Izuna who bowed her head and remained silent.

And a little further away——Plum also said nothing.

Sora glanced at Stephane and said while chewing the cooked fish:

"Nothing——Plum wanted to frame us, that's all."

——As if answering Stephane who was looking at Plum with his eyes wide open, Sora spoke:

"You want to ask me when I found out——right? Plum."

…No, facing Plum who bowed his head——Sora continued to speak as if mocking.

Seeing Plum raise his head tremblingly, he smiled bitterly and said nonchalantly:

"It's "from the beginning"——what you said is completely weird. "

As if imitating Sora, Shiro, Miko, and Jibril also laughed.

——So that's how it is, the Dhampir and the Seirenes have a symbiotic relationship.

Because the Queen entered into a deep sleep, that relationship collapsed and was on the verge of extinction.

Pram did not refute Jibril's words at that time——but...

Sora smiled bitterly as if he heard a boring joke:

"Because magic that can definitely wake us up has been created, please save us"——Haha, it's impossible."

In the end, it was determined that Pram was an "enemy", but...

"Impossible?" Everyone.

What basis did they say that?

Chapter 1234 Although there is no lie, there is no truth!

"…Huh? Why?"

Stephanie was the only one who couldn't keep up with the situation, but Sora felt surprised and handed over the bamboo skewer with grilled fish——

"You lied to us that you have a winning strategy, tricked us into playing an impossible game, and let us lose everything. Wouldn't you make more money this way? Don't you want to eat?"


Stephen couldn't help but twitch her cheeks at Sora who said such a cruel idea with a smile on his face.

On the other side——

The people who suddenly realized this cruel but extremely true truth also widened their eyes.


Wouldn't you make more money that way?

Did they believe in their God's perspective too much,

leading them to believe that Plum was a weakling without thinking too much?

But can even a weakling be selfless and put all their hopes on others?

The people who realized this loophole lowered their heads in shame.

It's so embarrassing——

They were fooled by a mere image.

But there is still a question that has not been solved yet...

Why did Plum really help Sora and the others perform "love magic".

They looked back, trying to find the answer.

"--That being said, there is still something that worries me."

Sora continued while eating grilled fish:

"Because I can't tell that Plum is lying, and Izuna, who is in the same room, can't seem to tell that she is lying--Oh, by the way, Izuna, don't you eat fish?"

Thinking back to the night when he first met Plum, Sora handed over a bamboo stick and said.

"...No, des."

Izuna slightly shook her head in refusal from a distance.

Then the Miko who was drinking opposite also--closed her eyes and shook her head.

"That's right, so to be on the safe side, I took her to the Miko--but she still didn't lie."

If Jibril is on guard, she will see through the magic that disguises lies.

So in front of the strongest "miko" among the beastmen, any lie will definitely be exposed. This is Sora's estimation.

While he was slowly putting the fish on the fire to bake.

"But what Bram showed there was actually - "It's really the magic of falling in love with someone for sure." "

——Under the firelight, Sora seemed to be very happy.

However, with a sinister smile on his face, Sora continued:

"So she really has the magic to win - so why does she ask us to rescue her?"

"In short, that means, she didn't lie, right?"

Doesn't it mean that she really wants their rescue——?

When Stephen asked this question, he played with the bamboo sticks with his bare hands and replied:

"Yes, she didn't lie - and that's the problem." "

People's minds suddenly lifted up,

It's like I've grasped something vaguely but can't get it,

The real problem? ! !

They saw Sora moving his gaze towards Shiro under his knees, and Shiro responded:

"...UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) 6/20-22:42..."Brother"..."

Like a video recorder, pronouncing every word correctly——

"..."What price can we get for winning that game?"..."

Bai followed the standard time of the mobile phone's "original world" - "completely memorized" the time sequence and even the accent.

She said it correctly, as if it were a "replay" of what Sora had said, and everyone's eyes widened.

"——And when you heard me say that, what did Bram say?"

Seeing the interaction between the two people, the people who finally reacted gave a horrified look, with goosebumps all over their bodies, and they were so excited...!

Is this a re-? !

From pure memory, calculate every minute and every second that happened in the past, and recreate the dialogue of the scene...

What a powerful memory that requires!


If they hadn't known that Shiro was really just an ordinary human, people would have doubted whether she was an Ex-Machina in disguise.

"...UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) 6/20-22:43..."Bram"..."

Bai continued to remain expressionless and calmly——

"..."Uh...provide 30% of Arcande's undersea resources, and establish a permanent friendly relationship...and...that...I, I can do whatever you want."..."

People didn't even look at Bram's expression now, but they knew it must be very exciting.

They took a deep breath and couldn't help but think of--

How much pressure and courage is needed to face an enemy like Blank.

This is going to crush Bram's heart to pieces and rub it against the ground!

How horrible!

Previously it was a replay of Sora's words, but this time it was a "replay" of what Bram had said,

One can imagine that Bram's psychological shadow must be very large now.

After hearing Shiro's response, Sora smiled bitterly.

"That's right - it's "here", I'm not lying -

But "there is no reality either." "

Sora pointed at Stephen with the bamboo stick he was playing with.

“Stephen, didn’t you protest about betting ‘everything’ on their game? "

"Y-yeah...because we were asked to help others?"

"Yes, you are right."

"——Eh, eh?"

Saying the shocking words as if nothing had happened, Sora, who was eating fish, continued without a care:

"I denied you because I wanted to get the necessary information.

In order to apologize, I will explain why Stephen felt the dissonance. "

At that time, Stephen felt a sense of disharmony that could only be described as "something wrong." Everyone also felt it...

At this moment I heard Sora’s words,

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