"Incredibly, there is no uneasiness or fear about this - why?" Sora couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"……elder brother……"

Chapter 1,254 The law of top players - it must not be a cash deposit?

Hearing his sister's call, Sora moved his gaze and saw a wing spread out on the other side of the flying scarf.

From his sister's gaze, Sora confirmed that he had the same thing on his back.

"...let's go..."

——Yes——Sora smiled, it was impossible to feel uneasy and scared.

Hold each other's hands tightly and flap their wings.

The winged bird powerfully cuts off the shackles of gravity.

Everyone's minds were also drawn towards the dark sky in the distance.

It's like falling into an abyss.

Just when people's mental tension reaches its peak——

The scene in front of me suddenly changed.

The vision returned to Elkia again, in the royal city.

"...Stego... Stego, I'm hungry, Desi."

Being shaken, Stephen's consciousness slowly came to life.

She was drooling and lying on the table, but now she stood up suddenly and looked around.

"——Huh!? Huh? Strange, when did I fall asleep!?"

"You hit your head on the table right after you finished eating, Des. I thought you were dead, Des."

——So that’s it, it seems that he “passed out” while finishing his meal and filling his stomach.

Everyone who had just realized that they had returned to the royal city couldn't help but feel ashamed when they heard Stephen's voice, "..."

Why do I "pass out" when I'm full?

Was there any medicine in that food?

Or how bad does it have to be to eat it before you can even take the medicine to yourself?

Thinking of this - people looked at Izuna with some pity. It couldn't have been the beastman's powerful stomach that forced him to carry it.

Stephanie, who originally thought she was extremely reliable and proficient in everything except for occasionally losing her wits in front of blank faces - turned out she couldn't cook?


Although it is also possible that Stephen was too tired, and it is not impossible that he died suddenly in the middle of the meal?

People subconsciously ignore the more hilarious and absurd possibilities.

And this side——

Stephen had just finished asking Izuna what time it was.

I Tsunade was seen pressing her belly with her hand, looking up at Stephen with sincere eyes and saying, "Six hours have passed since the meal, Des."

"...It's a really reliable clock."

The last meal was at two o'clock in the middle of the night - so is it already morning?

This study has no windows, so the morning sun doesn't shine in, but it's about time the street starts to get lively.

"Stego, Stego, eat, Des."

The harmonious scene in front of me, the scene of the little girl with fox ears constantly pulling on the clothes of the human princess and asking for food,

Compared with the tense game played by Blank and others that people saw not long ago,

Not too peaceful at all.

For a moment——

"It's just Stephanie and Izuna playing house here. As a grand duke, Stephan has almost become a full-time nanny." A young aristocratic young man couldn't help complaining.

I even no longer have any expectations for this combination...

Rather than expecting them to find reliable information from the late king's sayings.

It's better to hope that Blank will finish the game first and come back with a harvest.


Suddenly, in the immersive epic, Stephen found a pile of books where Izuna had been sitting.

"Izuna, what is that?"

"...? Isn't it a book, Des?"

"No, that's not what I meant - why is it there?"

"…Of course because I read it, Des."

"——Huh? But Izuna can't understand human language...!?"

"I said I was going to learn it, Des. So I learned it, Des."

No way - the cat-eared girl Yuye... opened her eyes almost at the same time as Stephen.

As a beastman——

She was once a beastman with the blood of a noble princess, but she said she had no idea that beastmen had such exaggerated learning abilities.

This is simply Izuna's own talent!

Everything...learned? !

Language! That's a completely different language.

And at this time——

In the epic, Stephen also recalled what he had done before.

She handed Izuna a game book that compared beastman language and human language - a beastman language teaching material.

Just relying on that book, she learned human language while she was sleeping, and she also finished reading so many books——?

——I don’t know anything about games, so I sent this message to say, as long as it’s about games——

Seeing that she not only learned it instantly, but also had read more books than him, Stephen couldn't help but feel chills standing on end.

"...No wonder he is so close to Sora and Shiro."

Because of the relationship between Sora and Shiro, she often forgets a fact, but now Stephen thinks about it again.

Hatsuse Izuna, this little girl, this beastman girl who is younger than Shiro.

——Using "" as her opponent, she performed a show where there was only a slight difference between victory and defeat. There is no doubt that her strength is real.

And people are also starting to realize something -

In terms of games, he has superb talents that are almost cheating, but not in other aspects.

But can’t the converse also be used to interpret Stephen?

In life, he is the best in all aspects, but when it comes to games, he will be played around by Sora and the others.

Although he can't be said to be bad - at least he can easily check and balance other ordinary human nobles.

But compared with perverted game players such as Blank, Izuna, and Miko, he is really no different from a novice player.

After all this time...

The identity of a top gamer is in conflict with "real life"? !

The people in the other world began to use the new words they learned from this epic just now - the definition of "real life".

For a while, his face became more and more weird, and he even looked at Stephen with some pity...

Let alone wanting to challenge Blank, it seems that Stephen has no chance of defeating Izuna now.

"...Izuna, when was the last time you slept?"

At this moment, Stephen couldn't help asking Izuna.

"...Huh?...Eat, eat five meals, so...uh~...what?"

Izuna wanted to count on her fingers, but showed a confused expression.

Dark circles appeared under her eyes, and it was obvious that she hadn't slept for a while.

——If you think about it carefully, that's natural.

Even if it's "real stuff", it can't be obtained without hard work.

Izuna didn't sleep at all, and worked hard——to learn human language and read so many books.

People calculated in their hearts...

If the interval between meals is calculated as about six hours before.

That means she hasn't slept for 24 hours.

A whole day——!

Thinking of this, people were stunned.

Even if the beastmen have good physical fitness and are full of energy.

But reading books for a long time will also make people feel tired.

Not to mention, during this period of time, Izuna also quickly learned a language, and the mental exhaustion can be imagined.

But she is still just a child among the beastmen...

Chapter 1255 Weapons without their masters are nothing but walking corpses!

"…I'm sorry, Izuna, I'm the only one sleeping."

"Stephen-kun, it's okay, des. A small fry should be like a small fry, sleep when you're tired, des."

Seeing Izuna being so stubborn, Stephen smiled at her.

Finding a glimmer of hope in the endless homework, Stephen patted his cheek to encourage himself.

Anyway, let's make the meal first...

When he got up, Stephen unexpectedly discovered that the books Izuna had read seemed to be pulled out from everywhere according to some intention.

"???" Everyone,

What intention——Didn't they just randomly pull two books from the bookshelf? What's there to speculate about.

People who came back to their senses from the hard work of pitying Izuna, just opened their mouths...

Before they could mutter anything.

"I chose in the order of good taste, des."

——Izuna said this confusing answer with a matter-of-fact expression.

So, the next moment everyone was confused...

There really is——

the good taste of books? What kind of ability is this? !

This is a starving beastman cub, and he even started to take books? People were ashamed.

Suddenly, Stephen was interested in the title of a book on the pile, so he picked it up and took a look.

Because it was a book related to the place where Sora and others were currently.

"——"The weapon of the deceased master, the Flügel"... Why are you reading this book?" Stephen read out the title of the book written in the handwriting of his grandfather, the former king.

As Stephen spoke, people's attention was also drawn to it.

Regarding the Flügel——

Is there even a record of this race in the former king's notes?

People thought in surprise.

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