People also thought that if the more than 40 Flügels with the characters did not move out,

the remaining Flügels would surround Blank and not give Blank any chance to plot, would Blank really be in a desperate situation?

But before, when Blank started the game, everyone thought so too--

But is Blank in a desperate situation now?

People took a deep breath and calmed down their inner shock.

The two of them always do things beyond people's imagination.

And with the character and pride of the Flügels, it is impossible for them to go all out to deal with Blank from the beginning.

The Flügels...are being plotted against by them.

Claire thought helplessly, 'Running into this kind of special case--it's really...for them (the Flügels)'

'It's a kind of torture...'

On the other hand...

At this time, Kong had already admitted the "temptation", but the characters he wanted were not yet complete.

At this moment--

just happened that the twelve Flügels rushed here again at a terrifying speed.

I didn't expect the next wave of pursuers to arrive so soon, so naturally...

"...Brother, are you okay?"

When Bai asked this question, Sora showed a bold and unrestrained smile.

Seeing this familiar smile, people felt relieved.

It seems that Sora has already thought of a way to deal with it...

Just now, eight Flügels, two words of words passed -

It doesn't make sense that there are eight words now, and the number of Flügels is only four more,

It should be okay, right?

However -

"Yeah, no - problem ah ah ah ah ah -!?" Suddenly, Plum licked his neck and Sora's body lost balance.

Just after passing through the gap to the wide space - in front of the approaching twelve Flügels, Sora's body lost balance because of the centrifugal force -



Just when he was about to be thrown away, Bai desperately flapped his wings to support himself and tried his best to keep his balance.

But Sora, who was about to fall, had no room to catch the approaching Flügels.

What -?

This sudden situation didn't look like an act.

And it's normal for anyone to have some problems when they are hit on the neck at a critical moment in flight.

Everyone's face changed -

Understanding is understanding, but if something goes wrong at such a critical moment, it's obviously going to be a big deal!

"——Bai, go ahead!"

——Sora made a decision immediately, he didn't have time to regain his posture.

Sora stretched out his hand to Shiro - he was sure that Shiro could understand his intentions and entrusted the "Word Spirit" to her.

Everyone's pupils contracted, and they stared at the two of them, their eyes fixed on them.

And at this critical moment -

Bai... held Sora's hand and moved the words,

"——"No Passage"...!"

As soon as the word was spoken, the twelve figures approaching seemed to hit an invisible wall.

"It hurts!"

"Ah! "Pah-pah--no, not such a gentle sound.

As if an air-raid shelter was bombarded, a huge sound rang out, and the Flügels violently crashed into the invisible wall.

But the problem is--!

Bai looked at Sora, and according to the plan--he should have turned upwards quickly at this time.

--"No passage allowed". The wall made of four words would not let the enemy pass.

In the moment of passing by, only the five people holding the words were attacked, and this was the original arrangement--


Sora caught up at the last moment, cold sweats pouring out, and after recovering his posture in the air, he cooperated with Shiro to complete the original plan.

Perhaps because the action was a bit hasty--

When Shiro stretched out his hand, some of it was out of reach, and she finally recovered the words with her feet and even wings.

The onlookers were all shocked and sweating.

At the last moment, several Flügels actually reacted, causing Shiro's wings to be almost caught, but fortunately, Sora flapped his wings at the critical moment and deviated from the center of gravity.

The two dodged the clutches at the critical moment and fell to the bottom of the invisible wall. They flapped their wings just before hitting the ground and flew into the narrow gap again... and finally escaped from the crisis.

Seeing this, people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

——What a close call!!

And here, "...Huh...Huh!"

Sora's shoulders rose and fell as he panted. After finally adjusting his breathing, Shiro was about to speak out to show his concern for Sora, but——

"Uh, um...are you two okay?"

——But the criminal who caused this crisis (Plum) asked first.

Sora bit his scarf and yelled incoherently.

"——Plum~~~~! Do you want to die together!?"

"Yes, yes, sorry, because of that rapid spin, my mouth left Sora's majesty——I also said that if the supply is cut off, he will die in a few seconds! ! Of course, if we are going to die, we will die together. Let's go to hell together!!"

Although it was a bit unpleasant for Plum to hold him back, fortunately, he managed to escape in the end.

After that, when the blank was seen forming the word spirit of "acceleration" with the newly acquired words——

Boom~! It was like adding a rocket launcher.

'The speed... has increased! So fast! It seems that there is no difference between us and those Flügels now.' Claire and the others looked at the scene in front of them in surprise,

In less than fifteen minutes from the start of the game,

Just the wings borrowed from Bram, a pair of wings for two humans,

Finally, while accelerating, they faced an army of Flügel that no longer walked in a straight line, but cunningly formed an encirclement.

Who could have imagined that he could escape the pursuit of a Flügel from the front by simply accelerating in a straight line?

At this time, they also eliminated the physical speed limit that wings can exert——

Acceleration, speed, speed of light——

On the other side, Jibril, who also took in all these scenes, was also amazed that this was the goal of the two of them from the beginning.

Otherwise, we will face opponents like Flügel who know how to "correspond" and "learn".

Not even a blank could escape an hour.

From the beginning, the "masters" had no intention of escaping honestly, but focused on luring and recovering them.

"Haha! This is really fun!"

"...Yeah!" The two flipped and flew like a dance, and their laughter spread throughout Abant Heim.

It truly explains to everyone the true meaning of the word "Biyi Lianli".

Two people are one, a creature that does not actually exist——.

Such a pair of creatures are flying happily there now.

How dazzling.

Looking at such a blank space, Azrael still seemed to be unable to understand anything, and seemed to feel bored.

As if noticing her look, Jibril finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Chapter 1,264 It’s six consecutive bullets, not six bullets!

"Senior, why do I oppose the Shared Ownership Law? Do you know the reason?"

"...Because Xiaoji has a strict personality and doesn't like others touching your book?"

"No, that's because - I like to read the same book over and over again." Because you can read it when you want to read it.

——This was the first time Azriel heard about it, and she showed an incredulous expression.

Jibril then roughly described to him the principle of reviewing the past and learning the new——

And for those who advocate turning the unknown into the known...

Azrael thought that just memorizing it would be enough and there was no need to study it.

But he still couldn't understand Xiaoji's mood.

As the conversation between the two people here, people's minds were attracted, and people gradually saw the difference between Azrael and Jibril.

Attitude towards knowledge…

It’s also about studying, but Azrael always seems to have a dispensable attitude.

In Claire's eyes, it's more like herself taking classes at a magic academy, absent-mindedly absentmindedly distracted when the teacher is teaching.

On the surface, I am studying hard, and I have indeed memorized the key points of knowledge taught by the teacher.

But all I can think about is whether the magic crystal will be updated today?

Is the new rumor about someone I saw on the forum yesterday true? These thoughts.

And Jibril is like the kind of academic master who constantly studies hard, specializes in research, and even innovates to enrich and strengthen himself.

She is serious about's not just about completing homework and completing tasks.


Claire suddenly thought of something.

Jibril—it was after she was defeated by Blank that she curbed her inner pride, began to worship those two people, and kept learning to get closer, right? !

She is——

They want to pass the game, but the Flügels are being toyed with the home field advantage by the weak human species——this situation.

Is this to alert Azriel?

Although what is shown now is Azrael's side of the field, people can also see Blank and others through the light screen.

They couldn't help but look at the two people flying happily in the light curtain.

It must have been the first time for the two of them to play so happily.

As an away game, with all the disadvantages taken, I was forced into a desperate situation and kept overcoming difficulties...

It seems that for the first time, the blank space is so full.

But as a game organizer, they must have been so angry that they were half-dead, right?

Whether it was dignity or the desire to win, he must have gritted his teeth and wanted to catch the two of them immediately.

To a Flügel with the proud "Life" order, to a certain extent, such a 'happy' smile can be regarded as provocation and humiliation.

The people who assume the identity of the Flügel think so, and they believe it so firmly.

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