Then I heard the last person say——

"Sister Azrael, please leave it to the two of you, our future masters in the near future."


Boom~! People suddenly opened their eyes! The original thoughts in my heart were once again overturned.

What? ! !

That's because they haven't thought about it at all, no... they just thought about it, but they didn't think it was a possible answer - but they just -!

at the same time--

Sora and Shiro finally understood the "trap" Jibril had arranged in this game.

I see--

They were invincible from the beginning!

Unable to help but want to laugh, the two of them stretched out their hands towards the text.

"...Haha, Jibril has become very good at it too!"

"...Jibril, good job..." Sora and Shiro said jokingly, and then touched the last six words.

"...Then, um, what's going on?"

Bram, who was the only one who couldn't understand, asked, and the Flügel answered with a smile.

"Have you forgotten, little bug, we are-"

"We are Flügel, although we are under the command of Sister Azriel."

"But we are even more fans of Master Sora and Master Shiro!"

They were all smiles - mercilessly disparaging Bram with their words.

Afterwards, with the Flügel watching, Blank flew towards the cut-off Abant and Heim, where the real Azriel should be hiding.

And until the end——

"...?!!!" Everyone.

The moment when the answer is truly revealed.

The people who originally thought they could still maintain their composure were once again shattered.

A complete fake match——

No, in other words... Blank and the Flügels are really enjoying this game happily without any burden!

Therefore, they regarded those bets as extremely important, and they were always on tenterhooks, worried about the blank, and excited so many times...

Chapter 1,276: Azriel’s Mask of Pain, MD, am I the only one who doesn’t understand?

Woohoo... Yuzuha doesn't want to talk to anyone right now——!

She felt like a fool - like a big fool~!

Winning or losing is not important at all~~! According to this level of fangirl relationship,

As long as those Flügel waved their hands, wouldn't they be working for Sora for free?


In addition to the original competition requirements, Azriel also has an additional bet on the right to decide to commit suicide, right?

So if you think about it this way,

Winning or losing this game is actually very important!

Yuzuye thought with some uncertainty, not even daring to give a definite answer.

She was prepared to wait and see.

As a pure and ignorant little beast girl - she said she could never guess the calculations and plans of these people!

I can't guess, I can't guess... I really can't guess~ahhhh!

At this moment, I am immersed in the epic,

"...It seems that others also understand...Do you still want to say that only I am special?"

Jibril said with a wry smile.

Azriel's face was expressionless, but underneath that mask was a distressed and twisted expression.

——What is that?

What is going on? I can't understand it at all.

Gazing at the image reflected in the void, Azriel was still thinking.

Obviously, the scene where the Flügels collectively offered their ‘loyalty’ to Blank was not only seen by people, but

Azrael and the others also saw it.

At this time, Blank is skillfully bypassing many lines of defense,

They were heading this way in a straight line, as if they knew the location of Azriel and others.

And Azriel just used her brain a little to deduce what was going on.

They were probably assuming that they and Jibril were still at the original position and hadn't moved - no, they were certain!

After the phantom was destroyed, Abant Heim's "original scenery" was unearthed.

Just go back to where you started the game.

‘So that’s it—? ! ’ Everyone who originally didn’t know what was going on, after understanding it, still looked confused - as if they didn’t understand anything.

In other words, the little head has stopped 'turning', and there are only a few big words left in the heart: "It's amazing!".

Claire and the others had already given up thinking.

My brain is a good thing, but it’s a pity that I don’t even bother to use it.

Those calculations and layouts are so mind-numbing!

The feeling of just waiting for Azriel and the others to come up with ready-made answers and ideas is simply not a good feeling for this group of free prostitutes!


Of course, there are also people who honestly speculate and speculate.

But most ordinary people are really ordinary people... not the kind of ordinary brothers and sisters who can crush the intelligence of orcs and elves to the ground!

at the same time--

Here, as Azriel watched the blank scene approaching rapidly,

She recalls her bitter past.

At that time, a certain haha ​​monster——cough~!

Azrael's creator, Artosh, was also killed like this.

All lines of defense have been breached, and all actions have been "seen through"——!

All obstacles were overcome - finally...

The master was killed!

The scene in front of me seems to have reappeared six thousand years ago, and now it is Azrael's turn...

She had to recall the scary memories.

‘Why did we lose? Why do we survive? Why are we still alive! ? ’

Everyone was dumbfounded——

This question...

It’s hard to have an accurate definition and answer, right?

People who know the true course of the war know...

Even as the architects of the entire plan—Riku and the others had made huge sacrifices.

It was a game in which no one won, even the God of Games... just stole the fruits of victory in the end.

Until the end, the scene they hoped to see the couple holding the Star Cup did not come true...

However, as the strongest God of War, Artosh, the strongest was eventually killed by his own attack that bounced back!

Well...such a miracle can no longer be replicated.

But now there is a blank space——

People's eyes couldn't help but look at the two figures in the light curtain.

Make obstacles smaller through "mini" words and spirits,

If you really can't escape, use the "Pass" word spirit to forcefully pass through.

The figure was moving at high speed, and one could even hear the faint sound of Bram breaking down about to cry.

It was such a rapid speed that if you were not careful and did not control the steering well, you would be killed directly.

Just to let Blank get here in the remaining time——

He really looks unstoppable!

"Bram, can you stick your teeth out?"

"No! I have a nasty feeling, so I don't want to!!"

"Really? What a shame - I wanted to give you blood -"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! I will press my teeth on Master Kong's shoulder, you should know it by feel!"

Warning about Bram’s “really fragrant”——

People who were already familiar with it were not that surprised.

The vampires in this world are even numb when they see this kind of scene again.

They even have reason to suspect that as long as Sora is willing to keep feeding blood——

This vampire is probably not fighting for its soul to burn, but it has to be driven by Blank.


‘Is that really that delicious? ’ The little vampire loli couldn’t help but think in their hearts.

Blood is the currency of the soul——!

Perhaps after Bram drank blood this time, he would give them a more intuitive experience.

This is much higher than the concentration of soul in sweat!

As expected——

When people see the spirit of using "blood" in vain,

Let the blood seep out from the unwounded fingertips and stain Bram's teeth.

Bram finally succeeded in sucking blood without biting his teeth.

"Huh, what is this!? This rich sweet taste and smooth and refreshing taste, the mellow soul taste flows throughout the body! If you want to compare it, it is like the tears of a turtle when laying eggs on a full moon night. "

What a terrible description—!

The vampires were collectively speechless.

But he couldn't help but be attracted by Bram's expression at this moment.

Is it really that silky smooth? !

What a passionate epic, how come it has evolved into a live broadcast of food?

——On the other side, I heard Bram shouting incomprehensible food comments,

Sora smiled bitterly.

"Are you energetic yet?"

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