"The human species is considered too weak, so no one takes them seriously, and they survive by chance." This was the thought of Jibril.

But after meeting Sora and the others, Jibril was confused about this.

At the end of the war, the entire continent of Lucia was once the territory of the human species. Could that be a coincidence——

At this time, everyone could not help clenching their fists, feeling an inexplicable joy in their hearts...

Huh? ! There is actually something that even the Flügels don't know about?

They know this!

As a result, everyone in the group turned into spoiler maniacs, eager to rush to Jibril and tell her——

What kind of miraculous and great battle did she participate in back then?

Speaking of which, if Xiaoji hadn't taken action against Hubie...

This then led to Hubi being forced to transmit his feelings to the host.

The human race cannot get help from the Ex-Machina either.

According to the original plan——

The probability of eventual failure is one hundred percent.

But for so many years, even Jibril herself didn't know the magnitude of what she had done.

She can indirectly guide the process of the weakest defeating the strongest.


Forgive people for laughing unkindly.

Rarely, they could actually find a sense of superiority from the Flügel.

This is truly a rare sight.

And on the other side——

Human species - Azriel used her own thoughts to speculate on the source of their power.

"Let's just assume that if you continue to output, you won't lose again - that's the human species."

——Continue to "learn" on the premise of defeat or failure, not afraid of the unknown, but instead happily plunge into the unknown.

Because it is less perfect than anyone else, it longs for a race that is more perfect than anyone else - if that's the case...

Azrael smiled bitterly, not because of why they could survive, but...

"...Why did I never care about that kind of race during the war?"

——Jibril gasped.

And people also remembered Riku's experience of calling himself "Ghost".

At this moment, I recall that they managed to turn a world war around without attracting anyone’s attention——

People are in a state of excitement...

After Jibril and the others reviewed it, people seemed to have regained the shock they felt when they saw the ghost taking the oath, and even felt it even more deeply.

Looking at these "ghosts", Jibril and others actually dug up every possible clue——

The feeling of nervousness and pride is endless.

Originally, people thought that the ghosts would be completely buried in history, and no one would be able to detect the fact that they had "acted" and "worked hard"!


Back to the topic, immersed in the epic, at this moment... Jibril's mind was thinking rapidly.

Needless to say, there are two masters, the former king who exposed the Eastern Union game, and Kurami, who is partnered with the forest elves.

The possibilities they present are even frightening——

Jibril has experienced this firsthand.

They are sometimes crazy and even fearless of death - even so, they are still connected to the next generation of the race.

"A race that never stops learning - why do I never take such threats to heart~"

'That just means Riku and the others have "succeeded"! They did exactly what they wanted! ’ People thought with joy and relief. (not noticed by anyone)

That means no matter how fragile it is, as long as it can accumulate forever, it will definitely become an unavoidable threat.

If you discover the true nature of that race, what will you do during the war? ——On the other side, Jibril is also thinking here.

I immediately came to the conclusion——

You don't need to think about it to know - "It's too dangerous", so I should have wiped it out immediately.

Seeing such an answer, people shed cold sweat behind their backs. At the same time, they also lamented once again how cautious and difficult Riku and the others were back then.

Struggling to survive among various races without showing any threat——

This is also embarrassing... no, it is torture!

Chapter 1,286 Sister——! Finally the title you’ve been waiting for!


At that time, Riku and the others probably did some deliberate 'showing weakness'.

Try not to show your learning ability,

Instead, he has to show his harmlessness——

Such a high-ranking race won't care, except for the impact of the war...

Only moron-like monsters will become the greatest threat to mankind.

"-However, there are no records of the human species left at all. Why is this?" Azrael suddenly said.

That’s right, no records of the human race were left behind during the war—it’s almost unnatural.

Of course it’s because of the “ghost”——! !

But people can’t say——

They knew everything, but they had to remain spectators, which made Claire and the others a little itchy.

Don’t feel too bad about knowing everything and being unable to tell others anything! !

"Meow hahaha~ I just suddenly thought of it, meow, maybe we-"

As Azrael said this, she looked towards Sora and Shiro.

"The battle lines have completely opened from the Lucia continent."

Yes, this does look like something they would do.

"The behavior of the Ex-Machina that killed Artosh-sama at the end of the war is also puzzling. If—"

She said this——showing a smile without a smile in her eyes and making a conclusion.

"Did the human species induce it——?"

If——the death of Arteos becomes the trigger that ends the war——

——Is it based on someone’s intention——?

"Are you kidding~~Am I thinking too much? Meow hahahaha."

Regarding the way Azrael almost told the "truth" without knowing it...


For a moment, everyone looked at her laughing.

‘Should I praise her for being smart? Or a fool? ’

At least be a little firmer! The answer is clearly right in front of us!

People hate to think about it.

On the other side, Jibril stood there blankly for some reason, seemingly shocked by Azrael's words just now, and still thinking about that possibility?

But Azriel here had already forgotten that kind of thing, and said that she would live "with restraints" as Blank said before.

That is to maintain this fragile human body functional state.

——Faced with this dilemma, she laughed.

"I will propose a proposal in the next parliament - "Abant Heim joins the Elkia Federation" meow. "

“…I don’t think that proposal will be passed for the time being.”

Although Jibril wanted this very much, she still considered it calmly.

Azrael showed a sly smile.

"Observe and study those children (Elkia). What is the name of the "answer" we found - a "formal alliance" for everyone to fulfill Artosh-sama's last order? Meow ha. "

Her expression seemed to say, I have not lied for six thousand years in vain.

Everyone: "..."

If you think about it carefully, Azriel's brain is indeed very useful sometimes.

She is not an idiot, she just has a cheerful personality and laughs.

But why did you get into trouble before——

People sighed inwardly and thought.

"...That's really irresistible..." Jibril also responded.

Originally, Abant Heim was not familiar with any force, and had no territory or resources.

If it is just a formal alliance, there is no obligation to assist, as long as you participate in something you are interested in——

But Azrael said seriously, there is only one thing——

"She would not allow her sisters to consider him their new master until she judged his possibility to be trustworthy."

all in all--

Before that, Azriel asked Jibril to protect Blank as a friend, not as a full-wing agent.

The empty journey is too dangerous, and it would be troublesome if the Flügel died before the conclusion he expected.

Jibril smiled as usual,

"I originally upheld the belief that I would protect my master even if I sacrificed myself - so I refused."

"——Yeah...meow haha..." Azriel's tone was a little forced.

People were surprised to see Azriel, who seemed to have suddenly lost her soul and become paralyzed, and gave strange looks.

I don’t know what’s wrong with this Flügel being the strongest.


After people heard Azriel's voice, they showed expressions that were a bit dumbfounded.

'That implies that we are not friends - of course, after doing such an outrageous thing, we still have the nerve to call ourselves friends -'

"But if you procrastinate any longer, you will miss the wonderful scene - "Sister". "——Jibril said with a smile on her "sister".

? !

At that moment, the surprise in people's hearts was aside.

Almost subconsciously, even though they were not in the same "immersive video world", at this second... people also made movements in unison,

They all turned to look at Azrael.

Jibril's "unprecedented" cry, sister... woo~!

Isn't this the identity that Azriel has begged for a long time before, but Xiaoji didn't want to call her, and seemed unwilling to admit it?

Not friends——

But they are sisters who have a closer relationship!

Hiss~! People took a breath, and even imagined in their minds the emotions Azrael had in her heart...shock, ecstasy, and overwhelming surprise.

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