When they looked up at the sky, hiss~!

Everyone's scalp went numb instantly.

That was the sky filled with huge baby monsters that brought physical disgust and fear.

It was not until then that people finally confirmed that - 'This is definitely not a love game! ! '

At least it's not a serious love game.

If this method can make a normal person like the attacker,

they will just twist their heads off and give them to the other party to kick like a ball!

If this is all [love]! ? Everyone shuddered suddenly.

Chapter 1295 The feeling of despair is not enough, more, more!

From the perspective of Queen Leila,

what can be seen is -

There is only a girl flying in the sky, with a halo on her head and wings made of light on her waist.

"Even if they are idiots, they are cute when they fall asleep, but there are idiots who cause trouble to others even when they fall asleep - the world is really big."

- Behind her are hundreds of people - the embodiment of killing, the symbol of destruction - the Flügel...! ?

Everyone could imagine how fucked up Leila was at that moment——

Any race facing so many god-killing weapons in front of them, and still looking murderous, would not be able to remain calm.

As a result——

People even heard such a conversation in their ears.

"...Brother, the sense of despair...is a little insufficient..."

Sora also said——

The real Flügel should be brought, and now except for Jibril, the other Flügel are just disguised decorations.


"Image?" People were relieved for no reason,

Just saying how could the entire Flügel race come to participate in the competition!

Although the Flügel race are basically all fans of Sora now,

but if they all come,

if they lose,

the ending of the Flügel race will be no different from losing the race chess piece.

That kind of thing is really too terrifying, and it makes people shudder just thinking about it.


What the hell is despair?

Even if it is a non-serious love game, the theme is still the word love!

People looked at the blank space in confusion, not knowing what they were thinking...

If you want people to fall in love with you, you must first make them fear you?

"Don't worry, Master, I just need to exert the fighting power of hundreds of people." At this time, Jibril vowed to Kong.

As the most special individual among the Flügel species, although she is not the strongest first-generation Flügel species Jibril,

her fighting power is also many times that of ordinary Flügel species.

People remember that in the past, it took dozens of Flügel species to fight together, but Jibril also killed them alone.

Her fighting power is indeed qualified to say such words proudly.

But it made people even more speechless--

Wait, you don't want to kill Leila, do you?

The scene is a bit too terrifying!

Think about the scene of the sky strike and the final strike created by Jibril,

although it was only glimpsed once in the text version of the epic description,

but it makes people more imaginative--

Back to the topic,

at this time- Kong also looked down at Queen Leila.

"Okay, let's start the game - [Let me fall in love with you]."


As Sora said this, even Leila was stunned by the information revealed in his words.

Is it the other way around?


She fall in love with this man?

It's not Sora who is courting Leila, but Leila who is trying her best to win Sora's love.

Everyone saw this and showed a blank expression, not understanding what was going on at all...

But -

'It seems to be the game scene setting? '

The victory condition is to wake up the queen, but the game scene is completely set by the challenger.

In this way, even if Sora sets it in an outrageous game mode, it's okay.


But -!

Um... uh...

People can only stare with wide eyes and watch the love game gradually evolve into a soul-series survival game.

If you ask why it began to evolve into the soul series -

Of course it's not just because of the request Sora just mentioned, and the terrifying and intimidating sky.

That was only a shock, not suffering...

But...if the next scene after the uselessness is gone, it is indeed just that--!

"We are there. Once we get there, if you can convince me to fall in love with you, the game will be over."

--The sky was moving, and countless huge babies (monsters) fell from the red sky.

The Flügel, the symbol of death, spread their wings and flew around.

'...Should I move in this situation...! ? 'That was Leila's voice of disbelief.

Forget Leila--!

The people at this time were also looking at the scene in shock.

I thought Sora would explain something at this time--

Unexpectedly, they chatted as if no one was around, and paid no attention to Leila's thoughts.

"By the way, Master...Is it okay to turn the city into ashes with one shot?"

Hearing the Flügel's expectant question, Leila froze.

The people whose five senses were shared with the Queen could even feel her panic and the chill rising from her back.

Then came the trembling body...

"Yeah, no problem. Even if everyone, including the queen, is destroyed, they will be restored to their original state in a few seconds. It's just a dream anyway.

Jibril, no matter how much power you use, it's still [Infinite], so just release it as much as you can."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Jibril is full of energy."

Everyone: ——! ?

Isn't that about half of the God of War Artosh?

Jibril with unlimited firepower?

Hiss~! To some extent, such a little Ji is more threatening to Leila and this false dream world than the real God of War Artosh.

Even if one strike can't penetrate the planet, it can release the amount of spirits consumed by countless [God Strike], so there is no problem!

That feeling is like hearing that countless RPGs are already in place, waiting to blast you in the face.

Even if it's not the worst weapon in human history,

it's enough to scare people!

... Gulp... Although the target is not them, everyone can't help swallowing saliva.

They subconsciously looked at Queen Leila,

with a trace of pity in their eyes that they themselves had not noticed.

How much hatred must there be to target Leila like this!


As if this level of despair was not enough, Kongbai once again announced to Leila.

"In addition, when we specify the situation--"

"...let your...friends, acquaintances...relatives also appear."

Hearing this, Leila hurriedly looked around--

When did they appear?

Mother, nanny, maid, and sisters whose names she could not even remember--they all cried and cried.

"That is, as you saw..."

"You and your family will be eaten by the fallen babies, cut into pieces by Jibril, and wiped out. You will have to struggle forward while suffering many other pains... Looking back, the game setting is really cruel."

"... That game... I said it was a touching game of unparalleled skill, but I gave it to Bai to play. I can't forgive it."

"I'm sorry, because it's too heavy for a person to bear such a psychological trauma - anyway..."

For the two Blanks who talked about this horror game easily,

people are completely confused at this moment -

their brains have crashed.

Chapter 1,296 There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests! Ino is released!

Now think about it, even if you think Blank is trying to find another way,

it doesn't look like it by using a novel way to reverse the attack on the queen!

This is murder, no...it's torture!

Who came up with that kind of horror game?

Thinking of the timeline where Blank comes from, it should be the future after the Age of Gods fades away.

In the future...will someone make such a disgusting and terrifying game?

Everyone even developed a fear of the creator of that game!

Woc——!! Zhuxie retreat! All the demons and monsters go away.

Even Hermitos couldn't bear to look at such a scene.

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