The image of the sea goddess and beautiful queen also completely collapsed.

If I was just a willful fool before...


‘Where did this old witch come from? Isn’t she too vicious? ! ’

Without the enchanting power of singing,

This guy's personality is so bad that no man would like him! ?

A woman's desire for revenge can be so terrifying.

Are those vicious thoughts coming from the mind of such a beautiful woman?

For the appearance party, this is really unacceptable.


Now his physical strength seems to have recovered and he has become so strong, all because of a strong belief in malice and revenge?

Everyone shuddered violently.

Such a woman must not—

Even in beautiful——

Well, some LSP saw the way Lila's cool outfit swung as she swam in the water -

Big, white!

Hiss~! I can't hold it any longer.

Sorry, they are going to rebel.

As long as you look good enough, there won't be any problems!

Except for the kind of really disgusting monsters and existences that have committed irreparable wrongs that are outrageous and resentful——

They said that the villain also recognized it!

And just when people are engaged in fierce [thoughtful struggle],

Laila has reached the top floor - the Queen's Hall,

"...Back away."

——With this sound, the door created by the water flow opened as if it was broken.

Yes, Laila is absolute in the sea. Before she retains the amount of [water essence], everything in the water must kneel down to the queen.

That is simply a principle, not a force that can be resisted, or even magic that surpasses a certain race.

Because even if the opponent is an elf, the elf used in the technique will obey Laila.

There is no existence in this world that cannot be tamed by oneself.

With firm confidence—no, with facts—Laila finally arrived.

Sora and Shiro——two people dressed like demon kings.

As if making a show, Sora greeted her with an arrogant smile.

"—I finally came here...

It's so delightfully silly...

But as far as the results are concerned, things are developing in the most favorable direction...

It was very pleasant—"

Sora and Shiro then started talking on their own, without looking at the newly arrived Laila at all.


Seeing Blank's relaxed attitude,

People couldn't help but start to wonder if all of this was really a normal strategy.

Regardless of whether this is a normal strategy step,

Someone obviously couldn't bear it anymore and no longer planned to play the game according to Sora's settings.

Chapter 1,299 Sora in vicious mode, attacked in all aspects from age to body!

Laila looked at the two people who were continuing to make a fuss, looking at them with eyes burning with anger.

Although their actions were extremely contemptuous - it was almost time to pay the price.

Then the Queen—Lyla—weaves words in a voice that the heavens would love.

"Okay, have you had enough fun? Kneel down and kowtow."

——Let him kneel down and kowtow first.

After that, spend more time and confuse him to the point where his brain melts——

And everyone——

Because they are connected to Laila's body perception, they can naturally feel what kind of magic Queen Laila has just cast,

Subconsciously, people were startled and hurriedly looked towards Blank but were stunned.

The two of them didn't look affected at all.


Suddenly, people recalled that it seemed that because there was no elf in his body, Blank was not affected by the magic of Queen Leila at all!

this--! ?

To a certain extent, if Laila insists on seducing Blank,

With her current performance, it is simply impossible to succeed.

Not to mention the blanks are all very smart.

But for such an arrogant queen,

For a moment, people could almost imagine the look of astonishment and disbelief on Queen Laila's face at this time. seems interesting? ! puff!

Sorry, forgive me(we) for laughing unkindly. People looked at Laila strangely.


During the epic, Laila couldn't help but begin to wonder if she had heard wrongly.

Because Sora gave that answer: "Hey, didn't you hear the rules I told you? Let me fall in love with you - not even a sweet word?"

——Laila was speechless.

The man and girl in front of them—hearing their voice that could confuse both men and women, actually still smiled and only answered with provocative words.

——They are holding on. Laila thought this and clicked her tongue inwardly.

Because as long as they are in the water, there will be no exceptions. They have fallen in love with themselves, and even their minds have become numb.

? ! !

Everyone was shocked, and they were stunned!

Do you call this look like falling in love with yourself?

People looked at him blankly.

After looking at the queen who was now looking a little embarrassed due to the previous journey.

People who want to understand that blankness will not be affected by it, when they look at Laila at this time, they are no longer looking at the old witch, nor are they simply looking at LSP.

Instead, he felt a trace of compassion.

That's intellectual care...

Even if you are confident in your abilities, you still have to recognize the situation clearly before speaking.

Has the brain blindly blocked out all negative information?

Those two over there are obviously eager to try, ready to tease and fool you!

People are already numb——

The siren girl didn't even want to talk, she wanted to find a crack to get in.

She should have known...

Even the sea-dwelling queen, who is most like their siren, shouldn't have too high expectations.

That's a fool and a ruthless person who has deceived an entire race!

As for the lack of self-awareness, Queen Laila's reaction was of course quite slow.


‘Then let’s try it and see how far that mask can hold up. ’ Laila actually thought that the other party was pretending.

She started her poor acting skills——

"...Yes, I'm sorry, I was too happy, that's why I had such a rude attitude."

Laila cast her moist eyes passionately and said as if pleading:

"I hope you listen and feel my sincerity - I want you, please respond to my feelings."

Not just the sound, but every movement - it exerts a force as violent as that of brainwashing.

Behind the pleading words, it can even be said that there is already an input - an irresistible command.

In response to the absolute confusion that she couldn't resist, Sora - trembling body - answered her request.

Hiss~! Is there such a level of sure-kill?

People looked at Laila in surprise;

You might even have to worry that Blank won't really relent.

Even now, everyone still doesn't know what Blank is going to do.

However, Laila does not rely on her magical charm, she is indeed one of the best beautiful girls.

It’s hard to say—

People still have some useless confidence in the sky.


People suddenly heard Sora's response and were speechless.

"...Ugh~ No, I'm getting goosebumps. Sorry, I can't do it."


"And to be honest, you're not my type."


"And the rules already say that you want me to fall in love with you, but the first sentence you asked me to kneel down and kowtow, the second sentence you said I'm sorry, and finally you said the previous words were not sincere?

Are you the standard landmine girl you can see on the Internet?

It is a shocking fact that such people actually exist. "

...Laila stood there blankly.

It's not that you are holding on, but that your own confusion really doesn't work.

Why——Deng Meng was manipulated? No, not even the magic of the elf species can interfere.

I don’t understand, but only one thing is absolutely true——

This man came here because he was really sure that he would not fall in love with her.


You finally found it!

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