Not to mention other people, even Yingbaibai was frightened by Qin Bei's bold idea.

His appearance was originally out of fear of Qin Bei's extreme actions.

Thinking that own appeared to help Ling Chong.

As a result, it now appears that own appeared to help Qin Bei.

If he didn't show up, how could Ling Chong accept the broken leg so obediently, let alone cut off both legs directly.

Ling Chong will definitely resist. When he resists, he will find that the formation has no way to take him. Ling Chong will definitely rush out of the palace.

"Hey~ Prince Bei has a good plan, I have been used by you."

Shadow One hundred shook his head and laughed.

He originally came to prevent things from getting worse, but the appearance of own instead gave Qin Bei confidence and made Ling Chong fear, so he obediently left his legs.

And from the beginning to the end, Ling Chong didn't know that he was so wronged.

"This king didn't do anything, it was you who came out."

Qin Bei spread his hands and said that all this has nothing to do with him.

Ying Baiyi just smiled. Although he knew that Qin Bei had used him, not only was he not angry, but he felt comforted in his heart.

This at least shows that Qin Bei is arrogant and arrogant, but his mind is still there.

This is not to use myself once.

"pretty good."

Shadow One hundred smiled and said.

"Tsk~ eh~ I asked you a question, you answer truthfully."

When Qin Bei saw Yingbaiyi appear, he thought of what he was going to do now, to recruit customers. pen fun library

"Prince, you ask."

"Hey~ is that you said there is a possibility that you quit the Shadow Guard and join my palace? How?"

Qin Bei asked tentatively.

Although he already got the answer from Xia Huang's mouth, Qin Bei was still unwilling and wanted to win over Ying Bai.

This is such a good person, if he can become his own doorman, it will be even better.

As if he understood Qin Bei's thoughts, Ying Baiyi just smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you so much for your love, but since the moment I joined Shadow Guard, I was born as Shadow Guard's person, and died as Shadow Guard's soul!"

When Ying Baibai said this, he was very firm, and he could not see the slightest hesitation.

This also made Qin Bei understand that the idea of ​​owning could not be realized after all.


The treatment of the palace is much better than that of being a shadow guard, do you really not think about it? "

Qin Bei asked with a smile.

Although he knew there was no hope, it didn't affect Qin Bei's flirting with Yingbai.


Shadow 100 chuckled, and then continued: "Prince, you still don't know much about Shadow Guard. When you really know about Shadow Guard one day, you will understand that nothing can shake a Shadow Guard's loyalty." library

"Okay, since you are so firm, I can't persuade me any more, or the emperor will scold people again."

Qin Bei didn't believe Ying Baiyi's words.

Can there still be absolute things in this cultivation world?

The reason why there is no way to shake it is that the chips given are not enough.

It's just that this is loyalty to the royal family, and Qin Bei naturally can't say such things.

"Prince, this time, there is actually another thing to tell you."

Only then did Ying Baiyi start talking about his own business.

"you say."

"According to the usual practice, the prince who has reached the level of the Prince of Three Seals no longer needs the protection of the shadow guards, but because you have no intention of recruiting guests, Prince, and there are no strong people in the house, I will continue to guard, but now you I'm already the Prince of the Five Seals, so I don't need any shadow guards. If I really want to protect me, I'm not good enough. Besides, you have to start recruiting followers, so..."

What Yingbaiyi said was very clear, and Qin Bei understood it.

This is to say goodbye to myself.

"Understood, then you can go."

Qin Bei didn't hold back, he knew that Ying's departure would definitely make a great adjustment within the Ying Guard, and Ying Bai's departure would be a matter of time.

But his refusal to retain it made Ying Baiyi a little lost.

But before he could continue to lose, Qin Bei just threw a Qiankun bag.

"Take these as a thank you gift. Although it is the shadow guard's task to protect me, this king also has the right to reward, so don't refuse."

Qin Bei is such a person. He can kill offenders at any cost. Even if the gains outweigh the losses, Qin Bei will still do that, so he is considered to be a must for Yazi.

But Qin Bei will not be stingy towards his own people, especially those who have helped him.

What you give is definitely several times more than what others have.

Love and hate clearly said Qin Bei.

However, there is one person who is an exception, and that is Emperor Xia.


Starting with the heavy Qiankun bag, the Yingbai County Government refused, but Qin Bei had already said so, so he had no need to refuse.

"Then I would like to thank the North Prince."


Shadow 100 left.

A person who has been guarding by his side, although he rarely shows up, just left, Qin Bei is still a little emotional.

However, this little emotion was quickly eliminated by the two beauties.

"Husband, I can help you with the matter of recruiting the guests."

Ji Zhuyue said suddenly.

"Forget it, this matter is already a bit of a mystery. It won't be long before everyone sees a different Northern Prince's Mansion."

Qin Bei did not accept Ji Zhuyue's kindness this time.

He knew that as the Empress Ji Zhuyue Wu, it was not easy to recruit a few strong men.

What's more, you can directly mobilize the strong from Wu State.

This is not difficult for Ji Zhuyue.

But Qin Bei didn't want to.

The first reason is that Qin Bei's heart as a man is at work, and Qin Bei still can't accept it for a while.

The second reason is that if Ji Zhuyue is really asked to find a strong person, the Emperor Xia will definitely see some problems.

I already had some doubts about Ji Zhuyue, and if this matter were added, then Ji Zhuyue would not be able to hide it.

As for the third reason, that is that Qin Bei knows that the current Wu Kingdom is not very stable, and if he mobilizes experts to come to this summer, it is still a question whether Wu Kingdom can support Ji Zhuyue to go back.

Qin Bei didn't want Ji Zhuyue to leave him so soon.

"Okay, since you have already figured out a way, husband, then I will listen to you."

Ji Zhuyue was not unhappy because she was rejected. As long as Qin Bei made a decision, she would support it.

As for Mu Zhaoxue, she never spoke, as if she had something on her mind.

"Okay~ Good night."

Qin Bei gave the two a good night kiss and went back to his room.

The two women were speechless.


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