Everyone was talking a lot, but in the corner of the restaurant, there was a person who didn't speak, just listened quietly.

And this person is naturally not white.

After learning the news, Wu Bai got up and left the restaurant.

Huang Sha was dead, and he didn't feel anything.

Not happy, let alone disappointed.

The only thing he is thinking about now is that since Huang Sha is dead, the quest that Huang Sha received yesterday will be refreshed and republished.

You must go back to take over this task as soon as possible.

He didn't think that he couldn't complete this task because of Huang Sha's failure.

When he returned to Shaqianmen's hiding place, he saw the task of assassinating the housekeeper of the palace in the refreshed task bar.

When they saw Wu Bai hurried back, they all frowned.

They know that there must be no white coming back to take over this task.

But many of the people present were afraid to take on this task.

After all, Huang Sha failed, and not many of the fairyland killers present dared to think that they were better than Huang Sha.

Therefore, there is no white who wants to take over this task, and they are not optimistic.

"Huangsha has failed and was killed. You should not take this mission."

"Yeah, Xiaobai, although there are only three powerhouses who have entered the fairyland in the North Prince's mansion, once they are discovered, if the three are besieged, it will be very difficult to run away. Besides, after the action last night, in the future The palace must be heavily guarded."

"It's better to let the people on the killer list take action. I didn't expect to assassinate a cultivator in the Gold Core realm and actually use the people on the killer list. This capital is indeed a coexistence of opportunity and crisis."


None of the people present thought of assassinating a cultivator in the Gold Core realm, and Huang Sha was able to die on the spot.

This can also be regarded as a reminder to them, let them always remember that this is the capital of Daxia, a place where the strong are everywhere.

Don't underestimate anyone.

As for these people's good words to persuade them, the indifferent still didn't even look at them for nothing. He came to the task bar and took over the task of assassinating the housekeeper.


Seeing Wu Bai's actions, everyone wanted to stop them, but they all knew that there was no reason to return the task after taking over the task, unless the task failed.

seems to be back

In response to everyone's concern, Wu Bai walked out of the crowd and said lightly: "Huang Sha failed because he was arrogant! He started without any preparations in advance. He was too self-righteous and lacked professionalism."

"And he failed after being discovered, and I am different, I will not be discovered! Even if I will be discovered after killing the butler, I am still confident that I will not be discovered!"

After saying these words, he left without a trace.

The rest of the crowd pondered on the spot.

They all think it's still reasonable.

Huang Sha was really too arrogant this time.

Usually, it takes two days to investigate carefully before starting the operation. Especially in this capital, it is normal to investigate for three or five days before starting.

But what about yellow sand?

Just do it that night, who will fail if he doesn't fail?

In the final analysis, at the beginning, everyone thought this task was too easy, and the Northern Prince’s Mansion was too simple.

I never thought about why Sect would issue such a task to them, and Sect didn't think about it at all.

And we all know for a fact that the person best suited for this task is not yet white.

Even if some people on the killer list come, there may not be any suitable ones.

After all, to assassinate a Gold Core cultivator at the Northern Prince's Mansion, the most important thing is the ability to hide, and the ability to attack is not very important.

In any case, it is a powerhouse in the fairyland, and it is more than enough to kill a cultivator in the Gold Core realm.



"Tsk~ Go back and tell your father, no need! You guys are holding it here, this king is very Losing face, okay?!"

Qin Bei looked at Kong Yu in front of him and said helplessly.

"My lord, don't make it difficult for me as a little captain, okay? My father also listens to His Majesty. You have encountered a killer here, and it is your Majesty who is most concerned about it."

Kong Yu is also very helpless.

I hadn't woken up this morning when I was scolded by my own father. pen fun library

Let yourself lead a team to guard the North Prince's Mansion.

"Fuck off! Go back and tell the royal father that there are three strong men in my mansion who have entered the fairyland. There is no need for the guards of the Imperial Army. You can just be optimistic about the palace wall."

Qin Bei really didn't want Kong Yu to stay here.

It's fine if it's just a simple squad, after all

There are no strong people in a team.

But what Kong Yu brought today was a brigade.

The number of people added up to more than 100 people.

Hundreds of Imperial Guards were enough to raid their homes.

The most important thing is that these people were obviously selected, and the powerhouse who entered the fairyland felt three.

Where is this guarding the own palace, it is simply to scare off the killer!

That's still not good except for the ability to hide. If you see this battle, people will be scared to pee.

The powerhouses of the forbidden army entering the fairyland are not comparable to those like Gou Da.

"No, although you are the prince, your majesty has ordered it. Unless your majesty orders again, we will not leave you!"

Kong Yu is also an axis.

It's a military family after all.

The four characters of the emperor's life like a mountain have been engraved in their bones.

"Butler, come here!"

Hearing Qin Bei's call, the old butler hurried over.

"You can't leave your body half step when you wear it."


Although the old butler didn't know what was in his hand, he still took it and put it into his own arms.

"Okay, it's all gone. Since you like to follow, then follow! It just so happens that this king has not been arrogant in the capital for a long time. Taking this opportunity to collect the account and come back, I am short of money."

Qin Bei didn't even take the dog with the three of them. For things like going out to ask for debts, it is enough to have a squad of the forbidden army.

"By the way, Gouda, the family you mentioned opened a shop on East Street, right?"

The dog hurried forward after hearing this.

"Yes, the Lin family, that's my family."

"Okay! Don't worry, I'll take care of this when I go out this time!"

"Thank you, Lord."

"Call Shangqiu."


Soon Shangqiu came out of the courtyard.

After entering the palace, the butler arranged a personal courtyard for him.

The service is very good. Although the Cultivation Base is not high, it is definitely the treatment of the guests. pen fun library

Shangqiu, who received such treatment, also knew that he had to create value for Qin Bei as soon as possible.

Otherwise you will be laughed at.

At least the three senior dogs now see themselves as very unpleasant.

"My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Let's go, there is a good business to do!"


ps: The family of the three dogs is the Lin family. I made a mistake before and it has been corrected.

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