Hearing Qin Bei's question, Luo Qingyu was also speechless.

"Actually, my voice can be like this~"

While speaking, Luo Qingyu's voice changed.

From the roughness just now, it suddenly became delicate.

It has a bit of a girly feel to it.

"It seems that brother is someone with a story. I like to hear it. If you don't mind, let's chat?"

Qin Bei looked at Luo Qingyu with expectant small eyes.

The soul of the Eight Trigrams is already burning in my heart.

"Actually, it's nothing. My parents wanted a daughter all the time, and they ended up with me, but I look like this and sound like a girl, so they didn't give up and started dressing me up. As you can see, this hair The hairpin is their last stubbornness, and I have to take it with me when they say anything."

"But I don't really want to be a girl, so I speak in a rough voice so that people won't misunderstand me."


After listening, Qin Bei understood.

Co-authoring means having that condition but not wanting to be a girl.


If you want to attack, it's normal.

"Then your name? It's too easy to be misunderstood."

Qin Bei complained.

If it weren't for the name, how could he have misunderstood it.

"No way, my parents forced it, and I can't resist."

Luo Qingyu said with a helpless smile.

Qin Bei narrowed his eyes, "You're still willing to accept it yourself, or you can turn your face at any time."

"I'm not as brave as you, Prince Bei. You can defy your own father. I don't have the courage."

Luo Qingyu said very honestly.

"Hey~ it's still awkward, I'll call you Young Master Luo."

Qin Bei wanted to try to call Luo Qingyu once, but the words couldn't get out of his mouth. pen fun library

After all, I still failed to defeat Hearts Demon~

"Of course, but I don't really like people calling me by my name."

"Yeah~ After I called you down, Young Master, I instantly closed my eyes when I saw you."

Qin Bei nodded and smiled, "Also, don't speak in that rough voice. I think you're actually pretty good, okay?"

This is true.

As long as he didn't call his name, Qin Bei treated Luo Qingyu as a man. Although it was a little more feminine, it was still acceptable.

Because Luo Qingyu is only feminine and beautiful, not a sissy.

nor those contrived tables

Emotions and actions, everything is normal.

So Qin Bei is quite acceptable.

"I really envy you. Born in such a family, you dare not care about anything. You have no capable people in your hands, but you can do anything you want. In the end, someone will come to clean up the mess for you."

Luo Qingyu couldn't help sighing when she saw Qin Bei.

But stopping at Qin Bei's No. 2 is not so right.

What is it that you don't care about anything, and there is no capable person in your hands.

Why don't you like to hear this?

'It seems that the matter of winning over that immortal Wang Qiang can't be dragged on any longer. Everyone sees me like this, making me so faceless! ’

"If you don't know how to talk, talk less, or talk about it, what are you looking for me for?"

Qin Bei didn't want to stay with this idiot any longer.

Thinking of getting things done as soon as possible, get out of here.

"Oh~ business, I just arrived in the capital not long ago, and I also heard about you and sister Kexin. I came to you just to ask if there is anything I can do to help you. I've been thinking for so long. There must be a reason why Sister Ke Xin still didn't go to your house, and the reason for this is probably also related to our Luofenglou, right?"

Luo Qingyu said with a light smile.

Qin Bei:? ? ?

so direct?

And still so active?

Why doesn't it feel right?

"If you want to say that, I want to have a good chat with you."

"All ears."

"Indeed, there is such a mysterious relationship between me and Lingkexin, but Lingkexin is also a talent for you Luofenglou. You are so active to help me now, if you have something to ask me Help, or there is a pit waiting for me to jump, which one are you?"

Qin Bei also said it very directly. He didn't believe that someone would voluntarily give up their interests for no reason.

"Tsk~ I do have some other ideas, but the most important thing is for Sister Kexin. She has been in our Luofenglou for many years. Now that she has someone she likes, our Luofenglou doesn't want to be a reason to restrain her."

Luo Qingyu is also very sincere.

"What about the others?"

"Hey~ The other thing is to make friends with you, Prince Bei, and I will help you to persuade Sister Kexin, as long as you treat her sincerely.

it is good. "

Although Qin Bei was still a little skeptical, he said, "Don't worry, it's definitely better to stay in my house than to perform with yours, and I also have a way to help her fulfill her wish and find clues about the remains of the Spirit Race."

Qin Bei didn't promise anything else, especially promise to marry Lingkexin.

No one else knew, but he knew it.

Lingkexin has no relationship with himself at all.

"If that's the case, then of course it's the best."

Luo Qingyu smiled and nodded.

"But I have a question I want to ask you."

Qin Bei looked at Luo Qingyu and said suddenly.

"You ask."

"I was already very curious when the young master of Langya Pavilion came to the capital. Now that you are in the capital again, are you young masters so busy? Or is there something going on in the capital?"

If it was just Su Fu alone, Qin Bei would at most think that he was here to play.

But now that Luo Qingyu is here, it doesn't seem to be as simple as playing games.

"This... do you still know what will happen in the capital? We are actually here to join in the fun, there will be big changes in Daxia, we are here to learn from experience and gain knowledge, and we can say it when we go out in the future. I am the one who has witnessed this change.”

Compared to Su Fu, Luo Qingyu is indeed much younger and simpler.

It just said the meaning of own, and it was so straightforward.

It is clear that there will be a party dispute in Daxia, and I am here to watch the fun.

This is Qin Bei, and other people will directly drive people away.

"Okay, you are honest enough, I have made you a friend."

"Then when you travel in the future, when you pass by my Luofenglou headquarters, you must come as a guest."

"That `s a deal!"

The overall situation has been decided, and Qin Bei will not stay any longer.

When he got up, he left Luofenglou.

And Luo Qingyu went to the Linglou.

As he told Qin Bei, he just went to tell Ling Kexin not to worry about Luofenglou's feelings.

If you want to leave and go to the North Prince's Mansion, go without any burden. pen fun library

Lingkexin, who was struggling with these things, made up her mind after being persuaded by Luo Qingyu.

She is going to the North Prince's Mansion.

Whether it's to thank Qin Bei or for the clues left by the Eldar.

She is going.


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