Boom -

When huge steel walls rose in the city and steel towers appeared, everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked.

They really couldn't figure out why their own leader was so powerful!

All the supernatural beings are weak now, why is he so strong? What a lot of physical strength you have to have.

Well, it's right if they can't figure it out, if they can figure it out, then they are the boss.


Hundreds of criminals in a sinner camp in a certain neighborhood

, looking at the zombies roaming the streets, constantly swallowing saliva in their throats.

Although they all have machetes and shields in their hands, this thing does not give them security.

"Don't delay any longer, or you know."

There was an officer with his back in the rear standing upright, his voice extremely cold, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Next to the officer was a loaded soldier ready to open fire and shoot them.

Well, not only were there those who protested and made trouble in the camp before, it was the first batch.

More are the survivors who have recently cleaned up the neighborhood and rescued many scum found.

What is scum?

Simply bullying men and women as hooligans is not a scoundrel, but the kind of role that wantonly kills people for pleasure, wantonly ravages compatriots and does not treat people as people, and has reached the point of anger and resentment.

Even during the clean-up process, it was found that some guys directly ate people because they had no food to eat!

All such goods are sent to the sinners' camp for waste recycling, and the soldiers call this battalion the scum camp.

Interestingly, the scum battalion followed the army's actions every day to carry out clean-up tasks, not only did not consume all of them, but miraculously increased the number of people!

"Brothers, don't wait, get on!"

One of the criminals gritted his teeth and raised his knife and shouted.

Zombies are terrible, but the muzzle behind them is even more terrifying!

There is only one way they can do, that is, to kill zombies desperately with weapons, otherwise there is only one way to die.

Don't think that this can take the opportunity to run, there are dozens of snipers on the nearby commanding heights.

The last time these snipers taught those who wanted to escape, a hard lesson.

Those in the group who did not escape were also all beheaded afterwards, and their heads are still hanging on the flagpole in the middle of the playground of the Sinners' Camp.


Liu Yu on the helicopter formation looked at the scene below and withdrew his gaze.

The creation of a scum battalion is necessary!

If the Brotherhood of Steel does not want to be just a simple separatist armament, a force that survives the last days to save itself, but wants to become a regime that competes for hegemony in the future, it must be regularized and organized, establish the credibility of the regime, and let the people support it.

After all, there are always a few people who can awaken supernatural powers, and most people are still ordinary.

If there is no such majority, who will do the work of restoring production? Who will do the work of paying taxes and food?

The sea of suffering is boundless, all beings are suffering, and whoever can give them hope, they will support whom.

Although most of the common people are illiterate and do not know what big principles, they still know who is good to them and are not stupid!

Whoever does not treat the people as people, then the people will not treat you as people.

In a prosperous world, the people yearn for fairness and not suffer from inequality from the few.

In troubled times, people crave security, and if the angry scum is still alive and enjoys the same benefits and treatment, then no one wants to be a good citizen.

"Order, detachments, act according to plan, disperse!"

Liu Yu gave the order in a deep voice, and dozens of helicopters immediately dispersed and flew outside the island according to the route of each detachment.

The Brotherhood of Steel will launch an all-out expansion operation on Sansha Island, and the army aviation force will naturally not be idle.

According to Liu Yu's plan, they will launch an all-out rescue operation!

This action is to rescue various security bureaus, military academies, port terminals, naval bases, institutions of higher learning and other places in the Huadu area outside the island, and to search for talents worthy of rescue.

Liu Yu's own team went to the industries he once had.

After an afternoon of searching, restaurants, construction sites, sand fields, Internet cafes, TKV... These places were all visited by Liu Yu.

Unfortunately, Li Hu, Shuzi, Guan Feng, Li Cannon and some of Liu Yu's former subordinates were all killed, but many of their younger brothers survived and were taken back to the base by Liu Yu.


"Lie down, big brother, look."

On the return journey, Zhang Wei on the plane suddenly made a statement, pointing to the river below and shouting.

"I'll take a look."

Liu Yu looked down outside the cabin door and saw a rare scene.

I saw countless black shadows squirming on the surface of a large river, and with Liu Yu's eyes, he found that it was fish fighting each other.

"Lower a little."

The helicopter lowered the altitude according to his orders.

This time, everyone can see clearly that it is two kinds of fish that are dry!

One is a rotting zombie fish, and the other is an ordinary looking but extremely vicious fish.

"Hey, I'll go, zombie fish!"

Zhang Wei exclaimed, knowing that animals can also be infected with zombie viruses and become zombies, but when he saw that the fish in the water turned into zombies, he still couldn't help himself.

"The other is... No, carp is also so fierce? A

soldier was puzzled, those fish that were not afraid of death and tore together with zombie fish were clearly common ordinary fish, and their temperament was not like this.

"It's a mutant fish!"

Liu Yu's eyes flickered, and he determined their origin.

"Big brother, you said that these fish are all mutant beasts?"

Zhang Wei turned his head sideways and asked.

"It must be, if you look closely, their body size, their fins, their teeth are all different from the past."

Liu Yu stared at the scene on the surface of the river and said slowly: "Presumably, this point is the large-scale appearance of zombie fish, which makes these mutant fish have no living space, so the two sides started a fight in order to survive."

"The zombie virus is so terrible, will we run out of fish to eat in the future?"

Zhang Wei was worried and asked a question that he cared about.

Yes, this zombie virus spreads in the water source, how many fish can not be infected?

The soldiers in the cabin thought the same way.

"Peeping leopard, your worries don't exist."

Liu Yu waved his hand, he had a different opinion, attracting the ears of everyone in the cabin, even the pilot.

"The zombie virus circulates faster in water than on land, and since these mutant fish have not all become zombies, but have mutated, what does this mean?"

It shows that in their bodies, antibodies against the zombie virus may have been born! It has the effect of immunity to zombie viruses!

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and immediately someone was overjoyed: "Sir's words make sense, some animals adapt to nature faster than we humans, and this is probably the case."

"Then is it possible for us to extract such antibody injections from these animals so that we humans are also immune to the zombie virus?"

"That's great, we humans want to destroy zombies, we can do it!"

"That's right, in the future, when you fight with zombies, you won't be afraid of being infected by the zombie virus."

All the soldiers were all excited.

Liu Yu touched his chin and said, "Didn't the second detachment report that some old professors of virology were rescued from the university, just let them study it."

He felt in his heart that his side might be late, and the Imperial Center should already be doing this!

After returning to the base, Liu Yu immediately summoned the experts and professors who had been rescued by other helicopter formations.

These experts and professors who have real talents who have been immersed in hard research in school, rather than always fooling people on TV programs, are very grateful to Liu Yu and willing to do the tasks assigned by Liu Yu.

"Just no experimental instruments?"

Faced with the requirements, Liu Yu told them directly: "Don't worry, we will continue to go and bring back all your experimental instruments and other needs."

"President, can you save my students too, they are all wonderful young men and girls, old man I really can't bear it..."

"The formation will go to rescue people every day, you don't have to worry about these, as long as you do research with peace of mind, whether it is studying zombie viruses or researching something else, I will not treat you badly."

"With the words of the president, we are relieved."

"You are all respectable people, and I hope that you will devote all your energy to contributing to the Brotherhood and to all mankind"!

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