At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 101 100 Roll's Pirate Fleet

Chapter 101 100. Roll's Pirate Fleet

In the New World, navigation is difficult due to bad weather, but this will not affect Roll's ship, as fishmen are good swimmers.

"It's really an extreme sea." Robin was deeply shocked by the scene in front of her. She had never seen such weather before in the West Sea.

Rol casually chopped the huge hail in the air into pieces: "But it's full of fantasy, which is why I went to sea."

"Brother Roll left Marijoa because of this?" Suddenly, the mermaids on the ship became interested.

"That's not the case. The most important thing is to become stronger." Roll remembered that at that time, he had just merged. In addition to practicing, he challenged the strong without stopping.

After talking with them for a while, everyone started sailing. Roll looked at Resa: "Why did you sneak in without telling me?"

"Didn't you find out a long time ago?" Resa snorted and looked directly into Roll's eyes.

"This voyage is a bit dangerous."

"But you didn't object."

"Haha, let's go to sea together again." Roll laughed.

"We've already set out to sea." Leisa also laughed.

Soon, the life paper approached, and Roll and his group met the Fur Pirates.

"Teacher Roll, please punish me." Pedro knelt on one knee as soon as he got on Roll's ship. He didn't look like a pirate with a bounty of 1 billion.

"Not bad, not bad, you all have to get stronger." Roll was very satisfied with this.

The fur tribe knelt on the ground. Their benefactor brought hope to their homeland, but they couldn't help when Roll needed it, which made them feel very guilty.

"It's okay, there will be work to do next, can I rely on you?" Roll stroked Pedro's head.

"We won't let Teacher Roll down." Pedro's tone was firm. I'm afraid he could die decisively for Roll.

The Fur Pirates are not only powerful, Pedro, a ship of 40 people, and 13 people with a bounty of over 100 million. There is no doubt that this is the strongest pirate group under Roll.

Roll's troops began to grow and continued to sail in the New World. He had no purpose, but was just waiting for an event to ferment. The other party had taken so many benefits from him, and it was time to repay him.

As the focus of the world, Roll's appearance once again shook the world. He resisted the world-destroying attack, and it was estimated that Fishman Island was fine, as can be seen from the fishmen who followed him to sea.

The whole world began to pay attention to their movements, and the navy also set off for the New World.

On the second day of sailing in the New World, Roll met an unexpected person.

"Hancock, what are you doing here?" Roll looked at the Nine Snakes Pirates.

"Whatever I do is my freedom." Hancock said, and brought her two sisters to Roll's ship, and then waved goodbye to the Nine Snakes Pirates.

"It's not freedom to come back to me, it's even very dangerous." Roll chuckled.

"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry." Hancock ignored Roll.

The Sandasoriya sisters looked at Roll apologetically. As for Roll's men, they were already preparing food. They were really beautiful.

Then came dozens of pirate groups. They did not come for Roll's reputation. After all, the threat of the World Government was there. People climbed to higher places, not to die.

These pirate groups were all former slaves of Roll. Some of them went out to sea to do black-eating-black activities. There were pirates with bounties of hundreds of millions and tens of millions. They were undoubtedly loyal to Roll.

Since the establishment of Roll's super pirate group, the scale was so large that the other three emperors could not match it. In addition to ordinary pirates, there were also outstanding fur pirates and long-arm pirates.

Such a scale instantly attracted the attention of the New World, especially Big Mom, who had fought with Roll before. She was extremely eager to have Roll's bloodline.

To be able to withstand that level of attack, Roll's bloodline must be incomparably powerful, or she could not get the bloodline of the Celestial Dragons.

Morgans contacted Roll immediately: "Old friend, you are still alive. You are worthy of being the strongest in the world."

"Hehe, you fence-sitter, don't call me old friend." Roll said sarcastically.

"Hahaha, wherever there is news, there is me. This has nothing to do with friendship." Morgans laughed. Now his news career is booming, and he is very grateful to Roll. As for the island-destroying attack of the World Government? He must find his location first.

"Since we are friends, you have to make a news for me."

"Hahaha, old friend, you are the hot news now. Tell me, what news do you want to break." Morgans agreed naturally.

"I need you to help me report the news about the four seas. The bigger the better." Roll planned to use public opinion to pressure the World Government to act.

"Four seas? Sure." Morgans thought about Roll's favor and did not refuse, but he felt a little sorry for not having Roll, the hot spot.

After the call ended, Morgans began to dig for news that could be exposed in the Four Seas. It would be fine if he didn't dig, but he was shocked when he did. It turned out that during the battle between the World Government and Roll, the Revolutionary Army did something big.

Many of the World Government member states in the Four Seas had revolted, and several countries had been instigated to rebel. After confirming this, Morgans laughed and said, "Roll, you are really my blessing. Breaking news, big news, brothers, work overtime, there is big news again."

And Roll continued to sail. He did not let go of the pirates he met during the journey, and killed them all. He needed to wait for the incident to ferment and let the World Government allocate some of its combat power.

He never wanted to cooperate with the Revolutionary Army. He went to negotiate with them in the beginning just for this moment. It was impossible that they would only have benefits and no disadvantages.

"Captain Roll, that is Whitebeard's ship. Do you want to contact it?" A fur tribe said as he looked into the distance.

"Well, contact him." Roll stood up.

The ships of both sides gradually approached, and Whitebeard stood alone at the bow, holding a knife, domineering.

"Hey, Whitebeard, it should have been two years since we last met." Roll also came to his bow.

"Gulala, Roll, what do you want to do here? Don't you know that this is my territory?" Whitebeard swung a knife without hesitation, and in an instant, a tsunami attacked Roll's ship.

Roll also returned the favor, and with a casual slash, he directly stopped the tsunami, and the remaining power pressed towards Whitebeard's ship. If Whitebeard did not stop it, this attack could directly cut off his ship.

Whitebeard directly resisted with all his strength, but even so, Roll's attack continued to press forward.


The people on Whitebeard's ship resisted one after another, and only then did Roll's attack stop. Whitebeard looked at Roll with a cautious face. Facing Roger, he did not give him such great pressure. The strength of both sides was no longer in the same dimension.

Then, Whitebeard began to laugh: "Gulala, Roll, are you here to kill me?"

"That's not the case. If I really want to kill you, I will do my best." Roll said lightly.

"What do you want to do."

"Giving you a chance to live is worse than giving your family a chance to live." Roll threatened nakedly.

His words instantly made the Whitebeard Pirates furious, but there was a man who was afraid. Marshall Teach knew Roll's name well, and Whitebeard quickly calmed his son down.

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