Chapter 20 20. A Family of Three

Science World.

Luo Er opened his eyes, the familiar ceiling, and the sudden surge in strength meant that everything that happened before was not a dream.

"Luo Er, why are you so late today? Get up and eat." The voice of Miyano Akemi came from outside the door.

Luo Er finished washing up and came to the living room, where Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho were already sitting.

"Why so late?" Miyano Shiho asked.

"Last night I thought about the follow-up of artificial intelligence, to see if it can be successfully developed." Luo Er made up an excuse.

"Artificial intelligence? That requires powerful data processing capabilities, otherwise it is easy to become artificial mental retardation." Miyano Shiho replied seriously.

"That, Luo Er, Shiho, I don't understand what you are talking about at all, can we eat first?" Miyano Akemi was confused by this, she would rather grab another billion.

"Oh." The two ended the topic tacitly and accompanied Akemi to finish breakfast.

"Okay, we have to go to the laboratory next, sister Akemi, you just stay at home." Luo Er ordered.

"Sister, Gin will only let you go once." Miyano Shiho pleaded.

"Do I look like the kind of woman who doesn't know the big picture? I'll stay in the house." Miyano Akemi sighed.

"That damn man, since he dared to use my sister to join the organization, my sister was almost killed." Miyano Shiho was a little disgusted with Akai Shuichi.

"At least sister Akemi survived, which is better than anything else." Luo Er smiled. He didn't know how long ago, Miyano Akemi thought about robbing 1 billion in exchange for her sister's freedom.

Unfortunately, with the presence of the Death God elementary school students, it was doomed to fail. Before Miyano Akemi was shot, Luo Er invented a lie detector to trade with Gin.

Luo Er used his invention to eradicate the fake wine in the winery. Gin let Miyano Akemi go once, but Miyano Akemi had to live under the surveillance of the organization afterwards.

When at home, if the mobile phone wants to contact a stranger, a process will appear, which needs to be approved by Gin. If you want to go out, the automatic positioning and monitoring of the mobile phone will be activated, of course, you have to disguise yourself first.

Once these two items fail, the sniper will immediately go to shoot them, which can be said to be house arrest. However, because Roll and Miyano Shiho live in the house, Miyano Akemi is not too bored.

And Roll's invention has eliminated a large number of undercovers for the organization. The lie detector has two principles. One is to monitor the changes in the human heartbeat, and the other is the changes in hormones in the body when lying.

Once both monitoring of the lie detector fails, it means that this person is 100% undercover. If only the heartbeat monitoring fails, it needs to be observed, and the members who fail the hormone monitoring will be shot to death directly. None of them are innocent.

The original purpose is to monitor the subconscious hormone changes of the human body. In addition, this kind of instrument appeared for the first time, resulting in a large number of fake wines being exposed and shot directly. Of course, some people who failed to monitor the heartbeat will also be killed by Gin. He is too lazy to wait and confirm.

It is because of Roll's invention that Gin knows how many undercovers there are inside. His face is as black as the bottom of a pot, and the organization is like a sieve. Any undercover can come in. He is now busy checking the inside.

As for Miyano Akemi, after Roll proposed the conditions, Gin did not pursue her for Roll's sake, but she was doomed to be imprisoned.

Laboratory, Shiho's biological laboratory is on the third floor, while Roll's scientific research laboratory is on the fourth floor. The two are only together when they eat, and the rest of the time they are in the laboratory.

It is hard to imagine that these two people are boyfriend and girlfriend. In fact, their fate began in college. Both of them are geniuses of the organization, one is medicine and the other is technology.

In the billion robbery case, Roll rescued Akemi. Although he did not publicize it, he was still discovered by Miyano Shiho. The two who had a good impression of each other became closer with this incident.

Everything went smoothly. The last one asked if they could try to get along, and the other nodded in agreement.

"Hello, Xiao Luo."

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I need all the information about Conan."


Then, all the information about Conan Doyle appeared on the screen in front of Roll, including his life story and some information about Edogawa Conan that appeared in the newspaper.

Its function directly screened all the information about Conan in the news, books, and the Internet.

"Not yet." Luo Er frowned, and he thought of Hiroki Sawada, the leader of artificial intelligence, who could even project human consciousness into the game world.

At this time, the phone came in.

"Hennessy, how is it?" Gin's voice came.

Luo Er instantly felt the air around him cold, worthy of being the most ruthless man in the organization, even the environment had to be cooled down under his deterrence.

"It's ready, the source file has been sent to you and the boss, you can modify it directly." Luo Er was not afraid of the other party's aura.

"What is the improvement this time? Tell me the result directly." Gin's voice was calm.

"Keyword monitoring, because the organization feedback that the full monitoring recording is not conducive to action, it is deliberately changed to keywords. Once a member triggers certain keywords when calling, it will be monitored, and it is even more fearful, because no one knows what the keywords are, which sentence will trigger the keywords." Luo Er smiled.

"Okay, did you set the keywords?"

"No, I didn't set it, I'm just a scientific researcher, and you must be more proficient in this kind of thing than me." Luo Er said directly.

"Next, what are you going to do?" Gin agreed with this very much. He was the only one who knew the keywords that the organization's insiders would use.

"Next, I'm going to work on artificial intelligence. Regarding keywords, I'll provide a scientific suggestion. Once a certain digital pattern is triggered, we will also monitor it." Luo Er responded.

"Huh." Gin hung up the phone.

"Huh, the peers act like superiors. I can only say that they are worthy of being an executive unit. Trouble." Luo Er began to continue his research.

"But speaking of it, my current strength seems to be very strong." Luo Er thought about this problem seriously, and then gave up. He was not like the warriors in other worlds. He was more concerned about developing new things.

As for Conan, he had never contacted him once. He was definitely a traverser who traveled to science and did not take the initiative to contact the protagonist.

At the end of the get off work day, Luo Er and Miyano Shiho got off work together. Unlike before, they did not control Miyano Shiho's travel, but they would arrange several people to monitor remotely.

Their mobile phones also used the organization's latest system. It was difficult to make any moves, and with human monitoring, handwriting was not possible.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Coffee is fine." Shiho Miyano yawned.

"It suddenly occurred to me that we should go buy some ingredients and make milk tea at home." Luo Er recalled Luo Er's experience in the Zelda: The Legend of the Demon.

"Make it yourself?" Shiho Miyano was a little surprised. She didn't remember Luo Er making milk tea.

"It's nothing more than a drink made from ingredients in a certain proportion. It's very simple for us." Luo Er said nonchalantly.


At this time, a scream came.

"Shiho, let's go first." Luo Er's mouth twitched. The only bad thing about this world is that there are many mentally ill people who like to kill people for a little thing.


The positioning of this book is very clear. It belongs to the fast-travel flow and is a cool article. It is already very uncomfortable to work during the day. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable reading the book. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable during the day and after get off work.

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