At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 22 Valentine's Day (Part 2)

Chapter 22 22. Valentine's Day (Part 2)

The crime scene was a private room on the second floor, where the layout of the first floor can be clearly seen. The deceased died of poisoning, but the key tableware was not contaminated with poison. Now we need to know the method of poisoning.

"The method of poisoning, huh? It was that couple." Conan looked at Roll and the other person standing on the side.

When Roll turned to the police, the phone was facing him. In addition, the screen of the smart phone was large, and Roll did not deliberately cover it. Conan saw the chat between Roll and Gin, but he was a little confused in his heart, as if the other party was deliberately showing it to him.

"Gin, Gin, damn, he is actually a member of the organization, but why, was he deliberately exposed?" Conan didn't care about the case and doubts, and directly put his glasses to the maximum to peek at Roll's screen and peeked at all his conversations.

"Hennessy? Hennessy, a French brand of wine, launches unique wines according to the tastes of different consumers. Is he a researcher of the organization? Speaking of which, he uses a mobile phone that he has never seen before." Conan silently recorded Roll's information.

Hearing the two's conversation, they actually wanted to solve the case quickly and leave, which made him a little embarrassed. As a detective, he naturally hoped that the case would be solved, but as Conan, he didn't want to let Luo Er and the others leave.

Regardless of the method of poisoning, Conan hurriedly ran to the first floor and approached Luo Er and the others.

Conan's goal was clear and pointed directly at the two. Luo Er was a little confused. Although he had the reason to lure them, why hadn't the people in the organization discovered it so boldly?

"Conan, don't run around." Xiaolan quickly picked up Conan and stopped him from approaching Luo Er and the others.

"As expected of a koi girl, I feel that Conan has not been discovered because of the other party." After thinking about it, Luo Er no longer wasted time.

"Xiao Luo, help me check all the information of the deceased Hiraga Genji." Luo Er said to the phone.

"This will violate other people's privacy. Do you want to continue?"


Soon, all the information about the deceased appeared on the phone. As long as the traces that can be found on the Internet are displayed in front of Luo Er.

"He actually opened three rooms, and he has three numbers that he frequently contacts. They should be different people. This guy is actually cheating on three women." Luo Er looked at the record and complained.

"Valentine's Day became the last straw that broke the camel's back." Miyano Shiho said as he looked closer.

He dared to play like this in the world of science. Luo Er thought that the other party was too bold. You have to know that in this world, trivial matters can become motives. This guy directly pulled the buff to the maximum.

"Officer Megure, I already know who the murderer is." Luo Er walked directly to the police and said.

"What? So fast, you are a detective?" Officer Megure was a little shocked. They haven't even finished the investigation at the scene, but they know the murderer?

"No, it's a researcher." Luo Er introduced himself.

"It's a researcher, what was that just now?" Conan was very concerned about this.

"Takasei Hirami, the murderer must be you." Luo Er looked at a weak-looking woman.

"Ah, I, could I be wrong."

"Hiraga Genji, he is your boyfriend, I am not wrong."

Takasei Hiromi hesitated for a moment: "Well, but do you have to conclude that I am the murderer because of this?"

"Brother, to conclude that the murderer is still necessary, we need evidence." Officer Megure walked over and said.

Roll just said to himself: "In addition to you, Hiraga Genji has two girlfriends. Even today, Valentine's Day, he opened three rooms. You have enough motive."

"How do you know that he has two girlfriends? You are his friend?" Takasei Hiromi's face darkened.

Officer Megure said earnestly: "Brother, we need evidence. Since you and the deceased knew each other, the case should not be closed in this way."

"Hiraga Genji promised you that he would break up with them, but in fact he did not. Because you were submissive, you have forgiven him for cheating several times, but you can't accept that on Valentine's Day, you have to share a man with other women, so you bought hydrogen cyanide. Do you need me to tell you the purchase address?" Luo Er still ignored Officer Megure.

"He didn't keep his promise. I've forgiven him so many times. Why is it still like this? I just fell into it. What's wrong with that?" The woman knelt on the ground and broke down crying, confessing everything.

"Men won't cherish your forgiveness. They will only think that cheating is cheap and become more unscrupulous. Anyway, as long as you apologize and make a verbal promise, you can be forgiven. It doesn't take much, right?" Luo Er squatted in front of the woman and whispered.

"Is that so?" The woman was like a walking corpse.

"Can you provide me with your saliva?" Luo Er took out a test tube.

The group was stunned by Luo Er's behavior. First, he solved the case quickly, and then asked for someone else's saliva? Incomprehensible.

"It's like this. I've been studying love recently. I want to observe the hormone changes in the body of people who are in love and have broken up. It would be better if I could provide blood." Luo Er explained seriously.

Miyano Shiho was speechless. Luo Er was not good at biology.

"Study love." Conan's eyes turned into bean-shaped.

"Love?" The police officers were shocked.

"Yes, based on the changes in hormones in the body, we can judge a person's state in love and use data to judge love."

"Well, it's wrong to use data to judge love." Xiaolan said softly.

"This lady has someone she likes, right?" Luo Er said with a smile.

Conan looked at Rohr with a wary expression.

"No, no." Xiaolan retorted subconsciously.

"Hey, hey, please be respectful, this is a murder scene, not a love institute." Officer Megure couldn't help but interrupt.

"Really? You're not curious. What you care about is that when he told you that he was going to handle a very difficult case, he wasn't deceiving you." Luo Er asked.

"Shinichi is not such a person." Xiaolan said very firmly.

"Then have you met again?" Rohr continued to ask.

"There was a case before, and Shinichi appeared." Xiaolan thought about the reply.

"Sister Xiaolan, you have fallen into his trap, let's go home quickly." Conan was being cute and did not intend to let Xiaolan continue to have contact with him.

"Did he leave in a hurry, but there was someone covering him and he didn't take away his clothes?"

Hearing Luo Er's words, Xiaolan stopped. Speaking of it, there were indeed many unreasonable things at the beginning. Why was it only a few doors away, but she couldn't catch up with him, and no one outside had seen him.

Some of them are just Conan's messages, which are mixed with too many doubts.

"Conan..." Xiaolan couldn't help but look at Conan.

"No." Conan interrupted quickly.

Xiaolan understood. Although she didn't know why, Conan was afraid that she would doubt him in front of this man. If that was the case, then go home and Conan would tell her the truth.

Looking at the two people leaving, Miyano Shiho analyzed: "Falling in love also makes people wiser. I don't even doubt why you know so clearly."

"It's fun, this is also part of the fun, let's go." Roll took the initiative to take Miyano Shiho's hand and walked out.

Leaving behind a confused policeman and a murderer who didn't know whether he should repent or not.

Next, the two did not encounter another murder case, but went shopping together, watched movies, and hugged each other when the atmosphere was warm. The two believed that this was the collection of data and conducted research.

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