Chapter 25 25. Discovery

Rol was naturally unaware of the Red Team’s cooperation in preparing to ambush the organization. He didn’t know that the decision he made for fun had actually led the Red Team to jointly prepare to encircle them.

Rol naturally had no intention of telling Gin that Conan was Shinichi. He had developed so many projects for the organization. If he was still suppressed by the positive team, then Raw could only say that the organization deserved to be destroyed.

After that trip, Raw and Miyano Shiho stayed at home for at least half a month. For Miyano Shiho, her sister was at home and her boyfriend was also there, so she would not go out unless necessary.

Rol was the same. He could kill time at home and went out less frequently. He was more likely to encounter homicides when he went out.

“Senior Hennessy, the drone has been developed.” A man in a white coat came to a man who was one generation younger than him and said respectfully.

“Okay, run all the programs once, and then test all the actual functions once, and arrange reliability and other tests simultaneously.” Raw gave the order and continued to sit in front of the computer, thinking about artificial intelligence.

It can never be like the Ark. Even though the functions are now powerful enough to check information from a long time ago, this only strengthens the data processing capabilities.

"Luol, why are you later than me today?" Miyano Shiho came to Luo's laboratory, which is divided into a computer room, a test room, and several rooms in the test room.

"The ultra-long-distance controlled drone has been developed." Luo smiled. He liked the sense of accomplishment of changing the world, so he didn't understand the martial arts madmen in other worlds.

"Ultra-long-distance drones can shoot in places that are difficult to reach manually?" Miyano Shiho asked curiously.

"I got it right. I will reward myself today. Ask Sister Mingmei to change her clothes and we will go out to celebrate together." There is no way. I can't go out to find food just because the crime rate in Mihua is high.

"Okay." Miyano Shiho called Miyano Mingmei, while Luo was editing an email and sending it to his boss and Gin who was looking after him.

The two took off their white coats, left the laboratory, and rushed home.

When they got home, Miyano Mingmei had already changed her clothes. She was unrecognizable with a wig, black skin makeup, and flat glasses.

Shiho Miyano couldn't help laughing.

"Shiho, I don't want to be like this either, but I can't go out without it, and I don't have the skills to disguise myself." Akemi Miyano was also desperate. Who wants to make themselves ugly?

"Let's go. We've developed a drone today, so let's go eat something delicious." Luo Er changed the subject directly.

The three of them had a high rate of turning heads on the street, and Luo Er deliberately chose a location far away from the Maori Detective Agency just in case.

The celebration of the three was simple. They had a meal at a high-end restaurant, went shopping and bought some bags, cosmetics, and mobile phones of various brands that Luo Er wanted.

The mobile phone was naturally disassembled for research. No matter what product it is, it has its advantages. What he has to do is to discover these advantages and optimize them for his own products.

This time, there was no murder case, which made Luo Er feel relieved.

At the same time, Maori Detective Agency.

"Hahaha, No. 3, go for it." An uncle was watching horse racing on TV.

The relationship between Conan and Xiaolan is a little subtle. After the impulsive period, the two entered a calm period. Xiaolan then remembered that she had been taken advantage of by Shinichi. They took a bath together and slept together. Thinking of Xiaolan, she blushed, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Conan sent out dangerous signals.

As for Conan, he did not notice these signals. Now he is very upset. The dark organization has been slow to act. He has been uneasy in his heart, fearing that he will see his desperate scene when he returns home one day.

Because there is an uncle at home, Conan and Xiaolan behaved the same as before, but Xiaolan never slept with Conan again.

Some people from the FBI and the public security are also irritable. It has been more than half a month. Let alone the black organization, I haven't met many people wearing black.

In a rental house.

"Shuiyi, the public security has sent a message that today I met a mixed-race child and his female companion who meet Conan's description."

"Where?" Akai Shuichi asked hurriedly.

After getting the location, Shuichi Akai picked up the sniper rifle and prepared to set off immediately. This time, the researcher must be killed. The other party is more dangerous than Gin and the others.

"Judy, I will go alone this time. You continue to monitor to prevent the appearance of organized people."

In order to reach the location faster, he asked the public security for help, and then drove all the way to Raw's location at a high speed.

The public security's Furuya Rei also set off. He finally got the information of the important researcher. He couldn't not go. You know, he left the organization because of the other party.

This also caused the Japanese public security to completely cut off the intelligence of the organization. This time, if they can't arrest them, they will kill them directly. Such people can no longer stay in the organization for research.


At this time, Raw used his mobile phone to send a message in the family group. There were only three people in this group. This chat software was naturally invented by Raw.

"Someone is following us."

"Following, people from the organization?" Miyano Akemi sent a message directly in the group.

Because the organization doesn't like this software, Luo Er has the source code here, and all the information will not be spread. After Luo Er and Shiho Miyano became boyfriend and girlfriend, the group chat name was changed to family group.

Luo Er: No, the organization's people will not track us so purposefully. Don't forget, the organization has our location.

Shiho: Who is this person? Has anyone discovered us?

Luo Er: It should be an official person like the public security. Judging from the other party's route, they are too rule-abiding.

Shiho: Why did the public security officers target us?

Mingmei: Was it me who was exposed? But I was completely transformed by my makeup.

Miyano Mingmei thought that Luo Er and Miyano Shiho basically never left the house, so there was no chance for them to be exposed to the public security. Only she went out before, and she also committed a billion robbery.

Luo Er: It could also be me. At that time, for fun, I exposed my identity to the shrunken Kudo Shinichi.

Shiho: I let you play, but now you are in trouble. I guess I have to move to the laboratory next.

Luo Er: The top floor of the laboratory was taken, and Sister Mingmei also moved in. It’s just right for our family of three to continue living.

Mingmei: Okay.

Luo Er: Get rid of the other party first, stop playing with your phone, and follow me.

The three of them quickly walked into a shopping mall. Fortunately, it was the weekend today and most people were resting.

“Oh no, when.” The person who was following immediately ran into the mall, but he didn’t see anyone.

Japan itself is a country with few cameras. Now it is difficult to find the three people in this vast crowd.

Mingmei removed her makeup and wore a beige dress and a hat. Luo Er changed into casual clothes, put on makeup, and put on decorations on the places that could not be covered. His features were most obvious.

Shiho changed into a T-shirt and jeans. The three of them followed the crowd out of the mall in broad daylight and took note of the person who was looking around in the crowd. Compared with the others, he was too obvious.

"Go back first, I always feel a little unsafe." Luo Er said to the two girls, then hailed a taxi and drove around the street several times before returning home.

The taxi driver watched Luo Er and the other two get off the car. He was in a very happy mood and hoped to meet more customers like this, who were giving him money.

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