At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 28 28 The collision of black and red (Part 3)

Chapter 28 28. The collision of black and red (Part 3)

In the laboratory, Luo Er naturally didn't think as much as the other party. In this world where detectives are the mainstream, he didn't make his fortune by being a detective. The last time he solved a case, he also used artificial intelligence.

How could he think as much as a detective? He didn't choose to break into the other party's mobile phone. He didn't have that much free time, and research took up most of his time.

It was fun to expose his identity in front of Conan. It scared the other party and made him feel good.

"Huh? Why did you come here? Did you find this place?" Luo Er didn't understand why the other party found this place. He quickly called Shiho and Akemi to gather in the living room.

"Luol?" The Miyano sisters met Luo Er.

"Several people came here. We should be exposed." The increase brought to him by other worlds has increased his strength to a terrifying level.

"Call Gin and the others." Miyano Shiho said directly.

Luol immediately called Gin, but there was a busy tone and no one answered. He frowned. It seemed that the other party seized this opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop, but when was it exposed?

At this time, Roll thought of Conan. He had only exposed the identity of his organization in front of the god of death. The detective did this just that time? He was a little bit unbelievable.

Roll put away his playful mentality. The world he was in was different from the other Rolls. This was a detective world. Detectives, red parties, and black parties could all find the truth based on clues. Compared with these people, the heroes and villains in other worlds were too immature.

"Interesting, our three sides are very weak." Roll looked at Shiho and Akemi. They could be said to be dragging their feet. The security on the first floor was naturally not as good as those professional agents.

"What should we do next?" Shiho Miyano was still calm.

"The other party still has time to come here. Gather the staff and security, move all the things, and then blow up this place."

"Is there enough time?" Shiho Miyano knew that Roll's security system could only detect a hundred meters around at most.

"According to the schedule, it will take about ten minutes. My data is all backed up. We just need to blow up this place. What about yours?"

"There are not many paper copies left. Most of them are in the computer. It takes time to copy them."

"Only copy the important ones. Three minutes. Take as many as you can. Take away all the drugs and the mice that have successfully tested." Luo Er said as he gave orders on his mobile phone.

Miyano Akemi was very quiet. At this time, she could not give any effective suggestions.

The organization's execution ability is very strong. In less than five minutes, one car after another ran out.

The organization had placed a lot of explosives here. They just needed to detonate them, so it was also fast.

This was a complete race against time. Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi also left in advance. He was responsible for the ending here.

"One minute earlier than I thought." Luo Er left from the back door, sensing the people ambushing around.

I still feel a little distressed about this laboratory. In order to transfer quickly, equipment, computers and the like were not taken away. Only the core data was taken away. But now there is no way. He only has less than ten minutes.

Hiding in the corner, confirming that the security system has sounded the alarm, Luo Er stared at the screen, ready to detonate the bomb at any time.

Not far from the main entrance of the company.

Akai Shuichi is not here, he is sniping on the roof in the distance.

The public security personnel were about to enter but were stopped by Furuya Rei.

"They have already evacuated. Judging from the traces, it will not take more than five minutes." A public security officer squatted on the ground and observed the traces on the ground and said.

"Notify the Ministry of Transportation to cooperate, do not intercept, and monitor the opponent's route in real time." Furuya Rei immediately issued an order. Most of the organizations have guns, and it is dangerous to let the traffic police track them.

"If it is only five minutes, the information inside must still be there." Another public security officer said.

"You can't get it anymore, don't think about it." Furuya Rei shook his head. He had been undercover in the organization, and he knew the nature of the organization very well. The moment they entered, they would definitely be blown to pieces and then evacuated to a safe area.

After monitoring the other party's thoughts, Luo Er sighed. He admitted that he was not as good as these detectives and criminal police, but he couldn't delay here any longer. He pressed the button and turned around and left.

Boom boom boom

The whole building exploded directly, and the debris of the explosion destroyed the surrounding buildings. The public security, Conan and others did not suffer any harm because they returned to the corner.

"Damn it." Conan understood. This is the style of the organization. They dared to detonate the bomb directly. You know, there are people living nearby. He swore that he must arrest all the members of the organization.

Furiya Ling's face was not good either. The organization's actions were extremely arrogant, but it was indeed difficult to leave evidence. This explosion undoubtedly destroyed all the evidence at the scene.

"You go to the villa, I will chase." Akai Shuichi said on the phone. Since he was discovered, he didn't care about these. The other party left for less than five minutes, and the traces could not be eliminated. It was easy to catch up.

At this time, a drone flew near Akai Shuichi, and he sniped it directly. Looking at the drone, Akai Shuichi hurriedly dodged.


There was an explosion on the phone.

"Hello, what's wrong." Conan shouted into the phone.

For a long time.

"It's okay, go to the villa, it should be impossible to track Hennessy." Akai Shuichi looked at another drone not far away, his face was ugly.

The other party told him that if he continued to chase, the next explosion would not be in the air, but in the residential buildings. Judging from the explosion of the drone in the air just now and the explosives it carried, the power was enough to destroy a building. Even if he was the FBI, he could not care about the lives of the residents here.

"Why?" The public security people were puzzled.

"If we continue to chase, the other party will carry out indiscriminate bombing. If you want, I can chase." Akai Shuichi said in a relaxed tone.

"Let's go to the other side. Notify the police here to maintain order at the scene." Furi Rei looked ugly. If he allowed the other party to bomb the city, even if he caught him, he would suffer heavy losses. It would be better to go to the other side, where Gin might be caught, and there were already a large number of onlookers attracted by the explosion.

After sensing that the people had left, Luo Er breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to do it. How could a researcher be a fighter? He swore that he would never be naughty again, and then called Miyano Shiho directly.

"Hello, Luo Er, where are you." After receiving the call from Luo Er, her nervous mood was relieved.

"You go to the target base, I'll go to the villa to check."

"No, you come here right now." Miyano Shiho's voice was a little broken, as if Luo Er didn't agree and wanted to break up immediately.

It was the first time that Luo Er heard Miyano Shiho's voice like this, and Luo Er sighed: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

He didn't go to wait and see. There was no point in the gunfight. It was better to spend more time with his family and not let Shiho and Akemi worry. He only had them left.

After reuniting with the two sisters, Miyano Shiho had a cold face, and Miyano Akemi said softly: "Luol, Shiho is worried about you."

Luol walked over: "I'm sorry, I made you worry, I won't do it next time."

"Humph." Miyano Shiho turned her head away from him: "Don't do this again, I don't want to lose you."

Hearing Miyano Shiho's straightforward speech, Luo Er nodded happily in agreement.

Miyano Akemi looked at the two of them, and she felt that it was not bad to let the two of them develop freely. Her sister really had someone to rely on and someone she liked.

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