Chapter 64 64. Welcoming the bride

After teasing the Nine-Tailed Fox every day, Luo Er returned to the clan. Now the clan is prosperous, which is also the reason why Luo Er directly set up a huge perception barrier.

"Brother Luo Er, the wedding procession of Senju is coming soon, and we have to prepare here." A red-haired boy broke into Luo Er's courtyard.

"Sanzheng, isn't it Senju, so impatient." Luo Er looked at the boy in front of him.

"Isn't this to show the strength of Uzumaki in front of Senju, so that Sister Mito will not be bullied when she goes there." Uzumaki Sanzheng scratched his head.

"It is indeed necessary to go to the reception hall." Luo Er took Sanzheng to the reception hall.

"Luol go in, others wait a moment."

After the two arrived, the Uzumaki tribe members in front of the door motioned Luo Er to go in, and they also admired him very much. Luo Er was the strongest of the Uzumaki tribe. In this chaotic world, most people admire the strong.

Luo Er immediately walked in. The tribe leader and the elders were all there. Seeing Luo Er coming in, they stopped what they were doing.

"Rol is here." The clan leader was very happy and loved him.

Senju has Hashirama, Uchiha has Madara, and Uzumaki has Rawl, who are the three top pillars. With these three people, other ninja clans can only be regarded as ordinary ninja clans, even the Hyuga clan.

Since Rawl first shared his ability, he has fought many battles, big and small, and he is completely famous and has been called the strongest. However, Uzumaki is not as warlike as Uchiha, so Uzumaki is relatively stable.

"Well, where is Mito?" Rawl looked at the old guys.

"She is getting married today, so she is naturally waiting for Senju to come to pick her up in the room." The clan leader stroked his beard and smiled.

"Rol, you are twenty-three now, it's time to push you to be the clan leader." The first elder said.

"That's right, we can't let Senju and Uchiha take advantage of the situation." The second elder snorted, obviously there are many such rumors on the battlefield.

It seemed as if Uzumaki had treated his meritorious officials unfairly, and Luo Er was the legitimate son of the clan leader, and there was no one more suitable than him.

"Today is Mito's wedding day, let's talk about the clan leader later." Luo Er was also a little speechless. He came to give Uzumaki face, not to be the clan leader at this time.

"Hahaha, let's talk later."

"Luol, the head of the Uzumaki clan must be you." The elder said earnestly.

"..." Luo Er had nothing to say, and he seemed to have taken over the position of clan leader.

"Clan leader, the Senju people have arrived." A man broke into the reception room to report.

"Okay, follow me to welcome the Senju." The clan leader set off first.

Luo Er followed to the gate of the clan and saw a white-haired young man, a well-dressed man, and the elite ninjas of the Senju, who obviously attached great importance to this marriage.

"Luol, long time no see." Hashirama greeted first.

"Big brother!" Tobirama sighed, and the Uzumaki clan leader's face was about to turn black. How could he call Roll as soon as he came?

"Haha, after all, it's still you young people who rule the world." The clan leader was in a bad mood at first, but then he let it go.

"Lord Ashina, this is Big Brother's betrothal gift, please accept it." Tobirama signaled his men to take out a pile of betrothal gifts. Compared with the wealth of RE0 Roll, it was a drop in the bucket, but it was already a sacrifice for Senju, and it was obvious that he valued it very much.

"Put it down, this time Roll will follow the wedding procession." Uzumaki Ashina accepted Senju's betrothal gifts.

"That really makes me feel safe, sister-in-law is ready." Tobirama smiled.

"It's ready a long time ago." Uzumaki Ashina smiled.

"Since it's ready, we still need to rush back. Sorry, Ashina clan leader." Tobirama showed an apologetic expression.

"It's okay. In this chaotic world, the faster the safer." Uzumaki Ashina didn't care about these. Roll followed the wedding procession and prepared to set off.

Uzumaki only sent Roll to follow the wedding procession back, which did not mean that Uzumaki did not attach importance to him, but that Uzumaki attached too much importance to him. Roll was the top fighter of the Uzumaki clan, without a doubt, and no one had surpassed him so far. After receiving Mito, everyone started to return.

"Rol, I heard that you caught a pet recently?" Hashirama was quite curious about this.

"Yes, but it is still a little disobedient, and needs to be reasoned with and moved by emotion." Roll said, thinking of the state of Kurama.

"It is a disaster, too dangerous for the world." Hashirama's expression became serious.

"But for us, isn't it just a pet-like existence?" Roll asked back, he knew that it would be easy for the other party to catch Kurama.

"Alas, but the Nine-Tail can undoubtedly bring disaster to this world." Hashirama sighed, he naturally knew about the Nine-Tail, but because of the chaos, he had no time to deal with the Nine-Tail.

"Rol, thank you for the Flying Thunder God Technique." Tobirama quickly changed the subject. In fact, his feelings towards Roll were very complicated, with gratitude and the discomfort of having the same idea.

"Nothing." Rawl shook his head. Now many techniques were developed by him, including Flying Thunder God. No matter how much Tobirama developed, it was all extensions of his techniques.

"Brother Rawl." The girl in the sedan waved to Rawl.

After signaling to the Hashirama brothers, Rawl came to the sedan: "Mito, what's wrong?"

"Brother Rawl, thank you for accompanying me this time." Uzumaki Mito was quite grateful to Rawl. Generally, clan members do not marry outside the clan, especially the four major ninja clans, for the purity of blood.

Generally, marrying out is to gain the power of the other family and is related to interests. Luo's following undoubtedly sent a message to Senju, that is, Uzumaki attaches great importance to Mito.

"Nothing, this time I came out to protect your safety." Luo's brows were furrowed. When Hashirama got married, Madara would naturally come to make trouble. He had already sensed the other party's existence and was still some distance away from here.

"Will Uchiha attack on this road?" Uzumaki Mito was a little worried. Senju and Uchiha were really mortal enemies, and they didn't even let go of marriage.

"Well, although Senju brought a lot of elite ninjas this time, the Senju clan needs people to protect them after all. This is actually the weakest time for Senju. Uchiha will not miss this opportunity." Luo sighed. He had said before in the black fog space that this was definitely an event.

Hashirama and Tobirama had not yet discovered that he had the strongest perception of the people here, which was why the Uzumaki clan had to be more stable in troubled times.

"Alas, is there going to be a war again?" Uzumaki Mito sighed. Forget about the marriage, and you have to go through the war.

"Don't worry, with Hashirama and I here, the Uchiha won't be able to cause any trouble this time." Rawl gestured to him to be at ease.

The group continued to move forward, and the sensor carefully sensed the surroundings to prevent the Uchiha's sneak attack.

Rawl began to consider the plan to capture all the tailed beasts. The chakra of the nine tailed beasts was still needed. No one would hate to become stronger, even though he had no opponents in the ninja world at present.

The Six Paths Sage guarding the underworld was not very useful either. He mastered the celestial art after fusing with RE0 Rawl. The experience of more than a hundred years allowed him to quickly calm his impetuous heart.

The members of the Uzumaki clan also believed that Rawl's personality had changed. After all, he was such a funny person before.

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