At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 79 79 Uchiha Madara Defection

Chapter 79 79. Uchiha Madara’s defection

Several months later, the situation in the ninja world became increasingly tense. Small conflicts continued on weekdays, and major conflicts also occurred one after another. They had confirmed that the country of Whirlpool would not participate in the war.

Although Hashirama was still trying to stop him, he was already powerless. A ninja from his own country died at the opponent's hands, so he couldn't stop him. After all, Senju and Uchiha were like this. He was not naive enough to let others see. Butcher knife.

The war was going on like a raging fire, but the Kingdom of Whirlpool welcomed a guest.

Uchiha Madara was walking on the road to the Kingdom of Whirlpool, looking at the peace in front of him and the children playing, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, this is the peace he wants, but these are also in vain, and after Luo Er's death, they will also disappear.

Real peace, the Eye of the Moon Project, this is real peace. The plan cannot be started at the moment. He needs to obtain Hashirama cells, and then wait until Rolle dies before he can start the plan.

This made the arrogant Madara a little uncomfortable. He had never fought with Luo Er with all his strength in his life. This time, in addition to seeing the peace established by the other party, he also wanted to fulfill his wish.

At this time, Luo Er was playing with a group of children and making them happy.

Madara watched from a distance until Roll came towards him.

"Why did a person come to the Kingdom of Whirlpool alone?" Luo Er was a little curious. Although he and Madara didn't have the same bad relationship as Hashirama, they had fought several times, especially when Luo Er was not very famous.

"I left Konoha." Madara slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Come to seek refuge with me?" Luo Er asked knowingly.

"No, I came here to settle my regrets."

"Resolve regrets?" Luo Er was a little confused. They didn't have much contact with each other, so if they had any regrets, they needed to come to him to resolve them.

"Uzumaki Roll, we haven't had a good fight yet." Madara directly stated his purpose.

"Okay, let's go somewhere else." Luo Er touched Madara directly and used the Flying Thunder God to take him to a sparsely populated place.

"Madara, what you see with those eyes must be correct?" Rohr came to the opposite side of Madara and said.

"Roll, these eyes cannot see everything. Sage of Six Paths, do you think he exists?" Madara asked while using Susanoo.

"He exists naturally." Rohr affirmed.

"The disputes that he could not resolve during his lifetime finally left a solution that he had never tried on the Uchiha monument. Perhaps he still trusted people, but he failed. Fortunately, he also left a solution Plan. "Madara's Susanoo continues to change until he becomes a complete Susanoo.

"Why are you sure that the plan is effective?" Rohr began to form seals, and a barrier enveloped the two of them. Their attacks would not damage other locations.

"No one can escape that technique, Luo Er, not even Yin." Madara said confidently, and then slashed in an attempt to split Luo Er.

Rohr used the diamond chain. The huge chain and the knife collided, and Madara's attack was easily blocked.

"Roar, if you are alive, the Kingdom of Whirlpool will definitely follow your direction and will be peaceful, but have you ever considered whether the Kingdom of Whirlpool will still be like this after you die?" Madara waved two swords in succession, which could easily Split the mountain.

"I can't guarantee this." Rohr still used the diamond chain to block all attacks.

Madara didn't say anything more. Rohr was stronger than him and his approach was more radical than him, so he subconsciously said this. The next step was to fight and settle his last regret.

"Madara, let me show you something fun." Luo Er put his hands together and said, "Immortal method, whirlpool sun array."

A barrier surrounded Madara's Susanoo, as if he wanted to end him like this.

"Roll, I admit that you are stronger, but..." Madara's attack arrived, but the barrier stretched like rubber and then returned to its original shape. He also attacked many times, but the final result was the same.

Luo Er stood outside the barrier, listened to the other party's voice, and immediately replied: "Madara, you can't complete your regret. From the beginning to the end, I only used the diamond chain and the sealing barrier."

When Madara discovered that none of his attacks had any effect on the barrier, he understood this and dispersed his complete Susanoo body, sitting on the ground without his initial arrogance.

He, Madara Uchiha, had to run away from someone for the first time and wait for the other person to die, which was hard for him to accept.

Rohr also canceled the barrier: "Madara, I wish you good luck."

"Hmph." If you lose, you lose. Madara won't be able to afford to lose. The regret is complete. Now the tailed beast is fostered by Rao Er. He still has a way to get Hashirama's cells.

It's just that all his pride disappeared at this moment. Even Hashirama had been fighting with him for so long, but he didn't even have ten minutes to face Luo Er. This already showed that there was a huge gap between the two.

Uchiha Madara left just as quickly as he came, while Rolle returned to the Country of Whirlpool and planned to continue farming and development.

There is a saying that Madara is right. After his death, the Kingdom of Whirlpool may fall into war, but if the Kingdom of Whirlpool is strong enough, this will not matter.

The news of Uchiha Madara's defection spread quickly throughout the ninja world, and the Three Kingdoms, which had been fighting fiercely in the Kingdom of Thunder, began to converge. You must know that this person is different from Hashirama, and prefers the type of existence of Rohr. Except for those two, Who dares to provoke.

Konoha has also changed. It no longer actively mediates the war, but begins to develop the village. Although Hashirama does not understand the meaning of Madara's departure that day, he has a hunch that that day will not come too late.

All this is within the intelligence system of the Kingdom of Whirlpool. Because of Rohr's promise, the Kingdom of Whirlpool will not take the initiative to provoke a war, so no matter how big the gap is, the Kingdom of Whirlpool will not participate.

Nara, who was responsible for sorting out the intelligence, frowned. The battlefield of the Land of Thunder would end in less than two years. What really confused him was Konoha.

Uchiha Madara came to the Kingdom of Whirlpool because of the barrier. He naturally discovered it, so he directly looked for information about Uchiha Madara. The opponent defected to Konoha, and no one from the clan followed him, so he could not guess the opponent's purpose.

"What's wrong?" Luo Er walked into the office.

"Master Luo Er, what does Uchiha Madara want to do?" Nara Shikaichi was a little confused.

"He wants to become stronger and then pursue a dream that has come to nothing." Rohr briefly stated the other party's purpose.

Nara Shikaichi's brows were still furrowed. He had complete information on Uchiha Madara. Because of it, he knew how terrifying the opponent's strength was.

Without Hashirama and Rohr, Uchiha Madara could easily rule the ninja world. It was so easy. Who could withstand such a powerful existence disappearing from sight and making small moves.

Seeing that Nara Shikaichi was still worried, Luo Er did not say anything to comfort him. Shikaichi thought further and it was normal to be worried. This also showed that he had recognized the country of Whirlpool.

"Lord, you don't seem to have stopped Uchiha Madara." When Nara Shikama looked at Rohr, he knew that Madara came to the country of whirlpool just to find Rohr.

"Well, no, don't worry, since I did it, everything was as expected." Rohr shook his head. For him, at least things were better as expected. Hei Jue was not caught and everything was resolved in advance. No one is of any use, new spots will always appear in the end.

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