At the same time, the golden finger came too late

Chapter 9 9 Prosecutor's Office

Chapter 9 9. Prosecutor

The world of killing sisters.

"Rol, wake up." The girl patted Rool's cheek.

"Why did you get up so early?" Rool pulled Hei Tong into his arms. Seeing the memory of the pirate Rool, he began to itch again.

Coupled with the increase of the two worlds, he wanted to know his combat power at this time.

In the afternoon, Rool got up from the bed with satisfaction, while Hei Tong, who had undergone professional training, had collapsed on the bed and didn't want to move at all, even though the bed was full of their traces.

"Lord Rool, the evidence of the corruption of the Holly family has been investigated clearly. Should we take action?" Chelsi pushed the door open and entered, ignoring the white figure on the bed and the breath in the air.

"Hehe, if the other party accepts the verdict, there is no need to take action. If not, I will take action at night." Rool sneered. In this world, it is not a sin to kill all the nobles.

"Rol, no, you can't go." Hei Tong struggled to get up from the bed. She believed in Rool's skills and governance ability, but she did not trust his force.

"Be good, I'll make you some snacks later."

"Well, even if I make some snacks, it won't work."

"What about five servings?"

Hei Tong began to think seriously, and then said: "Then Luo Er, you can't be too far away from me."

Luol ordered: "Chelsey, there is a noble party in the evening, you go there for me, use your imperial tool to transform into my appearance, and collect the scandals of those nobles."

"Lord Luo Er, according to the intelligence, the little emperor is a puppet emperor, the real power is the minister, and the minister is the most corrupt bastard. What's the use of our prosecutor's office?" Chelsea was a little confused, she didn't know what the meaning of what she was doing now was.

"Our prosecutor's office is a supervision of the nobles, and has the right to sanction them. The prosecutor's office is controlled by the emperor. Because of this, although we have huge resistance to growth, we can also grow with the support of the powerful minister." Luo Er smiled.

"But this." Chelsea was a little anxious.

"I know what you want to say, doesn't this mean that the minister has more power?"

"Yes, in this way, no matter how much we do, we are helping the evil." Chelsea's speech speed became faster.

"If we want to become stronger, we must rely on the power of the minister. Only when we become stronger can we have the right to change from within." Luo Er clenched his fist. Before, he was not strong, so he could only rely on the power of the other party.

It is called the Procuratorate, but in fact it has become a sieve. There are people from the other party monitoring each department here. He just stands firm in the imperial capital.

But now it is different. He has strong power and can suppress it directly by force.

"Lord Luo Er, OK, I know." Chelsi was a little disappointed. The revolutionary army contacted her before, and she wanted to make revolutionary changes from within.

But the imperial capital has been rotten to the root. It is meaningless to continue to work here and help the evil.

"Chelsi, after the dinner today, start to slowly clean up the inner ghosts of the Procuratorate, and I will bear the pressure from the minister." Luo Er knew that if he did not do something, his second wife would be ruined.

"Yes." Chelsi's eyes lit up. Luo Er's doing this means that Luo Er chose to break with the minister. In this case, she is the best blade in Luo Er's hand to remove all obstacles for him.

"Also, reveal the list of corruption and various crimes to Night Raid. We cannot expose our existence. We clean up in the name of Night Raid. Since we choose to change from the inside, we cannot betray openly."

"Okay, I will do it myself." Chelsea had confidence.

"Don't have too much good feelings towards the Revolutionary Army. After all, they are rebelling against this dynasty. They have no power, so they choose to cooperate with the alien race. In order to rebel, they can borrow any power that can be won over. Hei Tong, give her the things."

Hei Tong moved, feeling a little uncomfortable. Chelsea went directly to the bedside, looking at the marks on the bed and the strong smell, her face was a little red.

Hei Tong took out a file from under the pillow and handed it to her. Chelsea opened it directly and took a casual look: "Lord Luo Er, this is."

"Evidence of the cooperation between the Revolutionary Army and the alien race, and the reason for the destruction of the border village." Luo Er naturally couldn't let the other party dig into his corner.

"This..." Chelsea was silent.

"You can check the authenticity of this information. With your ability, you can find it out." Luo Er continued to apply eye drops to the Revolutionary Army.

Anyway, he would rather die than his friend, so how could he let his woman work for others, and it was a life that was doomed to die.

"Lord Luo Er, I'm sorry, please punish me." Chelsi bowed 90 degrees.

"Chelsi, can you become my family, like Hei Tong, become my real family." Luo Er smiled and invited.

"Huh~ Lord Luo Er, this I..."

"Don't answer it yet, how about you reply to me after seeing my actions in a while?" Luo Er interrupted.

Chelsi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time thought of Luo Er's every bit. He was a good husband, and Hei Tong was spoiled by him like a princess. He didn't treat women like other nobles, but respected them enough. She was indeed a good candidate for marriage.

"Close your eyes, and then it's time for punishment."

Chelsi closed her eyes and immediately felt her nose sucking. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes more tightly, as if waiting for him to bully her.

Luo Er naturally didn't kiss her. He disdained this way, and he didn't feel accomplished yet. He wanted her to give herself to him voluntarily.

For a long time.

"Is it done?" Chelsi's clenched hands slowly loosened.

At this moment, she felt a warmth on her forehead and quickly opened her eyes, only to find that Luo Er was not far away, which made her a little suspicious.

"Chelsi, remember, next, we are facing the minister, and there will be danger at any time. Everything depends on yourself. Once there is a life-threatening situation, I allow you to give up the mission, understand?" Luo Er's tone was not to be rejected.


"I'm serious. After all, I care about Hei Tong and you. I don't care about other people, so can you please protect yourself for me?"

"Okay." Chelsi blushed and fled from the bedroom.

"Luol, hum." Hei Tong turned around and lay down, no longer looking at Luo Er. She naturally knew that a man could not have only one wife, but it was her legitimate right to be jealous of her.

"Hei Tong, what snack do you want to eat?" Luo Er sat on the bed and stroked her black hair.


"Okay, I'll do it right away. You can rest for a while." Luo Er got up and walked out of the room.

"Huh, it turns out that you still need force." Roll went to the yard and clenched his fist.

Unlike Roll in Naruto and One Piece, he does not have strong strength, and no imperial weapon chooses him. To stand firm in this world, he must have enough skills and power.

So in the early stage, he chose to rely on the minister and become a pawn to control the nobles. He was also a shield to attract the firepower of the nobles. When the nobles did not choose to tear their faces, he would not die, and he could even live well.

Even Hei Tong, he just said to the minister that he wanted this woman, and then sent her to him intact.

But once he failed, the minister would abandon him without hesitation, and the nobles would cut him into pieces. He has always been dancing on the edge of a knife. Now he has power, and he has the power to resist and protect.

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