In the 15-16 season, an Italian came to England. Ranieri, known as the"tinker", took over the coach of a Premier League relegation team, and what followed was the"Blue Fox Miracle". With the united efforts of Leicester City players, they won the Premier League championship two rounds ahead of schedule with a record of 22 wins, 11 draws and 3 losses, becoming the sixth Premier League championship team and the first top league championship in the club's 132-year history.

Before the start of the season, Leicester City's odds of winning the Premier League were as high as 5,000 to 1. The bookmaker also offered the same odds as"Kim Kardashian being elected President of the United States before 2020."",""Obama started playing professional cricket after leaving office" and so on."Leicester City won the Premier League championship" once seemed as ridiculous as them, but in the end it was incredibly achieved.

That year, the head coach Italian Although Ranieri has played in many leagues, including La Liga's"Bat Legion" Valencia, he once led Valencia to win the Spanish Cup and led Valencia to the Champions League final in 2000.

Unfortunately, he failed 0:3.

He lost the championship to Real Madrid.

He also coached Atletico Madrid, one of the top three teams in La Liga.

However, his coaching career was a bit embarrassing.

He led the team and was dismissed due to poor results.

Atletico Madrid was also relegated that season.

Then he came to the Premier League. , he took over Chelsea. His signings included Lampard. Unfortunately, although he led Chelsea to the FA Cup final, they lost to Arsenal 0:2 and then Ranieri took over halfway. Parma successfully helped Parma avoid relegation, and then he coached Serie A giants Juventus and Inter Milan.

Then Monaco and the Greek national team had poor results.

On July 13, 2015, Ranieri ushered in the first time in his life.

The most important moment was that although his predecessor Pearson successfully helped Leicester City avoid relegation with the"Victory Escape" in the last few rounds of the league, he was separated from other members of the team due to the"ostrich incident" and the fact that his son was in Thailand.

Two young players teamed up to have sex and filmed the video, which caused great controversy.

In the end, Pearson was dismissed from class.

"The"Fox Miracle" can be called the creator of the biggest miracle so far. When it was believed that they would be relegated, they defeated a number of giants and won the Premier League championship. The arrival of Ranieri changed Leicester City's tactics to 442, a civilian lineup, a head coach who has never won a league championship, but has rich experience in cup finals, but mostly experience in losing.

Ranieri's 442 formation runs through almost his entire coaching career.

Knowing that the team is not strong, Ranieri mainly relies on counterattacks and wins the Premier League championship with a civilian lineup whose salary expenditure ranks only third from the bottom and the team is worth only 50 million.

In the goalkeeper position, the father is a tiger son.

Last season, the team won the Championship and was promoted to the Premier League.

He is in harmony with his father.

Schmeichel is the opposite of Schmeichel.

He is quiet and introverted.

He will not scold his teammates endlessly in every game like his father.

He is also a team leader, but a leader who makes people feel closer.

That season, he started in every Premier League game of Leicester City and helped the team win the league championship.

The Danish goalkeeper has now become a main player in Leicester City. He probably won't think of what kind of miracle he will create in a few years. Unlike his father, he has never played for a big club in his career and has started for Notts County for a season. In the next home game against Leicester City, Notts County fans are ready to welcome Schmeichel back to Mido Lane.

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