At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

001 A Gateway To The Daqin Palace! [15, New Book For Collection]

parallel world

Jiangnan, Dongshan City

Outside Jijia Village at the foot of Dongshan Mountain

A tall, handsome young man drove a dilapidated van into the entrance of the village and greeted the nearby villagers with a smile from time to time.

"Aunt San, where are you going? Have you eaten?"

"Uncle Six, are you going to pick up your grandson again?"

"Yes, yes, Ji Han is so polite, she deserves to be a college student, culture is different."

"Cut! College students have nothing to do. They don't look for jobs. They tinker with the ground all day long. It's better not to study in this university."

"Yeah, I heard that Uncle Tiegen introduced you to several girls and you don't talk about it? Are you trying to be a bachelor?"

The villagers who gossip and gossip at the village entrance speak every word!

Ji Han smiled slightly and didn't mind, and drove back to his home.

This small mountain village with 100 households at the foot of Xishan is his hometown. As the only college student in the village, Ji Han not only did not look for a job after graduating from university, but also returned to his home to do farming. This is definitely a brain-dead behavior in the eyes of the villagers. .

In this regard, Ji Han is too lazy to explain too much.

After his parents passed away, he took care of the mountains in the family by himself.

In just two years, he transformed more than one hundred acres of land at the foot of the mountain, plus several hundred acres of mountain forests and a reservoir, into a small farm.

At the same time, he also separates a yard in front of his house, raises a lot of chickens, ducks and geese, and makes a cameo appearance at a farmhouse when he has nothing to do. Occasionally, he can attract some guests from the city to come over for consumption, and he can still live a small life.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

As soon as Ji Han got off the van, a sturdy Caucasian dog like a calf rushed over excitedly, and his big hairy head kept rubbing against him.

If you look carefully, this big dog is really amazing!

Its physique is larger than the average Caucasian dog, its hair is black and yellow, and it looks more powerful and domineering than a lion. It can definitely scare a lot of people into tears when it goes out.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Hei, play by yourself!"

"Haha, did I miss me after I went out for a while?"

"Good dog, I'll cook you a big bone later."

Ji Han was in a good mood teasing the big dog, flicking its lush fur from time to time, and Xiao Hei's face suddenly showed a humanized look of enjoyment.

"Ding! Beast Taming Skill Proficiency +1"

"Ding! Beast Taming Skill Proficiency +1"

"Ding! Beast Taming Skill Proficiency +1"

A series of prompts that only Ji Han could hear kept ringing in his mind.

Ji Han is not surprised at all, and he has even become accustomed to it, because there is a system bound to his body.

This system is very mysterious!

Ji Han couldn't figure out what it was for.

It's just that whenever he does something, it always prompts that his proficiency in a certain skill is +1, and then the skill keeps getting stronger.

Over the years, Ji Han has also gained a lot of weird skills!

Such as animal taming, planting, fishing, cooking, music, hacking, hunting, driving, Go, swimming, etc. There are dozens of kinds, most of which have reached the master level and expert level.

It's a pity that these skills don't seem to be of great help to him.

In addition, Ji Han is a relatively Buddhist person, so he has been living in his own small village, and he lives happily with flowers, birds, fish and insects every day.

However, in today's prompt tone, a different prompt popped up!

"Ding! The system upgrade conditions are fulfilled!"

"The system has been upgraded successfully, please explore the specific functions yourself!"


"System upgrade? What's going on?"

Ji Han was a little stunned, but the system's voice fell silent, and there was no response for a long time.

This made him puzzled, but he couldn't help being silent.

This broken system is still as cold as ever, and it doesn't say anything about its functions. I'm really tired.

"Your sister, I'll study it tomorrow!"

"Let's go, little black, let's make dinner first!"

Ji Han rubbed the dog's head and went straight to the kitchen!

But he didn't know that when he left, thick fog slowly formed around the farm and even the entire Jijia Village.

Night begins to fall!

A thick fog swept in from all directions, quickly wrapping Ji Han's farm, and it was difficult for outsiders to get close.

Immediately afterwards, a faint light emerged from the fog.

Vaguely can be seen, this seems to be a door!


at the same time

Daqin World, inside the Xianyang City Palace

There was also a faint mist, and there was a strange door of light in the harem!

This phenomenon immediately caused chaos in the palace, and a large number of guards and maids knelt down in surprise, and even Ying Zheng was alarmed.

"What is this? Why is there such a vision in the imperial city?" Ying Zheng was shocked.

Wang Ben and Zhao Gaolisi, who rushed over, were also stunned and stunned. No one expected that a door of light would suddenly appear here.

"This thing is like a door!" Li Si exclaimed: "Through this door, you can vaguely see houses and water houses, and chickens and dogs hear each other. Could it be that this is a legendary fairyland?"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" When Zhao Gao saw this, he immediately flattered: "This must be the residence of the immortals. Your Majesty has worked hard to build three emperors. Now the immortals have descended to the gate of heaven and invite you to set foot in the fairyland. The slaves congratulate His Majesty!"

"I congratulate your majesty!"

Li Si, Wang Ben and the others also knelt down and shouted!

Everyone's eyes were full of excitement and ecstasy. No one doubted Zhao Gao's inference, and even Ying Zheng couldn't help but be moved.

Could this really be the residence of the immortals?

The immortal wants to invite Ying Zheng as a guest?

right! It must be so.

Years of obsession with longevity immediately convinced Ying Zheng.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the ecstasy, and asked excitedly: "Zhu Qing, now that the immortals have performed miracles, what should we do?"

"I thought I should send someone over to look for one or two!" Wang Ben quickly suggested out of safety concerns.

Ying Zheng thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed!

Wang Ben quickly waved his hand, and a dozen or so black armored soldiers were about to step through the gate of light.

However, just as they approached, they were bounced open by the door of light, and even Li Si and Zhao Gao who approached were blocked from the door of light.

"Hahaha!" Ying Zheng was not angry but happy when he saw this: "It seems that the immortals don't want to see you, so I will try it in person!"

After speaking, Ying Zheng stepped forward excitedly!

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

Wang Ben was anxious, and quickly followed.

This time, the door of light did not stop the two of them. With a swish, the two disappeared into the door of light, and everyone present was stunned.

[The new book is open, asking for collection and fattening, asking for all kinds of support! 】

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