At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

010 The Court Discussion, Ying Zheng's Review! 【55, Please Collect】

the next morning

To discuss matters in the court, civil and military officials gather together!

Everyone already knew about the big event that happened last night, so people in the courtroom were panicked and there was a lot of discussion.

"Marquis Tongwu, I heard that you and His Majesty set foot in the fairyland last night, and also met the immortal, is there any such thing?"

"Why did His Majesty immediately order the slaughter of the Zhao Gao clan after he came out of the fairyland? What does this mean?"

"Yeah, even the Prime Minister Zuo has been implicated, will this be too much trouble?"

"I heard that there are more than 100 warlocks in the palace, and hundreds of remnants of the Six Kingdoms have all been killed. The people killed outside the moat are rolling!"

The officials were talking a lot, but Wang Ben kept his mouth shut!

No matter who asked what, he never said a word, and everyone wanted to curse in a hurry.

After Ying Zheng approached the court, all the officials knelt down to greet him, and the court meeting officially began.

Ying Zheng glanced around this large courtroom, unexpectedly did not get angry, did not reprimand anyone, and did not have the violent storm that everyone imagined, but showed a smile.

"Wang Qing, let's get started!" Ying Zheng ordered, "Tell everyone what you saw last night!"


Wang Ben went straight out of the queue, clasped his fists and said to Baiguan: "My lords, last night the palace was filled with fog, and a gate of light descended from the sky. I am fortunate to follow Your Majesty to the fairyland!"

"Step into fairyland?"

"W-what's the matter?"

Hundreds of officials were in an uproar, all of them showing disbelief!

Obviously everyone didn't believe this kind of nonsense. Everyone subconsciously looked at Wang Ben with suspicious eyes, thinking that he was cooperating with Ying Zheng to talk nonsense.

But Wang Ben was too lazy to explain too much, but continued: "In fairyland, birds and flowers are fragrant and chickens and dogs hear each other. When we meet the immortals, we have to give them delicious food and wine!"

"The immortal talked with His Majesty in a candle-lit night. He once said that this will be a major event in Kyushu for thousands of years in the future, and he will even give the immortal grain of a hundred stones per mu!"

"What? Immortal food?"

"One hundred stones per mu? Are you crazy?"

"Your Majesty, the Marquis of Tongwu openly deceived the officials, this is a serious crime!"

There was an uproar in the court, and many courtiers were even more angry and accused.

Ying Zheng indifferently waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and at the same time ordered, "Wang Qing, continue!"

"Yes!" Wang Ben coughed lightly and continued: "The immortal once said that Zhao Gaolisi will join forces to tamper with the imperial edict in the future, and will even carry out the act of referring to a deer as a horse, and openly trample on my imperial power in Great Qin!"

"Moreover, the warlocks in the palace are all robbers, and all the medicines they practice are poisons!"

"I also said that my Daqinnan expedition to Baiyue will suffer a great defeat, lose troops and lose soldiers, and cause countless casualties!"

Wang Ben's words once again caused an uproar in the audience.

All the officials glared at him. Fortunately, he didn't say anything about the death of Da Qin II and Ying Zheng's violent death in the sand dunes. Otherwise, everyone would have to beat him on the spot.

"Your Majesty, Marquis Tongwu speaks nonsense and deceives people's hearts, and I request that the three clans be executed!"

"The chaotic thief, this is simply a chaotic thief, Wang Ben, don't talk nonsense just because your royal family has worked hard and made great achievements. Do you want to die?"

"Your Majesty, Marquis Tongwu is a heinous crime and deserves to be executed!"

Hundreds of officials attacked one after another, and they aimed at Wang Ben at once.

What makes everyone strange is that Ying Zheng not only did not get angry, but said calmly: "Wang Qing did not lie, everything he said is true!"


"Didn't lie?"

"How is this possible?"

Everyone was stunned, no one expected this to happen!

What is Ying Zheng doing? How can such a thing be said?

"I did see immortals last night, and I did indeed set foot in the fairyland. Not only did I get the seeds of a hundred stones, but I also saw with my own eyes everything that will happen in the next thousands of years, and saw the scene of Kyushu's life being ruined!"

"All these guilts are caused by my favoring traitorous officials and obsessed with longevity. I am very frightened and deeply disturbed!"

"Fortunately, the Immortal Master reminded me that nothing has happened yet, and I still have a chance to change everything!"

"That's why I used gray rabbits to test the medicine overnight, and eight of the ten rabbits were killed on the spot. This proves what the Immortal Master said, all these warlocks are unforgivable!"

"Zhao Gao, this thief is so daring and sinful that he has already been executed by me!"

"I promised the immortal master to change all of this, and let me be in Qin for thousands of years. Please all ministers learn from it!"

Ying Zheng's heart-wrenching remarks immediately left the audience stunned!

After the officials came back to their senses, they knelt down on the ground in excitement and shouted, "Your Majesty Shengming, God bless Daqin!"

At this moment, everyone believes it!

Ying Zheng's words were clearly self-examination.

This tyrant has a stubborn character. Besides the immortal, who else can make him make such a big change? Even criticize yourself in public?

All this must be the means of the fairy.

Although the immortal said that Daqin will encounter various disasters and defeats, but now that we know the future, what is everyone afraid of?

The treacherous official Zhao Gao has already been put to death. If His Majesty is willing to work hard, this will only be a happy event for Da Qin.

At the same time, everyone's envious eyes also turned to Wang Ben!

This guy is too lucky to be able to follow His Majesty to the fairyland, and even taste the food and wine of the fairy family. This is really enviable, jealous and hateful.

"Last night, I was sorely devastated!" Ying Zheng continued: "I decided to follow the words of the Immortal Master and decide my great Qin Qiankun with three measures!"

"Three strategies? Which three strategies?"

"Please, Your Majesty, make it clear!"

The eyes of the officials shone brightly, and they were all interested.

In fact, smart people have already seen the shortcomings of Daqin, Ying Zheng suddenly made such a big battle, and clearly stated that it was the immortal teacher's guidance, everyone wanted to see what the immortal teacher was capable of.

"One!" Ying Zheng directly announced: "Stop the Southern Expedition to Baiyue Plan, transfer all the grain, troops and horses to the north, prepare to attack the Xiongnu in the north within three months, and completely drive the Xiongnu out of the Hetao area!"

"What? Suspend the southern expedition to Baiyue? Instead, attack the Xiongnu in the north?"

"Your Majesty, there are up to 50,000 soldiers that can be fought by Baiyue, and the Huns are all soldiers.

"We have been preparing for this battle for three years, how can we give up easily?"

The officials were in an uproar when they heard this!

Tu Sui was even more angry and screamed!


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for Collection of Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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