At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

1003 Curiosity and anticipation! 【Subscription】

Ji Han did not expect that the Wu people of the Jiuli tribe would be so enthusiastic, and they had already begun to accept him before he stepped into the tribe!

This made Ji Han feel quite emotional, it seems that such a thing will only happen in the Wu tribe.

At this time, at the gate of the Jiuli tribe, hundreds of people from the Wu tribe were looking at Ji Han with surprise, curiosity and strangeness, and more and more tribesmen were coming after hearing the news.

Seeing this posture, Lie Yun immediately waved "860" loudly and said: "Every clansmen, stop crowding, let us go in first, let's go to the bonfire square, and let all clansmen see the ligers!!

"Yes, yes, let Brother Liyun and the others come in first!"

"Let's go, let's go to the bonfire square together, let's all go!"

"Haha, Big Brother Lieyun is right, what's the point of being stuck at the door! 35

"Haha, that's right, let's all go to the bonfire square, come on, go and inform the patriarch and the elders!!""

"I'm going I'm going...""

Hearing Lie Yun say this, the Wu people crowded at the door also realized that something was wrong, and immediately responded with a big laugh.

Seeing this, Lie Yun also said to Ji Han: "Haha, Brother Guhuang, let's go, let's go too!""

Ji Han nodded and followed Lie Yun to the center of the Jiuli tribe.

That's right, the bonfire square of the Jiuli tribe is right in the center of the tribe. As the name suggests, it is the place where the Jiuli people hold bonfire activities. It is big enough to accommodate all the tribesmen.

Behind him, Lie Qing and others carried the body of the liger and followed the torrent of clansmen to the bonfire square.

Soon, Wu Meng and the others arrived at the bonfire square first, and then Lie Yun and Ji Han also followed. Li Qing and the four directly threw the liger's body on the ground with a bang.

The ground of this bonfire square was covered with dark hard slate, even if the liger smashed to the ground, it did not cause any damage to the slate, and its hardness was evident.

More and more clansmen continued to use around the bonfire square. Some people looked at the body of the liger in shock, some looked at Ji Han with curiosity, and some people were talking in amazement. For a time, there were many voices on the bonfire square. , and more and more people.

In the middle of the crowd, Lie Yun looked at Ji Han who had no fear or any sense of tension, and couldn't help but feel a little admiration.

He whispered to Ji Han: "Brother Guhuang, please be patient and wait until the patriarch and elders come!"

"Okay!" Ji Han nodded with a smile.

While speaking, Ji Han also looked around with a smile and curiosity, and carefully looked at the surrounding Jiuli people.

Except for the clansmen who went out, most of the Jiuli clansmen had gathered in the bonfire square at this time, as many as tens of thousands.

However, among these tens of thousands of people, Ji Han's figure seems to stand out from the crowd. It is so eye-catching, so obvious and dazzling, it is difficult for people not to pay attention. When they arrived, they all looked at Ji Han at first, and then they looked at the liger because they heard the discussions of the surrounding clansmen.

It can be seen that Ji Han has attracted everyone's attention even if he stood there without speaking.

"Who is that person? Why did he appear in our tribe?

"You haven't heard of it yet? That person is called Gu Huang, and Lie Yun said that he has been traveling abroad and only returned recently!""

"That's right, and Lie Yun also said that the liger was killed by Ancient Huang, it's amazing!

"Tsk tsk tsk... Liger 4.3, this is the first time I've seen it, that Ancient Wilderness is so powerful! 35

"That's not it, you look at his figure, he is more than half taller than us, and his strength must be the same!

On the bonfire square, before the patriarch and elders of the Jiuli tribe arrived, the tens of thousands of people who had gathered couldn't help but spread the news to the surrounding, and they talked a lot, appearing extremely curious and looking forward to it. !.


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