At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Great Desolation, Xiniu Hezhou!

At this time, Xi Niu Hezhou had already become an Asura Purgatory, and it was also a giant flesh and blood grinder, constantly devouring the flesh and blood of countless monsters, heavenly soldiers, and dragons.

Because after Daoist Lu Ya re-emerged as the new commander of the Yaozu, Daoist Lu turned Xiniu Hezhou into the main battlefield. He directly issued a summoning order, calling on all Yaozu to go to Xiniu Hezhou to assist in the battle and jointly resist the heavenly court. With the dragon clan, so many years of fierce battle, the land of Xiniu Hezhou has long been buried with many flesh and white bones!

On Xiniu Hezhou, only the Lingshan area under the control of the Western religion can be regarded as a truly peaceful pure land. In addition, it can be said that gunpowder smoke is everywhere, and wars are endless!

However, under the leadership of Daoist Lu Ya, the demon clan is particularly tenacious. Not only has it been stubbornly blocking the encirclement and suppression of the Heavenly Court and the Dragon clan, but also continuously used the huge army of the demon clan to carry out counter-encirclement and suppression, which has also caused a lot of damage to the Heavenly Court and the Dragon clan. of casualties.

It's just that although the demon clan has a new commander and the army has once again expanded a lot, the alliance between Heavenly Court and the dragon clan is naturally a stronger party, so the demon clan has also killed a large number of various types in the past few years. Monster beasts, the strength of the troops also began to dwarf, and under the continuous siege and suppression of the heavenly court and the dragon clan, the monster clan began to gradually fall into the disadvantage, and the resistance was no longer as strong as it was at the beginning!

However, just when most of the people in Honghuang were focusing on the battlefield of Xiniu Hezhou, not many people knew that a team of 800,000 people started to step out of Beiju Luzhou, and then quickly headed to Xiniu Hezhou !

The people in this team are all tall people, and each of them exudes a primitive and ancient vicious aura. These are all the capable people of the Wu clan!

Following Ji Han's order to let the Wu people come out to assist the Heavenly Court, those Wu people who had sworn allegiance to Ji Han naturally had no objection and responded immediately.

They were even very excited, because having a war means having merit, and only with merit can they be rewarded by Ji Han and become stronger.

Therefore, after a meal of integration, the Wu people officially began to go out of the mountain and headed to Xiniu Hezhou!

"Wash your sins and help heaven!! 35

This team shouted unanimous slogans, and everyone had bloodthirsty fighting intent on their faces.

Under the leadership of Wu Mian, they went straight to the edge of Beiju Luzhou, preparing to cross the North Sea to the south and reach Xiniuhezhou.

That's right, this time (bbed) only the Wu Mian led the Wu Clan out of the mountain, and Ji Han did not appear.

This is because Ji Han has his own deeper thoughts, and this is also to prevent others from deducing his whereabouts. He needs to walk in the dark, waiting for the most suitable opportunity to come.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this time our Wu clan must let everyone remember the power of our Wu clan!

While shouting loudly, Wu Mian quickly ran straight to the south.

Because Beiju Luzhou and Xiniuhezhou are separated by a piece of North Sea waters, if they want to reach Xiniuhezhou, they must cross the sea, otherwise it will be difficult to reach Xiniuhezhou!

And Wu Mian has learned that Ji Han solved this problem for them.

Because Ji Han informed Ao Lie in advance and asked him to send someone to wait in the Beihai waters to help the Wu people cross the sea.

Ao Lie learned that Ji Han had united the Wu clan without a sound, and ordered the Wu clan to come out to assist the battle in the heavenly court.

Ao Lie believes that the Wu clan is like the straw that crushes the camel. With the participation of the Wu clan, the demon clan will completely come to an end, and it will no longer be possible for the chaos to continue!

Soon, Wu Mian led 800,000 clansmen to the southernmost sea area of ​​Beiju Luzhou, and then with the help of countless sea clans, they began to cross the Beihai sea area, and then officially set foot on Xiniu Hezhou!

When the Wu people set foot on Xiniu Hezhou, it officially announced that the Wu people had come out of the mountains and began to reappear in front of the world, reminding the world that the once powerful Wu people were not extinct!!.

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