At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

110 Lao Zhao, do you want to pretend to be a big guy? [2/7, please subscribe]

Wang Jian's personal weighing and security, as well as the onlookers of all the people at the scene, made all doubts settled.

The potato fairy food that countless people are thinking about and constantly questioning, finally appeared in front of the world.

This 67 stone per mu yield has already killed all grain!

This also made countless Qian leaders excited and ecstatic.


After Ying Zheng laughed with joy, he said excitedly: "Continue to dig, there will be Taishi Lao to continue weighing!"

Wang Jian nodded cheerfully, naturally he would not refuse.

The reason why he came forward as a guarantee today is to witness the grand occasion of this immortal food, and secondly, to dispel the doubts of the people.

His Wang Jian's reputation is still very reliable. With his personal supervision and guarantee, who would dare to question it randomly?

Immediately afterwards, acres and acres of potatoes were dug up!

After Wang Jian weighed again and again, he kept reporting the yield per mu.

The high yield of these potatoes is as high as more than 70 stone per mu, and the low yield is more than 50 stone. In the end, the average is 62 stone per mu, which is really shocking.

"My dear gentlemen, all the heads of Qian!" Ying Zheng shouted loudly: "Today the potato fairy grain was harvested in public, and it was measured that the yield per mu was more than sixty-two stones. This is the grain bestowed by the immortals. Follow me to thank the immortals! "

"Thank you fairy!

"Long live Daqin!

"Thank you fairy!"

"Long live Daqin!

The whole Qianshou cheered and shouted excitedly, and the roar of the mountains was earth-shattering, and everyone present was shocked and unforgettable for a long time.

It is conceivable how happy the countless poor people in the world will be when this news spreads throughout Kyushu.

"With this immortal food, there will be no more people in my Daqin who starve to death!"

"The immortal master's merits are immeasurable, and he blesses Da Qin. I ordered the construction of a holy temple and sacrificed it with incense forever! 99

"This holy temple is dedicated to the immortal master, and the lower is dedicated to the seventy-two worthy ministers and famous generals of the seven kingdoms, the people of Great Qin, worship with me!

Ying Zheng's domineering declaration caused another tsunami!

Many people were shocked by the matter of this holy temple.

"What a magnificent temple, it is actually dedicated to the Immortal Master, we can worship more.

"I heard that this Immortal Master Temple used more than 10,000 craftsmen to build it, it really is domineering and magnificent!

"The immortal master blesses Daqin, and it is appropriate to build a temple no matter how big it is, but I heard that His Majesty has chosen many worthy officials and generals to rank among them, enjoying the incense of eternity, and I don't know who it is.

"I heard that the Zhao State and the Chu State have them. Your Majesty must be really generous!"

"Really? If so, this is the blessing of the remnants of the Six Nations. Your Majesty accepts us so generously, and we will be the people of Great Qin in the future!"

The people are excited to discuss!

Ying Zheng stepped forward, preparing to take the lead in ascending the holy temple to offer incense and worship.

The hundred steps of the temple were already full of black armored soldiers, and a large number of civil and military officials followed behind Ying Zheng, and everyone's expressions were solemn and solemn.

But at this moment, Ji Han noticed something was wrong!

A strange feeling of standing upright hairs arises spontaneously, as if something big is about to happen.

"This, is this a danger perception skill?"

Ji Han's face was weird, and he immediately judged that this was a passive skill he had acquired before - danger perception!

This is a skill that can sense danger!

But Ji Han looked around, but he didn't find any danger. Could it be that a meteorite hasn't landed in the sky and killed him?

"No, the sense of danger comes from Ying Zheng!

"My skill can sense not only the danger to myself, but also the danger to others.

"Old Zhao is going to have an accident!"

Ji Han silently closed his eyes and felt it seriously!

Some sporadic images appeared in my mind vaguely.

"Someone wants to assassinate Lao Zhao?"

Ji Han laughed with interest.

They must be the remnants of the Six Kingdoms who are jumping over the wall and want to assassinate Lao Zhao at this time. Although they know that the success of the assassination is very slim, but whether it is successful or not, their goal has been achieved.

Once successful, Daqin will be in chaos!

If it fails, it can also arouse Lao Zhao's anger.

According to Lao Zhao's previous violent temper, he had to anger the remnants of the Six Kingdoms. At that time, the people would be raging again, and the people's grievances would be boiling, and they would not lose.

"Damn, looking for death!" Ji Han sneered and said directly: "Old Zhao, someone is going to assassinate you, should this ceremony be suspended?"


"Is it true what Mr.

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen immediately became interested.

Not only were they not afraid, but they laughed strangely.

Assassination? What a joke!

Is a generation of emperors so easy to assassinate?

"For sure, they'll shoot right away!" Ji Han said disdainfully: "There are probably more than a hundred dead people in the crowd, although it may not hurt you, but for the sake of safety, it is better to be careful on defense!

"Well, thank you sir for reminding me!"

Ying Zheng raised his hand and was about to order the Janissaries to defend.

But at 220, Ji Han suddenly said: "Wait a minute! Lao Zhao wait, do you want to pretend to be a big guy?

"Huh?" Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "What do you mean, sir? How can you pretend to be a big guy?

At this time, Lao Zhao had a deep obsession with the way of pretending to be coercive, and he immediately became interested when he talked about this big coercion.

"You wave your hands to let the officials step down, keep the soldiers away from you, and create opportunities for the killers to assassinate them!"

"Have you forgotten that the trading ring has an automatic guardian function? This function is very scary and can definitely keep you safe!"

"When the killer comes over, it will trigger automatically, and no one can hurt you by then!"

"Under the eyes of the public, hundreds of thousands of eyes are watching, don't you feel so happy that you fly?

Ji Han explained with a smile, Ying Zheng's breathing quickened immediately!

The arrogance that forced Wang Lao Zhao to burst into full force, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but draw a smile of anticipation.

"Hundred officials step back! 35

"All soldiers, take a hundred steps back! 55

Ying Zheng waved his big hand and immediately ordered, there was a feeling that everyone stepped aside, and I was about to pretend to be forced.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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