At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

116 A great artifact to control public opinion-newspaper! [1/7, please subscribe]

Ji Han can guess what Fu Su is thinking!

And now he has a mysterious faith connection with everyone present, and through this slight connection, he can also quickly judge the other party's thoughts.

Fusu has been worrying about the use of paper and printing!

During this period of time, Fusu has been in charge of the research and development of various new technologies. He has already mastered paper and printing techniques, and his workshop can also produce large-scale production at any time.

But Ji Han has never allowed it to be used on a large scale, which made him wonder.

"Mr.'s eyes are like torches, and Fusu admires him!"

"I have always wondered about this, why did the master keep asking artisans to produce and stock up paper, but not allow it to be used!

After Fu Su drank a few glasses of wine, he dared to ask the doubts in his heart!

Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "I haven't let you use it, just because the time has not come, and now the time has come, you can use it right away!


Everyone immediately became interested!

Does this paper and printing have any great use?

Ji Han has been holding on to his big move, what does he want to do?

"I want to run a newspaper and print textbooks!" Ji Han explained seriously: "If Lao Zhu was here, he would understand. A newspaper is something similar to Dibao, which is to put some interesting news, national policies, legal knowledge, etc. Things are printed on sheets of white paper, and then distributed and sold all over the world!


Everyone was amazed, and even Lao Zhao couldn't help but stop and listen carefully.

He has a feeling that this thing is definitely very important to Da Qin, otherwise Ji Han would not have been holding back like a big move until now.

"It's not difficult to understand what Mr. said about this newspaper!" Fusu said: "What you should want to do is to quickly transmit some text information to all parts of the world, so that all people can know about it, right~々?"

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded and said, "What is the biggest drawback of Daqin? It's the lack of news, the poor circulation of roads, the ignorance of the people, and it's easy to be deceived by others!"

"To solve these problems, we must develop education from the root. On the one hand, we must set up schools in various places to popularize education for the people for free, and on the other hand, we must run newspapers and control fishing reels!"

"Fishing reels?"

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he immediately caught the main point of the words.

As a generation of emperors, he knows best how terrifying this fishing reel is.

From ancient times to the present, any emperor has to be troubled by fishing boats, prestige, and popular sentiments, and it is easy to be controlled by literati, for fear that what he does will make him notorious in the history books.

The most typical is Tang Taizong Li Shimin!

This guy cares a lot about what the history books say about him, cares about his reputation, that is, cares about the power of the fishing reel.

So much so that every day he was scolded by his courtiers pointing at the nose, and he could only accompany the diligent government and love the people with a smiling face.

So fishing reels are definitely a great weapon!

If it is used well, it will benefit the country and the people;

Especially in modern times, fishing reels are even more terrifying and scary, and a person can die socially in minutes.

"The stakes of the fishing reels, Lao Zhao, you should understand!" Ji Han said solemnly: "Who controls the fishing reels in Daqin now? Naturally, they are scholars, especially the students from the hundreds of schools and the elites of the six countries! 39

"Qianshou is suffering from all over the place, haha, I don't even know a single big character, and I can't get out of the county where I am in my whole life. All sources of information about the surrounding situation and even Daqin are quite blocked!

"So these scholars want to control the fishing reels, it becomes very simple, what they say, the common people believe!

"They say you, Lao Zhao, are a tyrant, and the common people believe you are a tyrant. They say you are a wise lord, and you are a wise lord, but do you think they will say good things about you?"

Ji Han's half-smiling remarks immediately made Ying Zheng's face turn ashen!

Obviously, he has also suffered a lot of criticism over the years, and he was deeply hurt by the methods of these remnants of the Six Nations and the children of a hundred families.

Many things were clearly caused by others throwing dirty water on him, but he couldn't explain it, which was really embarrassing.

"If the fishing reel is controlled by the enemy, then you will be a tyrant through the ages, and the country will be in turmoil!"

"If it is controlled by the emperor, it can become a great weapon, why should the country be unhappy?"

"...Imagine if all the people in the world would know about the various policies that benefit the people of the Qin Dynasty, all the miracles that happened in the holy temple, the high yield of potatoes, and the various brilliant achievements of the Xiongnu era, one by one!

"Then will the common people be excited? Will they be proud? Will they think that your old Zhao is the son of destiny, and Daqin is the dynasty that destiny has returned? Will this world be as stable as Mount Tai?"

Ji Han talks eloquently, and Ying Zheng gets more and more excited the more he listens!

His eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help but excitedly said: "Wonderful, hahaha! Sir, this newspaper is really a good plan, if it can be like this, why should I worry about the remnants of these six countries?"

"If the people all over the world can know about such important events, the people's hearts will be stable, why should I worry about the few rumors spread by the remnants of these six kingdoms?

"Hahaha, this is really good stuff, good stuff!"

The more Ying Zheng spoke, the more excited he became, and the others were overjoyed.

Ji Han's (completed) explanation, no matter how stupid people are, they know the importance of this thing.

No wonder he kept refraining from speaking, this was going to give Lao Zhao a big surprise.

It is foreseeable that once this newspaper really comes out, it will definitely bring a huge cultural shock to Daqin.

"Sir, I admire you!" Fusu stood up and said: "This paper has been hoarded a lot, the printing technique has been perfected, and all the conditions have been met, you can get this newspaper at any time!"

"But I still have a question. Most of the people in Daqin don't know one big character. Sir, this newspaper is printed, who buys it? Who reads it?"



"That's a problem!"

Fusu's soul torture immediately made everyone stunned.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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