At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

012 Son Of A Bitch, Is This Going To Be Sold? 【25, Ask For Flowers】

Eight in the morning

Ji Han woke up from his sleep.

His alcohol smell had already dissipated, and he was refreshed after a good night's sleep. After washing up, he was just about to make breakfast.

However, he saw Xiao Hei silently guarding the door of the warehouse, looking at himself with a strange expression on his face, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Little black, what are you doing?"

Ji Han curiously walked over to take a look, suddenly struck by lightning.

"Fuck, where are my potatoes?"

"Fuck! More than 10,000 catties of potatoes, have you been thieves?"

"Yesterday there were a lot of them, so why is it empty now? Xiao Hei, how did you keep an eye on the door?"

Ji Han was so excited that he wanted to scold his mother, but found Xiao Hei's face full of grievances, and he made a wave of gestures, as if he was saying that it was none of my business.

"You mean Lao Wang Lao Zhao took it?" Ji Han exclaimed.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei nodded desperately, Ji Han was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

These two robbers and bandits, yesterday he thought they wanted to take some back to eat, so he just said that they would move freely.

Who knew that these two bastards were so rude, they all moved away more than 10,000 catties, can they eat it all?

Son of a bitch, is this going to be sold?

"Fuck! Don't let me see the two of you again, and I'll break your legs when I see you again!"

"Your uncle, you eat and drink for free and carry me more than 10,000 catties of potatoes. I can't stand against you!"

Ji Han wanted to cry without tears and scolded his mother, these two robbers are really pitiful!

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for getting five thousand corrections!"

"Congratulations on your body attribute +10!"

"Congratulations on getting a beast spirit pill!"

"Congratulations on getting a small gathering spirit array!"

A series of system prompts suddenly sounded in my mind.

Ji Han, who was depressed, immediately widened his eyes in shock.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

He was so confused, he didn't understand what was going on for a long time!

Why did the system suddenly go crazy when I woke up early in the morning?

"Correction value? What is this?"

Ji Han frowned and thought hard. First of all, he was sure that something must have happened after the system was upgraded yesterday, so there were so many rewards all of a sudden.

This correction value should be the core of the event.

But Ji Han didn't understand what the correction value was after thinking for a long time!

If the good value can be guessed as doing good things, and the evil value can be guessed as doing bad things, what is the correctable value?

The Dogecoin system is as cold as ever, no response to any inquiries.

After Ji Han was puzzled, he could only temporarily put aside his doubts and start checking his rewards.

First of all, his whole body attribute is +10, which is a huge reward. In an instant, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his strength seems to have increased several times.

At this time, Ji Han felt that he was full of power, and he had an illusion, as if he could knock down a cow with just one punch!

Such a powerful feeling, very cool!

The second is the beast spirit pill, which is a dark pill.

In the past, when Ji Han broke through the master level of animal taming, he once obtained one, and its function was to open up the wisdom of beasts.

This is why Xiao Hei is so huge and fierce, and his intelligence is so high, because the beast spirit pill was eaten by him last time, so he became the king of the dog king in this ten-mile-eight village!

"Wang Wang Wang!"

When Xiao Hei saw the beast spirit pill in Ji Han's hand, he went wild with excitement. It jumped up and down in excitement, and rubbed at Ji Han from time to time to please him, obviously wanting to eat it again.

"Hurry up, I can't eat this thing!" Ji Han kicked it angrily, and threw the beast spirit pill to it.

"Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei swallowed it excitedly, and then happily found a place to slowly digest the power of the medicine pill.

As for the last reward, it was a palm-sized gossip array!

When Ji Han stared at it, an introduction suddenly appeared in his mind--Small Gathering Array: Gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, creating a heaven and a blessed land, which can be used after dripping blood.

"Huh? This is a good thing!"

Ji Han's eyes lit up, and he immediately smiled.

Although he hadn't tried this thing, no matter how stupid he was, he knew it was definitely a good thing.

Looking at the literal introduction, you can know that a small gathering spirit array can gather the spiritual energy of the world, and then create a cave!

At that time, his farm will not only grow rapidly, but also prolong life. This is definitely a treasure that cannot be exchanged for thousands of dollars.

"Use it with blood? Try it!"

Ji Han gritted his teeth, cut his fingers with the knife decisively, and dripped a drop of blood on the gossip array.


This array of disks overflowed with light, and quickly penetrated into the ground and disappeared!

I saw that breezes quickly gathered from all directions, and the air in this farm seemed to be much fresher.

Ji Han took a deep breath, immediately refreshed, and the whole person became abnormally energetic.

The surrounding flowers and trees, chickens, ducks and geese, swimming fish in the water, and even the invisible grasshoppers and ants have all become full of energy, as if injected with a different kind of energy.

Ji Han knows that his farm has changed!

In time, this place will become a real paradise.

Any animals and plants will grow rapidly here, and people who live here for a long time will definitely be in a good mood and live a long life.

"Okay, hahaha!"

Ji Han was in a good mood, and the affairs of the two bandits, Lao Wang and Lao Zhao, were also forgotten by him.

Looking at his increasingly perfect small farm, his mind couldn't help but start to liven up.

"It must be expanded. There is a super-large waterwheel next to this creek, which is both beautiful and irrigating!"

"There are several strawberry sheds in the field here, and guests can come to pick strawberries!"

"Raise a few more ornamental pets such as ostriches and peacocks to ensure perfection!"

The more Ji Han thought about it, the happier he became, all kinds of plans came to his mind, and he was ambitious and ready to make a big fight.

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