At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

119 Can lightning also be domesticated? Incredible! 【4/7, please subscribe】

Ying Zheng's obsession with firearms can be said to be insane!

When it was determined that quality education was related to the development of firearms, he no longer hesitated and immediately decided to open a school.

"Actually, there are a lot of skills in running a school!" Ji Han talked eloquently and smiled: "First of all, Lao Zhao, you have to order people to open a large number of primary schools in various places, that is, Enlightenment Academy! 99

"Then two years later, an intermediate college was set up in the county town, and finally a university was set up in Xianyang town to continuously train talents for Daqin!

"Daqin children over the age of six must be forced to enter primary school for a period of three years. Those with excellent grades can enter middle school for a period of three years, and those with higher grades can enter university for a period of three years!

"In elementary school, we first teach some simple words and arithmetic, so that the children can be enlightened. If they have nothing to do, they will wash their "220" brains, let the children know that they are the people of the Qin Dynasty, and let them bury the faith of loyalty and patriotism in their hearts. Paving the way for full literacy.”

"In middle school, the main business is language and arithmetic, and electives are martial arts, physics, chemistry, strategy, medicine, etc., and let some veterans tell the stories of the battlefield to the children, stimulate the children's enthusiasm, and cultivate the martial arts of Daqin. !"

"Universities rely on each person's preferences to conduct in-depth research on the culture of various subjects, and can invite hundreds of scholars to teach and give lectures in the university, supplemented by loyal patriotic brainwashing, to ensure the loyalty of the students!"

"With this year-on-year implementation, in less than 20 years, everyone in Daqin will be literate, and there will be no more illiterate people, and after this layer of selection, Daqin will emerge all kinds of all-round talents!"

"The most important thing is that these students have been indoctrinated and brainwashed since childhood, and their fanaticism towards you, Lao Zhao, you will understand when you think about it!

Ji Han's explanation immediately made Ying Zheng smile!

He naturally understands this truth. Isn't this the way the big family trains the dead since childhood? Brainwash the children if they have nothing to do!

If all the children in the world become the die-hard loyalists of his old Zhao, and when these children grow up in batches, swearing to the death to shed blood for him, how majestic is this Qin Dynasty?

What Ying Zheng's sword points to, who can stop the alien race in the world?

"Well, well, this school must be run, it must be run well!" Ying Zheng was excited: "Fu Su write down what Mr. said, and make a plan when you go back!


Fusu agreed with a bitter face.

He feels that he is a tool man, does Lao Zhao have no brains himself? Why should he be remembered?

"Sir!" Wang Mushi's beautiful eyes floated, and she said boldly, "Everyone is full of food and drink, how about concubines and Yangzi cooking tea to relieve everyone's fatigue?

"Make tea?"

Ji Han has a weird face!

Did she mean bubble tea?

But yes, many people think that tea only appeared in the Han and Tang Dynasties, and there was no tea in the Qin Dynasty!

In fact, this statement is quite wrong!

According to the book "Chu Ge" in the Western Jin Dynasty, "Jianggui Tea Garden went out of Bashu, and it was known that after the Qin people took Shu, there was a drink."35

To put it simply, after the Qin people conquered Bashu, in order to resist the local miasma and moisture, the leaves were pounded into cake-shaped tea balls, and then dried or dried for storage.

Just boil it with boiling water when you want to drink it!

This is called brewing tea, and it developed into brewing tea in the Han Dynasty, and it did not become brewing tea until the Tang Dynasty.

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi are very self-conscious, they came here to be maids, so making tea is also their specialty.

"As for tea, I also like to drink it, but unfortunately your Daqin tea making methods are too backward, we don't do it here, we call it bubble tea!

"In the future, the two of you will inevitably have to make tea when you live here, so let me teach you! 35

Ji Han took out the tea tray while explaining!

His tea tray is a large wooden tea tray, carved from a whole piece of wood, with a gluttonous mane carved on the left, many tea cups placed in the middle, and a kettle on the right.

This delicate tea tray is a great feature of the South!

As soon as guests enter the door, they have to make tea, they have to make tea when talking about business, and they have to make tea when they are full, so Ji Han also has a lot of research on this tea.

Of course, before that, he felt compelled to warn him a few points!

"Remember, the wires of this teapot are connected to the socket, and there is electricity in this socket!"

"Oh yes, you don't understand what electricity is. It is actually a weakened version of thunder and lightning. It was tamed by humans and used to boil water for cooking!"

"When the two of you are making tea, once you find that the wire is damaged, don't touch it, and don't put your hands into the socket hole, understand? 39

Ji Han's explanation shocked everyone!

"Can thunder and lightning also be domesticated? This is too scary!

"The immortal master's method is really amazing, I admire it!"

"How can this electricity boil water for cooking? Incredible! 35

Everyone was amazed..

Yang Zi asked weakly, "Sir, what would happen if you put your hand into this hole?"

"That's a good question!"" Ji Han smiled and said, "You won't be able to remember what you say with your mouth alone. Let me do an experiment for you. Come, come, Hu Hai, put your hand in and try it! "


Hu Hai on the side was stunned.

He looked at Ji Han in horror, as if he saw the devil.

"Look at what, what's wrong with taking you as an experiment? You are a slave now, you know? Hurry up, I will punish you on your knees with durian until dawn!"

Ji Han kicked him in a bad mood!

After a while of threats, Hu Hai was reluctant and trembling, and finally he tentatively inserted his fingers into the outlet.

"Zizzi 4.3!

In an instant, sparks flew, and Hu Hai was electrocuted!

He trembled frantically, his hair stood on end in an instant, foaming at the mouth and fell to the ground twitching.


Everyone was startled immediately.

Ji Han was not surprised. He picked up the kettle and explained: "See, this is the power of electricity, you can't put your hands into it, oh yes! The water will also conduct electricity, you see!"

After speaking, Ji Han poured water on the socket!

When the water flow touched Hu Hai, he shuddered again!

"Fuck! 35

"Again? 95

Everyone was stunned and speechless for a long time!

Now, everyone suddenly sympathizes with Hu Hai!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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