At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

136 I am an immortal? Why don't I know? [7/7, please subscribe]

at dusk

Xu Chuyun left the small manor dizzy!

She bought more than 100 kilograms of watermelon and a lot of lychee and longan. In the end, she had to let the Xu family come to pick her up, and left here in a commercial car.

"Miss, when did you come back? Why didn't you make a phone call home, Mr. Xu and his wife were so happy!

"Let's go home now, right?"

The driver asked with a smile, Xu Chuyun nodded casually and did not say anything, her mind was still full of various questions.

This trip to Ji Han's small manor not only confirmed those unrealistic judgments in her mind, but also added more doubts.

There are so many questions that make her puzzled!

For example, is Ji Han really an immortal? How did he live for thousands of years without dying? What has he done in these thousands of years?

For example, Wang Mushi, Yang Zi, and Hu Hai, are they really ancient people? How did they survive to this day?

"It is now 80% certain that Mr. Ji is the immortal master Ji Han who appeared on the ancient inscription, and he may have lived for thousands of years!

"Yang Zi Hu Hai is the son of Qin Shi Huang in history!"

"Is Wang Mushi the daughter of Wang Ben? I remember that besides a son Wang Li, Wang Ben did have a daughter, but unfortunately there is no record of her name in the history books.

"Judging from the information disclosed in Mr. Ji's words, could he be a cultivator? There is a possibility, but how did Wang Mushi and the others appear?"

"Hey! They are immortals, the real behind-the-scenes bosses, I don't know how many mysterious methods, and it seems not uncommon for a few ancient people to be slaves!

"As written in the novel, there is a possibility that Qin Shihuang's mausoleum still has a million troops sealed by him. It is terrible and terrible, and it is impossible to offend it!"

Xu Chuyun whispered softly!

The more she thought about it, the more horrified she became. All kinds of evidence and her god-level brain tonic made her gradually believe in this guess!

But she never expected that a little mosquito behind her could hear all this clearly.

This mosquito was controlled by Ji Han with divine animal control!

Xu Chuyun's performance today was so strange that Ji Han had to be suspicious. He subconsciously made arrangements, but he didn't expect to hear such exciting words.


"Am I the Eternal?"

"I do not know how?"

Ji Han's face was stunned, and he didn't regain his senses for a while.

What's going on here? How could Xu Chuyun make such a judgment?

Wait, she's been in touch with some new changes in the archaeological world recently, if she discovers any historical phenomenon beyond common sense!

Thinking of the ancient jade that she showed her last time, and the reactions of Wang Mushi and others, she would inevitably be thinking wildly.

Like imagine Ji Han as an old monster who has lived for thousands of years?


Ji Han was dumbfounded, not knowing whether to scold his mother or laugh.

This Xu Chuyun is really good at brain supplementation, she almost guessed the final correct answer.

It can be predicted that she will definitely be unable to hold back her curiosity and collect more evidence to prove her inference!

It is precisely because Ji Han's constant transformation of Daqin and Daming will create a lot of false evidence for her, so this misunderstanding is completely incomprehensible.

Of course, even if Ji Han wanted to explain, he couldn't speak at all.

"Fortunately, she didn't know about Guangmen, otherwise the state would have to intervene immediately!

"It's okay to guess me as an immortal now, no one should dare to touch me until I know all the details about me!

"Even if you want to move me, no one can do anything in this one-third of the acre, and my safety is not a problem for the time being!

"But this kind of thing is not safe, I have to find a way to master some (bbed) more powerful forces, I have to make no one move me! 99

In Ji Han's heart, there was an inexplicable sense of crisis.

With his transformation of Daqin and Daming, the world will undergo more changes, and it will definitely affect him at that time.

Assuming that the national level pays attention to him, various trials and researches will surely follow.

If he doesn't plan ahead to give himself more protection, maybe he will become a guinea pig one day.

Is it possible to hide in this small mountain village for the rest of his life, or to hide in Daqin Daming in case of danger?

Isn't this nonsense! He is not reconciled!

"If these things happen, I have to have the power to control the overall situation, and the power to make no one dare to touch me.""

"Now my physical fitness is comparable to that of Superman, plus skills such as danger perception, King Kong is not bad, and god-level animal control, even if a legion is dispatched, it may not be able to control me, so don't worry about it for the time being! 35

"The second is power, I don't have any power at hand, just a Wang Mushi with good swordsmanship!

Ji Han frowned in thought!

He, who likes to make decisions and act later, suddenly realized that he is not particularly safe after encountering today's incident, and that in a legal society, not everything can be solved by law.

Once the country is targeting him, or some forces are targeting him, it is not enough to rely on oneself and Wang Mushi alone.

"It's not difficult to form a force, ask Lao Zhao to order the dead, and then brainwash it with faith to ensure that you are obedient and not afraid of death!

"But it doesn't seem to be of any use, at most, it is guaranteed that there will be no accident in this one-third of the land.

"Looks like it's time to try the previous ideas!"

Ji Han's eyes widened, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but outline a smile of anticipation.

After he discovered that the space-time loopholes could be exploited, he thought about whether he could do something in Daqin and Daming, and then use them to affect the modern age?

Throw a kitchen knife into ancient times and you will eventually find it in an ancient tomb!

What about training an army? Training a killer group?

Or establish a mystical religion and let beliefs be passed down from generation to generation?

Will Ji Han in this modern age have a mysterious organization that exists in the dark and is full of fanatical believers?

All of this can be done step by step. If it is successful, Ji Han will be happy.

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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