At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

144 Coordinate the overall situation and press people with potential! 【1/7, please subscribe】

Chongzhen is not feeling well recently!

Seeing that Da Qin is getting better and better, his Ming Dynasty has just experienced a war, the world is still in chaos, and all kinds of intricate situations make his head extremely big.

Chongzhen is determined to rebuild the mountains and rivers!

But there are loopholes all over the country in the Ming Dynasty, and if you are not careful, there will be big problems. He is worried!

"Sir has said before that after I defeat the Jiannu, I can formulate many national development policies for the Ming Dynasty. I ask you to enlighten me!

Chongzhen sincerely asked for advice!

Ji Han pondered for a moment, then asked: "What do you think is wrong with the Ming Dynasty now, and how should it be reformed?"


Chongzhen was a little entangled in this question!

There are too many problems in the Ming Dynasty, and he was at a loss for a while, unable to start.

"Now that I have just defeated Jiannu, the people's hearts are a little more stable, and there are occasional natural disasters in the northern states, but the situation is still manageable!

"There is also good news from Sun Chuanting's bandit-suppressing army. Zhang Xianzhong's army has been defeated, and he himself and his adopted son Li Dingguo are being escorted to the capital as prisoners. Now only Li Zicheng is still jumping around!

"After copying the eight major Shanxi merchants, the treasury is still abundant, and everything seems to be prosperous."

"Jiannu has just been beaten up and fled back to Shengjing in embarrassment, so I plan to send troops north again, first to clean up the generals in Liaodong and regain military power, and secondly to completely defeat Jiannu!"

Chongzhen hesitated to say his plan!

Although today's Ming Dynasty is getting better day by day, if you take a single wrong step, you will lose everything and lose all your previous achievements.

He had no confidence in his own plan at all, so he seemed very entangled.


After listening to Ji Han, she expressed her opinion.

Chongzhen immediately became embarrassed when he heard it: "Sir, isn't this wrong? Shouldn't it be the pursuit of victory?"

"Governing a country is like playing chess. There is no such thing as chasing after victory. What you need is to coordinate the overall situation, play around, and use your power to overwhelm people!" Ji Han said solemnly: "If you go to fight Jiannu now, the good situation you created before will not fail. You can't be beat!" 5

"Yes, you have a strong army and a strong treasury now, and you can really fight whoever you want, but have you ever thought about whether it's worth it?"

"Jiannu's base camp is far away in Shengjing. It's a big deal for you to conquer your family in Shengjing and retreat further north. They are nomads and run away on horseback. How do you go after them?"

"The weather in the north is cold and the terrain is unfamiliar. Will your casualties be great? Will the enemy take advantage of it? Will it cost the people and money? 99

Ji Han's series of questions immediately shocked Chongzhen!

"Isn't it possible to just let Jiannu be like this?" He asked unwillingly.

"Of course not!" Ji Han shook his head and sneered disdainfully: "But now they are not in a hurry to eat the slaves. After the defeat, they will be in chaos in their own country, and they will have to face a major purge for power and profit!"

"Besides, you've crippled so many of them, and it's hard to recover without ten years of being a slave. Why should you be in such a hurry to destroy them all at once?"

"In order to strengthen the military, after the heavy losses, Jiannu will definitely attack Mongolia, Goryeo, Dongying and other places, and arrest their people to become a slave army! 55

"You are such a bastard who fights against the establishment of slaves, Dongying and Korean people have to thank your ancestors for the eighteenth generation, but you saved them, wouldn't it be good to let these bastards fight to your death? 35

Chongzhen was stunned when he heard the words!

After a long time, he solemnly said: "Sir, every word is precious, I admire it, if it weren't for the guidance of Mr., I would have to make a big mistake. According to what Mr. sees, what should I do?

"Of course you should accumulate strength first!" Ji Han said eloquently: "Zuo Liangyu and Lu Xiangsheng's subordinates, you haven't completely accepted them, especially this Zuo Liangyu, you should beat and beat!

"There is also Li Dingguo, the righteous son of Zhang Xianzhong. This person is also a tiger general. Although he has strayed into the den of thieves, he has also made great contributions to the Ming Dynasty in history and must be subdued!"

"Don't you have money in your hand now? Expand the army, continue to recruit refugees, and expand the army by 200,000 to 300,000!

"As for the Liaodong army and the Jiannu Mongolians, they can be appeased and contained through gentle means, and there is no need to confront them for the time being."

For the expansion of the army, Chongzhen is full of approval!

But when he heard that he wanted to appease the Liaodong army, he immediately became angry.

"Sir, shouldn't these goddamn rebels be dealt with immediately?" Chongzhen said angrily, "I can't wait to kill Wu Sangui and the others directly!

"What's the hurry, treacherous and treacherous ministers are all ministers!" Ji Han laughed dumbly: "Isn't it easy to take care of a minister? Not only do you not take them head-to-head, but you also have to allocate millions of troops to stabilize them.

"What? You still have to give money?" Chongzhen was so angry: "Sir, you didn't say that before, how can I swallow this breath?"

"It was before, the situation is changing rapidly, it is not impossible to make some adjustments!" Ji Han said maliciously: "Not only do you have to pay 233 to the army, you also want to reward them!"

"You must know that most people in the Liaodong army do not want to betray. The Ming Dynasty has been deeply rooted for hundreds of years. How can it be easily shaken by a few Wu Sangui? You must know that most of the family members of the army are still in Daming!"

"As long as you don't persecute too much, they will pinch your nose and treat you as a dog, and let you drive them, even if you give them money, they will follow in fear!

"When Jiannu and Mongolian people from Goryeo and Dongying are fighting to the death, you will order the Liaodong army to attack Shengjing with all their strength. Will these rebels feel depressed and want to vomit blood?"

"If they fight, they will lose both sides with Jiannu. If you don't fight, then the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in your hands will not let them go. Are you embarrassed?"

Ji Han's scheming remarks immediately made the big guy's eyes light up, and also made Chongzhen's anger subside.

"Hahaha, you are amazing sir!

"Thinking about how Wu Sangui and the others are trembling every day, I feel refreshed! Chongzhen laughed: "Okay, we will deal with them after we expand our army!"

"Note: Goryeo was destroyed at the end of the thirteenth century. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the country on the peninsula was called Chaoxian, but this name is easy to be harmonious, so it is still replaced by Goryeo. I hope everyone will forgive me!".

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