At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

146 Small-scale pilot program of farm-to-household distribution! 【3/7, please subscribe】

Chongzhen, Ying Zheng, and Wang Ben are all smart people!

Their understanding of the military is profound, so they immediately recognized the benefits of this three-three system.

"Wonderful, this military system is very good, much better than Wushi's system! 35

"In this way, the commander's orders can be conveyed layer by layer, and the soldiers can also depend on each other, amazing!"

"The cohesion of this kind of army must be very terrifying, if you want to defeat them on the battlefield, it will be much more difficult.

The three people commented one after another, and they are obviously full of praise for the three-three system!

Ji Han smiled slightly, and continued to talk about some details of the three-three system, such as each company must be equipped with staff, baggage soldiers, and logistics soldiers!

For example, you can form some directly affiliated artillery companies, some cavalry companies, and some sniper companies!

For example, to set up some positions such as communication classes, headquarters, chief of staff, etc.!

"Sir, what is the position of the chief of staff? Could it be the supervisor?" Chongzhen asked curiously.

When military generals of the Ming Dynasty went to battle, 250 often sent out little eunuchs from the supervising army.

So when Chongzhen heard it, he subconsciously thought that this was no different from the prison army.

"No no no, the chief of staff is very different from the supervisor!" Ji Han said solemnly: "If you want to improve the cohesion of a unit, the position of the staff officer is indispensable. In wartime, he can provide strategies for the army, which is equivalent to a counselor! "

"At ordinary times, he can be the deputy of the chief officer in the army, responsible for the internal affairs of the army soldiers, brainwashing, physical health, etc.!"

"Simply put, this is a role that does a good job of logistics in wartime and cooperates with training in peacetime. If it is used well, it can greatly prevent the situation that the main general will be self-reliant."

"You must remember not to let the staff officer interfere with military power like the supervisor, he is only a deputy, if he is above the chief officer, there will be problems.

Chongzhen nodded again and again after hearing this!

Although he still didn't understand it, he had already memorized it all, and he had to think about it when he went back.

"Don't worry, sir, I will change the military system when I go back!" Chongzhen assured.

"As a result, I also want to change it!" Ying Zheng laughed and joked.

"You can't do it!" Ji Han shook his head and said, "The current military system in Daqin is the most suitable for him, so there is no need to change it for the time being!"


Ying Zheng nodded in agreement, he also believed that Da Qin did not need to change at present, and what suits him is the best.

"After reforming the military system, you will have to implement small-scale distribution of land to households!" Ji Han continued: "The biggest problem with changing dynasties is the serious annexation of land!"

"Landlords and the powerful class do everything they can to annex the land of the common people, causing more and more common people to be poor and helpless, selling their children and daughters, and selling themselves as slaves!"

"If this goes on like this for a long time, the people at the bottom will often fight back, overthrow the tyranny, and finally end this dynasty!"

"If you want to solve this problem, you must divide the fields to the households, nationalize the land in the world, temporarily prohibit the sale and annexation, and then distribute it to the poor people, so that they can rely on the fields to grow and food to eat!"

When everyone heard the words, they smacked their tongues secretly!

This is too bold, isn't it? Take the land to the household?

Isn't that what you're doing to fight against the powerful and landlord class?

You rob someone's land, and they're not allowed to do it against you?

Even an iron-fisted ruler like Ying Zheng might not dare to do this against the world's elites.

"Sir, will this be too risky?" Chongzhen asked in shock.

"It is indeed a risk, but this is also a necessary means to rebuild the mountains and rivers. Now that the Ming Dynasty is already rotten, why not overthrow and rebuild? Launch a big reshuffle?"

"Whoever refuses to accept it, kill it, whoever dares to obstruct it, kill it, and whoever disobeys it, kill it! 35

"As long as you kill them ruthlessly, there will be no one in this world who can oppose you?"

"Of course you can't do such a big move today. After all, you don't have enough soldiers and horses in your hands, so you have to experiment in a small area!"

"First, let's try the benefits of dividing the fields into households, and second, let everyone get used to it gradually. The truth of boiling frogs in warm water is not difficult to understand!"

As soon as Ji Han's conversation changed, Chongzhen immediately became interested!

Let him fight against the powerful and powerful all over the world right now, he really dare not dare, after all, which of his civil servants and military generals are not powerful?

Now that he is making such a big move, he is really afraid that his congregation will betray their relatives and leave.

But if it is a small-scale pilot, you can try it!

"How do you want to implement it, sir? 35 Chongzhen asked.

"I want to use the guards for an operation!" Ji Han sneered and said, "This time, the Jingying troops have almost fought, and at least half of the casualties have been killed.

"Since Ming Taizu, the guards have taken on the important task of arranging fields, so each guard holds a lot of land. This is a good intention, but over the years, the officers of the guard have squeezed the soldiers and forcibly plundered the soldiers. Farmland, this Weisuo system has long been ruined!"

"Don't you want to expand hundreds of thousands of new troops, so you ordered to abolish all the guards in the capital and the northern Zhili generation, nationalize the land and distribute it to the soldiers of the new army!"

"As soon as you have just defeated Jiannu, and you move this guard with the might of a great victory, most people really dare not object! 99

"Secondly, this has not violated the interests of most of the powerful, and at most some nobles have jumped up and down, which is not a cause for concern!

"After distributing the land in the third year, it can not only win over the hearts of hundreds of thousands of new army soldiers, but also resettle their families.

Ji Han said that Chongzhen was heartbroken again!

He didn't dare to move the powerful and powerful all over the world, didn't he dare to move a few guards in Northern Zhili?

"Hahaha, Mr. is right, it's wonderful!"

"I just defeated Jiannu and won a great victory, and I am about to expand my army. Who else dares to jump out and oppose me around this capital?"

"What is the abolition of several guards, this is a wonderful plan!" Chongzhen laughed excitedly.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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