At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

148 The development history of shotguns and rifles, the wisdom of the ancients! [5/7, please subscri

"The shotgun is a rear-loaded rifling gun. This thing has a fast reloading speed and is terrifyingly powerful. Although it has a short range, it is definitely the king of melee combat!"

"Its structure is also very simple, and the bullet is easier to manufacture. It can be made of kraft paper, with a mercury primer, and then filled with steel balls!"

"Imagine that this kind of bullet is shot out in one shot, and the flesh and blood are flying within ten meters in front. How cool is this scene? 35

"The flintlock gun is only suitable for use on the frontal battlefield, street fighting, melee combat and other battles, or this shotgun is easy to use!

Ji Han talks and writes and draws!

Then I searched for some structural diagrams of shotguns to show to Chongzhen, and carefully explained the main points of this kind of guns to him.

In fact, shotguns are really not difficult to make!

Many firearms of "250" in history can be classified as shotguns, but Ji Han's explanation is more inclined to the double-barreled shotguns of later generations.

This thing neither uses rifle nor metal shells, once it is made, it will definitely make up for the shortcomings of the Ming army's melee combat.

In this way, basically say goodbye to cold weapons!

Imagining the appearance of all the firearms in the Ming Dynasty's army, Ji Han couldn't help but want to laugh. At this time, European countries are still playing with fire sticks, right?

To open such a big hang for the Ming Dynasty, and wait until the naval drills are completed before the steam engine and iron-clad ships are built, and these foreign devils have to kneel down and call their father.

"This shotgun is so ingenious that it can be loaded from the rear!" Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh: "If the flintlock can be loaded from the rear, the loading speed will be greatly increased!

"Backloading guns are the way of the future!" Ji Han said with a smile: "When you develop this kind of shotgun, you can also let craftsmen start developing rearloading guns!"

Immediately afterwards, Ji Han passed on some of the firearms development knowledge of later generations to Chongzhen one by one in the chat!

From rear-loading guns to standard bolt action rifles!

From Mini rifles to Mini bombs!

From mercury firing guns to Dreiser rifles!

Chongzhen was fascinated by this knowledge, and everyone's eyes lit up.

Now that everyone is half a firearms expert, the knowledge of firearms is actually not too difficult to understand. Ji Han has a little bit of guidance, and everyone has understood it thoroughly.

Coupled with the current silver ingot die-casting technology of the Ming Dynasty, it can be applied to the die-casting of all-metal bullets with a slight modification.

After Chongzhen returned to pass on this knowledge, these top craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty might really be able to come up with a standard bolt-action rifle!

In a word, Ji Han never dared to underestimate the wisdom of the ancients!

The development of this modern technology is also a solid foundation laid by the ancients, and it has only been explored step by step until now.

After telling them many key points, their development will surely surprise the world.

"Have you eaten and drink enough? Come on, let's go mahjong!

"We have to have a good time tonight! We chat while we fight!

Ji Han smiled and brought out the mahjong table!

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben immediately became interested.

"Yes, yes, it's been a long time since I played mahjong, I must have fun tonight!

"Go ahead, all sit! 35

"Hey, hey, my card is pretty good, haha, touch it!"

This time has been very busy, but everyone has not played mahjong for a few days, so everyone took their seats and started shopping!

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi are not very interested in this!

The two women were obediently serving tea, pouring water, and cutting watermelons, allowing Ji Han to enjoy meticulous service.

Hu Hai, this hard-working child, it's time to wash the wild boar king again. He is aggrieved and busy by the creek!

The whole small manor is peaceful and peaceful!

Everyone is also enjoying the relaxation of this body and mind.

"Brother Chongzhen, you're having a good luck today!" Ying Zheng said with a smile while holding a cigar: "But using gold as gambling money is really boring, why don't we change the gambling money?"

"What?" Chongzhen immediately became interested.

"Artisan!" Ying Zheng smiled maliciously: "Recently, I, Da Qin, are also developing gunpowder. This explosive pack and wooden handle grenades are easy to make, but the shells of this mortar are not easy, you give me a few hundred How is a craftsman?

"No, no!" Hearing this, Chongzhen immediately shook his head desperately: "I am not enough for a craftsman in the Ming Dynasty, how can I give you a lot of money, even if I lose today as pants, I am not willing to use craftsmen as gambling money!"


The crowd burst into laughter!

Ying Zheng was a little disappointed..

He entangled many times, but Chongzhen did not let go.

In the end, it was Ji Han who got rid of the siege, he smiled and said: "It is indeed a little difficult to make artillery shells with Daqin's industrial system, but you can ask Lao Zhu to sell you a few die-casting machines, which are the kind of machines that die-cast silver ingots! "

"Soft metals such as brass and aluminum can be integrally formed by die-casting technology, and adding some trace elements, such as some special ores, aluminum, nickel, manganese, tin, silicon, etc., can make brass strong. !"5

"With this thing, is it still difficult for you to make artillery shells?"

Ji Han's guidance immediately made Ying Zheng's excited eyes light up!

He stared at Chongzhen like a wolf like a tiger, and asked: "Brother Zhu, it doesn't matter if you don't give it to the craftsman, but this die-casting equipment can't be denied, right?

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you if you win!

"Hahaha, this is what you said, come come come!"

After Ying Zheng Chongzhen made a bet

Happy to kill everyone again!

After a fierce battle, everyone played until late at night, before Yiyibu 4.3 gave up.

"This trip is really worth it. With this hot air balloon manufacturing technique and this die-casting machine, my Daqin will take off again!"

After stepping through the gate of light and returning to Daqin, Wang Ben sighed in surprise while stretching.

However, Ying Zheng glanced around and asked a secret guard, "Where are Ku, Dun, and Jian?

"These three people have disappeared! After the dark guard knelt down on one knee, he replied: "They can leave the palace after returning from the door of light, and the Black Ice Terrace sent people to follow them, and they were quickly thrown away, and now they have completely evaporated from the world. !


Ying Zheng was secretly surprised, it seemed that these three were really going to carry out some secret mission.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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