At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

151 big news, Dongshan City's emergency plan! 【1/7, please subscribe】

three days later

Dongshan City Security Bureau Headquarters Conference Room

A large number of elite police officers and experts gathered together, many technical backbones are constantly searching and busy on the computer, and the big screen is all kinds of video surveillance in Dongshan City!

Jiang Weiming, director of the Provincial Security Department, glanced around and said solemnly: "Everyone, I don't need to say more about what happened, everyone is clear, right?

"Now there is a group of super gangsters, international killers secretly infiltrating our city, ready to carry out a series of unknown dangerous actions!

"This kind of action will definitely cause great harm to the safety of people's lives and property in our city!"

"For this reason, the General Administration of Yanjing has specially instructed us to make every effort to arrest this group of killers and ensure the safety of the people. Lin Jiamin, tell us about the specific action arrangements!"


A tall, fair-skinned policewoman stood up and saluted, and then walked under the big screen.

"Everyone, this gang of gangsters we are facing is a legendary killer organization - Cold Night!"

"They are said to have been passed down for many years, and they are low-key, scary, and elusive. They are definitely leaders in the world of international killers. Most of the 250 killers are Kyushu orphans who were adopted since childhood!

"The organization brought these orphans abroad and secretly trained them to become top killers for profit. The international police tried many times to encircle them without success, so they are all very dangerous people!

After Lin Jiamin paused for a while!

He continued: "According to the information we have received from the international police, the three leaders of the cold night have personally ordered that the killers from Southeast Asian countries who are on a mission will gather here, and most of them have already entered!"

“In the last three days, a total of 368 foreign tourists have entered the airport in this city, and these people are currently under our surveillance. 39

"The characteristic of the Cold Night Organization is that it is extremely secretive. They are good at disguising, tracking and anti-stalking, as well as disguising makeup. Their identities and even everything may be fake, which brings great importance to our investigation work. Great difficulty! 99

"Cough cough!"

Jiang Weiming coughed lightly and said, "I will add that there are a lot of foreign friends entering the country these days, and we are not suitable or (bbed) to use coercive means to arbitrarily detain them for review, which will cause great international disputes!

"So keep an eye on the information in your hands, keep an eye on the monitoring on the big screen, no matter what method you use, I have to find out whoever can find out the clues in the shortest time, I will give him credit!


Everyone nervously agreed!

All kinds of elite police officers and experts immediately started to get busy!

They all have the list and brief information of the current inbound personnel in their hands, and most of these inbound personnel are group tourists, and the cold night killers are all Chinese!

So the scope of this investigation can be narrowed down a lot!

The police officers whispered, constantly discussing the case, occasionally glanced at the target on the screen, and analyzed everything about the other party.

Although there is not much to gain for the time being, everyone is not in a hurry. If there is a killer who dares to do things in this Dongshan City, everyone is not a vegetarian.

"How is it? Have you gained anything?" Jiang Weiming urged.

"It's still being investigated!" Lin Jiaminhui reported: "At present, 68 targets have been checked and confirmed to be irrelevant to this case, and the scope of the targets is being further narrowed. It is expected to be completed before 8 o'clock tonight! 99

"Ah, very good!

Jiang Weiming nodded in satisfaction.

But at this moment, the technicians exclaimed in unison.

Because many targets in the surveillance video, as if they had made an appointment, suddenly left the surveillance range, and quickly evaded into the surveillance blind spot!

"Oops, they moved!

"Quick, keep up with the monitoring!"

"Call the stalking brothers and tell them not to get lost!"

Jiang Weiming roared with an ugly face!

There was a commotion in the conference room, and everyone's nerves were affected by the picture on the monitor!

The technicians desperately mobilized various monitoring screens, constantly trying to find the target, but all their actions were in vain!

The people they are stalking all seem to have evaporated from the world!

"Professional, too professional, the man in the peaked cap just turned around and dodged into the crowd, and disappeared in three or two!

"They know we are stalking, they are professional killers!

"Oops, this is a lot of trouble!"

"I hope the brothers who are following the scene can keep up. I estimated just now that at least 30 people have slipped away! 39

"If so many killers are lurking in Dongshan, I don't know how much trouble they will cause us, we must find them!

The police officers were talking anxiously!

Jiang Weiming was also extremely annoyed. He made several calls in succession, and the final result was that the people who were stalking the scene were also lost!

"Damn, damn, how could this be?"

"We are being played as monkeys!"

"These dog things are really professional enough, don't sit, you won't find them sitting here!"

"There are all of them. Except for the technical monitoring personnel, all other departments are sent out to me. The police force in the whole city is scattered, and the layers of martial law are checked, hurry up!"

Jiang Weiming roared angrily, the entire security bureau became a sensation, and a large number of police forces were quickly dispatched!

Lin Jiamin was also preparing to lead the team out, when Xu Chuyun happened to walk into the security department.

"Huh? Jiamin, what are you doing? There's a big case? I want to have lunch with you!" Xu Chuyun laughed and joked, apparently the two were best friends.

"Oh, I don't have time to eat!" Lin Jiamin said apologetically and whispered: "There is a super killer group infiltrating Dongshan City, we have to work for a long time, it is said that it is a killer group that has been passed down for thousands of years, you say Scary or not? I'm leaving first, you can eat it yourself!"

"Thousands of years of killer organizations? 99

"Dive into Dongshan City?"

Xu Chuyun's brows twitched, and the combination of these key words immediately made her jump up a little.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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