At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

154 We are arranging a drama, didn't we scare you? [4/7, please subscribe]

"Sister Xu, have we arrived yet?"

Outside Jijia Village, a commercial vehicle drove by.

Naturally, Xu Chuyun, Lin Jiamin and others were sitting in the car.

The six of them all put on casual clothes and hid their guns, looking like tourists.

Along the way, Lin Jiamin gradually became nervous.

The other three police officers were also nervous.

After all, we are about to meet the legendary immortal, and may encounter the top killer of the cold night. How can you not panic?

"Team Lin, Expert Xu, let's just go in like this? Aren't we afraid of death?"

"If we meet someone from Han Ye, if we don't even bring a gun, we will definitely be in bad luck."

"Yeah, if anyone makes a killer, our throats will be cut.

"Otherwise, let's not go!"

The guy looks a little nervous!

It was as if everyone knew that there was a tiger's den in front of them, and everyone had teamed up to give them away, which was not a good feeling.

"It's up to you to go or not, anyway, I'm going to see it!" Xu Chuyun said excitedly: "This is a farmhouse. Usually many tourists come to play, what are you afraid of!"

"That's right, we're not afraid!" Lin Jiamin also secretly encouraged: "We didn't bring guns. We'll be smart later, and we'll treat it as an outing. If we do find clues, I'll give you credit!"

"Ha ha!""

The policemen responded with a wry smile.

Please help me? If there are really clues, 80% of them will come and go. This is the rhythm that will kill people.

But since you have come, it is not realistic to go back!

So everyone can only bite the bullet and move forward!

When the commercial car slowly drove outside the small farm, everyone found that there were several more inconspicuous cars, and there seemed to be people in these cars.

In the mountains and forests in the distance, as well as on both sides of the surrounding highways, there are vague eyes watching over.

"Sister Xu, it's not good!"

"We were targeted, and now there are at least ten sniper rifles aimed at our car! 99

"Everyone, take it easy, don't leak out the flaws, there are really killers here!"

Lin Jiamin was so frightened!

Her serious words made everyone stunned.

Everyone did not doubt the veracity of these words, because everyone who knew Lin Jiamin knew that this woman was not simple, and she was once the best police officer of the Yanjing Security Directorate.

Is this really the Longtan Tiger Den?

Everyone was terrified, but they had to bite the bullet and get out of the car, because if everyone leaked a flaw, I was afraid that the snipers in the distance would decisively open the gun.

"Jiamin, here we are, this is the small farm I told you about, and many people usually come here to play!

"Let's go, let's go fishing later, and we can also pick mushrooms!

After Xu Chuyun got out of the car, she deliberately spoke loudly!

The big guys also agreed, pretending to come over to play, trying their best to reduce the attention and vigilance of the surrounding killers.

Maybe the killers didn't get the order!

Perhaps it was judged that they were not a threat.

Or maybe it was because he didn't dare to act rashly, disturbing the peace in this small manor.

Therefore, the dozens of killers hidden around did not act or stop them, but silently watched Xu Chuyun and the others walk into the small manor.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we almost died, you know?"

"It's too risky, I didn't expect them to be here, we're still looking everywhere.

"Actually, I'm still confused now, is there really an immortal here?

"I still don't quite believe it, there is no immortal in this world, this is clearly a den of thieves!"

Everyone is talking quietly!

With nervousness and doubts, after everyone walked into the small manor, they were immediately stunned by shock.

Because they saw a strange picture!

Ji Han, who is light and airy as a fairy, sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, surrounded by two beauties in ancient costumes.

The three men and women with different postures and exuding a terrifying aura actually crawled on the ground and worshipped the man who was fishing.

This scene directly shocked everyone!

"What, what is this doing?"

"Are the three of them the pavilion masters of the three pavilions in the cold night world?

"Fuck, fuck!"

"The world is a little crazy! 95

"Why did they bow down to him? Isn't that wrong? Is that man the Eternal?

Lin Jiamin and the others were stunned and stunned!

While Xu Chuyun was shocked in her heart, she became more determined in her heart.

Ji Han must be an immortal, that's right!

Otherwise, these three people who are suspected to be the three leaders of Han Ye, why would they kneel to him?

Because he single-handedly created Han Ye thousands of years ago, he is the real behind-the-scenes boss of Han Ye, this explanation makes everything make sense.

"Okay, get up!

Ji Han cast a glance at Xu Chuyun and others, and decisively ended the test of Shangguan Jian and the others.

For a while just kneeling down, Ji Han used a lot of psychological means to guide their emotions, making them want to go crazy and want to resist!

But in the end, all three of them stood the test.

They resisted the negative emotions in their hearts, and they followed the guidance of their blood and beliefs, gradually calmed their grievances, and finally became obedient.

Ji Han didn't say a word, but he completely subdued them.

Although it is not up to the level of their ancestors, Ku, Dun, and Jian, they can draw their swords and kill themselves with a single order.

However, it can also guarantee that they will not betray and dare not act against the truth, which has already made Ji Han quite satisfied.

"Miss Xu, why are you here?"

"Are you here today to buy fruit or to fish and drink tea?"

"Hey, I also brought friends, welcome and welcome.

Ji Han smiled lightly and put down his fishing rod to greet him, when he saw Xu Chuyun and the others still looking at the three Shangguan Jian in shock.

He casually said: "They are my friends, we were arranging a drama just now, didn't we scare you?"

"A drama? 39'

"Hehe, I believe you are a ghost!""

Xu Chuyun's face was speechless, 10,000 grass and mud horses rushed past in her heart, feeling that her IQ had been strongly insulted.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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