At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

163 The Annan people invented the hot air balloon two thousand years ago? 【6/7, please subscribe】

The space-time magnetic field events in the ancient conch city are of great significance!

The tourists, tour guides, staff, anchors, scientists, historians who are fortunate to be here are all ecstatic and excited.

It is absolutely unprecedented to be able to intuitively understand the history of more than 2,000 years ago through the screen!

This is also a major event that is enough to cause a sensation in the world, enough for everyone to brag about for a lifetime.

It is also enough to make all the Annan people proud!

It is enough to attract countless scientists and historians to study here!

It can even make this ancient snail city scenic spot become the world's leading famous scenic spot, attracting countless tourists from all over the world to visit, which is the pride of Annan people.

But just when everyone wanted to seriously explore this ancient conch city, the "two-fifty-zero" change suddenly occurred!

Suddenly, a large black giant appeared in the sky, and they were so far and near that they stunned everyone.

The primitive residents of Guluo City were so frightened that they looked up and watched, screaming and exclaiming in various ways, and many people even squatted on the ground in horror, thinking that they had seen the gods.

But modern tourists are all stunned when they see it!

"Shit, shit, isn't this a hot air balloon?"

"Can anyone tell me what era this picture is from? Are there hot air balloons in this era?"

"Fuck, there were no hot air balloons more than 2,000 years ago, how did they pop up? It's not scientific!"

"God, the hot air balloon was invented by the Montgolfier brothers in 1783, how can it be here? Isn't this a picture from more than 2,000 years ago?"

Many people were shocked and talked about it!

Everyone quickly became suspicious. Maybe the picture of the magnetic field in this time and space that you saw was not more than 2,000 years ago, but more than 100 years ago.

"No!" One of the historians in the crowd shouted excitedly: "The ancient conch city was abandoned due to wars more than 100 years ago, in fact, it has been abandoned since the ninth century AD!

"That is to say, the picture here must not be after the invention of the hot air balloon, but before the invention of the hot air balloon!"

"It is very likely that we humans have invented hot air balloons more than 2,000 years ago. What a great discovery, this is definitely the pinnacle of change in global history."

"Looking at the reaction of the aborigines in this ancient snail city, it proves that they are also seeing this kind of hot air balloon for the first time, which is very likely a picture of an enemy invasion.

The expert's shout immediately caused an uproar.

Everyone looked up at these hot air balloons in disbelief, and they couldn't help but wonder.

Were there really hot air balloons 2,000 years ago?

Who invented these hot air balloons?

Isn't this what the Montgolfier brothers invented?

"Haha!" said a Chinese tourist with a sneer: "This hot air balloon is also called Kongming Lantern in Kyushu, and it was invented as early as the third century BC!

"Yes, I have also heard that hot air balloons seem to be invented by Kyushu people!"

"My God, they discovered the principle of hot air balloons more than a thousand years before Westerners. 35

'Wait, who said that the people of Kyushu first discovered it? This is the ancient city of snails, even if it is the enemy of ancient snail city, it should be the ancestors of our Annan people!

"That is, it is very likely that our Annan ancestors invented hot air balloons as early as more than two thousand years ago, which is definitely hundreds of years earlier than the Kyushu people. We are the smartest nation! 39

In the quarrel, the nearby Annan people were boiling!

And most of the people present gradually agreed with this statement.

Because this is the ancient city of snails, even the enemy should be the ancestors of the Annan people attacking each other!

That is to say, the Annan people invented the hot air balloon more than 2,000 years ago?

Holy crap, this is smarter than Kyushu people!

All the visitors showed all kinds of exclamations and admiration, which made the Annan people present burst with pride.

See, this is bullshit.

Don't people in Kyushu always brag about their long history?

You have a long history of use, our ancestors not only defeated Qin Shi Huang, but we also invented the hot air balloon long ago.

In the midst of everyone's discussion and noise.

The hot air balloon has gradually approached, and it is faintly visible that there are two soldiers above each gondola..

But just when everyone is guessing what these people will do!

The sky actually smashed the dense cylinders with the thickness of the arms, and when these things approached, everyone present exclaimed in unison.

"Hell, they, they look like grenades!"

"It's really a grenade with a wooden handle, and their leads are still burning.

"Oh Mai, how could there have been grenades more than two thousand years ago?

"Get out of the way, quick!"

Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale, and many people subconsciously wanted to avoid it!

But soon everyone found out that it was too much to worry about!

A large number of grenades were thrown into the ancient conch city, causing a violent explosion, and a terrifying shock wave and sea of ​​fire swept over, without causing any damage to everyone.

Everyone is like a bystander!

I saw with my own eyes that the ancient conch city fell into a sea of ​​fire and catastrophe, witnessed the misery of these ancient aboriginal people, and saw with my own eyes the flesh and blood of many people being bombed.

This scene made everyone tremble!

Many people who have never killed a chicken in their entire lives fainted almost on the spot.

"It's terrifying, was the Annan war more than 2,000 years ago so high-end? We Westerners should still be squeezing mud at that time! 35

"It should be 4.3. More than 2,000 years ago, many Westerners were still drinking blood. These Annan people are terrible!"

"God, didn't you say that gunpowder was invented by the people of Kyushu? Look at the people of Annan, they know how to use hand grenades so early!

"What a terrible nation, this is so awesome!

"This is an awesome country with some of the smartest ancestors in the world!

Tourists constantly exclaimed and exclaimed, and even many blond foreigners couldn't help but express their sincere admiration to the Annan people around them.

This is a kind of respect for the strong!

After today, the Annan may be the most famous people in the world!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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