At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

183 Convince People with Virtue? Do you have shit in your mind? [5/7, please subscribe]

The battle outside Chang'an

After lasting over an hour, it ended easily!

The Turkic army was defeated, and Li Shimin led three thousand iron cavalry to chase and kill Baili.

In addition, he had already secretly killed 10,000 iron cavalry in an ambush nearby, under the attack from both sides, the Turks naturally suffered heavy casualties. After leaving countless corpses, they fled here in fear.


"Report to Your Majesty!"

"The battlefield has been cleaned up. In this battle, more than 120,000 enemies were killed and more than 20,000 wounded soldiers were captured!

"Also, the enemy army Khili Khan was captured, and Khuri Tulli escaped!""

On the city wall, a soldier came to report the situation!

After hearing about it, all the officials of the Tang Dynasty were even more excited.

"Okay, okay, this kind of big victory is really rare under the "two six seven", my emperor is mighty!

"After this war, the Turkic elites have been lost, and the power of the Tang Dynasty will surely spread to all ethnic groups in the Western Regions, Your Majesty's divine power!

"Three thousand wins over 200,000, this is really rare, who dares to say that my emperor is not in the right place this time?

"My emperor has the protection of immortals, and Tang He Chou can't prosper!"

The civil and military officials shouted excitedly!

Even Li Chengqian couldn't help but look up at Li Shimin in awe, which made Old Li smile instantly.

"My dear gentlemen, this great victory is all due to the firearms taught by the immortals!" Li Shimin did not forget to publicize his background, and said arrogantly: "I have been instructed by the immortals, and the Tang Dynasty will only be more prosperous in the future! 99

"My king is mighty!

"Happy Immortals!

Everyone shouted excitedly again.

The last time I heard that Li Shimin set foot in the fairyland, many people still didn't believe it, but now it seems that everything is true!

Otherwise how could he win two hundred thousand with three thousand?

Originally, after the change of Li Shimin's Xuanwu Gate, many people were unconvinced and slandered him secretly.

But now that Old Li has the help of immortals, who would dare to say that he was in a wrong position?

Can immortals be wrong these days? Certainly not!

In other words, it must be that God destined him to be the emperor, so the immortals helped him, and now no one dared to attack him by killing his brother and prisoning his father.

"Someone, bring Ashina up." Li Shimin waved his hand domineeringly.

After a while, Jieli Khan was taken up!

This guy is in a state of embarrassment now, his eyes are blank, and one of his boots has run away.

"Old dog, do you accept it?" Li Shimin sneered proudly: "I have immortals, and you and other alien races dare to invade the Tang Dynasty, you are really looking for death!

"Immortal?" Jieli Khan raised his head in shock: "Impossible, it's impossible!"

"Hehe, who said it's impossible?" Li Shimin sneered: "Come on, drag it down, behead it for the public!

"Wait, wait!" Chongzhen couldn't help complaining: "Your plan is not good, is it so easy to behead and show the public?"

"Yeah, how can you let these aliens so easily?" Ying Zheng said dissatisfiedly: "It should be scorched to death, or tortured, and finally these wounded soldiers will be beheaded collectively, and then the head of the capital should be cast. Brother Chongzhen is very good at it!"

"Indeed, Jin Yiwei from the Ming Dynasty was the best at torture, with all kinds of tricks, Lao Li, your tactics are too weak!" Ji Han also laughed and joked.

"Okay!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said angrily, "You really can't let these thieves go easily, come here! Drag this old dog down and torture him for three days and three nights, and then he will be put to death in public by five horses!""

"The Turks who surrendered, don't leave any of them, I will cut them all down!"

"As for the corpses of other Turks, we can't let go of the corpses, and we will show the public with their heads and build the Jingguan outside the city to shock the world!

Li Shimin's order made everyone horrified!

Is this too cruel?

"Beasts, you are all beasts!" Jieli Khan screamed desperately in fright: "Don't you, Tang Dynasty, claim to be the kingdom of gentlemen of the upper kingdom of heaven? How can you kill prisoners like this? Damned!

"Your Majesty, this is really inappropriate, please think again!""

"We have already won a great victory in this battle. In order to show the bearing of a great country, we should punish them with a little punishment, or let them go! 35

"I am a big country with its own bearing, and I should subdue people with virtue!

"If these Turks are released, they will definitely be grateful to Dade, and this move shows the style of my Tang Dynasty and is admired by all ethnic groups in the Western Regions!

Many senior officials in the DPRK and China have seconded their opposition!

On the other hand, Wei Zheng, Cheng Yaojin and the others all had their eyes lit up, obviously very moved by this proposal.

"Hehe, demeanor? Temperament? Convincing people with virtue?"

"Do you guys have shit in your head? People who aren't me have different hearts. You expect these savages to be grateful to you?"

"Let them go back today, and they will dare to come back tomorrow to take revenge, and then let you and your family be slaughtered by aliens, are you willing?"

"Let the tiger return to the mountain, if these aliens are killed again, and the people of the Tang Dynasty will be massacred, can you afford this responsibility?

Li Shimin roared angrily!

The courtiers who dissuaded were suddenly speechless.

"This is the order of the immortals. It will be the same for foreign races in the future. Anyone who dares to violate the border will be killed without mercy!" Li Shimin continued to roar: "Who dares to persuade the same crime as the foreign race, drag it down, and kill! 99

"Yes! 95

Cheng Yaojin and the others shouted excitedly!

Everyone dragged the Jieli Khan directly, and then decapitated the 4.3 soldiers of the Turks one by one. The blood stained the moat outside Chang'an City, scaring countless people to tremble!

After the war, Chang'an City was a sensation!

When everyone found out that Li Shimin had defeated 200,000 enemy troops with 3,000 iron cavalry, everyone was stunned. Coupled with the various official propaganda and the spread of immortals, Lao Li's popularity suddenly skyrocketed.

His remarks that he killed his brother and imprisoned his father were criticized, and no one dared to mention it again!

When a Jingguan piled up with hundreds of thousands of human heads appeared outside Chang'an City, all the rumors were broken.

Many merchants from the Western Regions were all trembling in shock, and the image of the Tang Dynasty's domineering and brutal began to gradually spread among the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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