At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

185 Edict of sinning yourself? This is simply a word of punishment! [7/7, please subscribe]

After Li Shimin's victory

The whole city of Chang'an is in a festive mood!

Countless people took to the streets, excitedly rushing to tell each other, and some bold people even went out of the city to watch the excitement of the beheading of the Turkic soldiers!

Ji Han took advantage of this opportunity to decisively start the miracle!

With the passage of his divine power, the sky above Chang'an City in the Ming Dynasty began to surging and gusts of wind emerged.


A terrifying thunder and lightning flash began to fall frantically.

A large number of dark clouds rushed from all directions in just a few dozen seconds, creating the world like the end of the world.

"What's going on? Why did the sky suddenly change? Was it sunny just now?"

"Why, why is this celestial phenomenon so weird?"

"Could it be that the gods were provoked?"

"It must be, maybe it was His Majesty who built the Jingguan outside the city and killed prisoners on a large scale. God has the virtue of good life, and then he sent the punishment!

"Hehe, our majesty is killing brothers and prisoners, killing prisoners, and casting the capital, so there is no doubt that he is a tyrant!

In the city of Chang'an, under the dissemination of some conscientious people, a rumor began to spread everywhere!

Even on the city wall, many old officials who had just opened their mouths to discourage the killing of prisoners showed a kind of schadenfreude surprise.

"Your Majesty, please stop, the gods are angry and send such a vision, don't kill them again! 55

"The old minister said just now that no prisoners can be killed, how could Your Majesty not listen to the persuasion?

"Yeah, this is detrimental to the majesty and good luck of the Tang Dynasty, please also ask Your Majesty to punish yourself!""

"The wrath of the gods cannot be underestimated! 39

These old ministers knelt on the ground again, and attacked again inside and out.

"Ha ha!"

Li Shimin sneered disdainfully, his eyes revealing murderous intent.

He silently glanced at the kneeling veterans, and clearly wrote down their names and appearances.

Most of these people were veterans left behind by their father Li Yuan, who had just ascended the throne and Li Shimin had not had time to replace them on a large scale, so they jumped up and down.

But how can this little trick frighten Li Shimin?

Wanting him to make an edict on his own, this is simply a slander.

"How do you know, this is the handwriting of the immortals, just wait, let's calculate this account slowly~々!"

Li Shimin couldn't stop sneering in his heart, and he secretly made up his mind, and when he turned back, he ordered to investigate these old officials.

Don't let him find any clues, once he finds out, they must kill all of their nine clans.


Another thunder and lightning flashed!

Thousands of radiant clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and a ten-thousand-zhang god statue quietly appeared from the dark clouds, as if stepping through the endless void, and sprinkled the world with hundreds of millions of divine lights.

At this moment, many people who were terrified were all stunned!

Li Shimin and the civil and military officials were also stunned!

Why didn't everyone expect such a vision to appear in this sky?

"God! This is God!

"My God, the gods have appeared!"

"It's really the gods appearing!"

Countless people in Chang'an City, all of them knelt on the ground in excitement and desperately worshipped, and with a trace of faith, they began to flock to Ji Han quickly.

"Tang Emperor Li Shimin, diligent in government and love for the people, with both political integrity and talent, and dazzling all over the world! 95

"Bless the Tang Dynasty with good weather and good weather for three years, and the country and the people are safe!"

The phantoms of the gods in the sky, uttering the truth, shocked all the people in the universe.

In the end, it turned into hundreds of millions of golden lights shrouded in the sky over Chang'an City, quickly dispelling all kinds of dark clouds and lightning, as if a blessing was on the National Fortune of the Tang Dynasty.

"True God, this is the true God!

"God actually appeared and praised His Majesty, it's great, great!"

"Long live my emperor, long live the true god!"

The people were excited, ecstatic, and everyone prayed devoutly!

Civil and military officials bowed their heads in unison, and the people returned to their hearts.

Li Shimin's prestige and fame soared rapidly at this moment, and the people who were not very good at him in the past all turned the tide.

This is the emperor praised by the gods, who dares to say bad?

Killing a brother and imprisoning a father to seize the throne, killing a prisoner to cast the capital, all became irrelevant at this time!

The old ministers who ridiculed and persuaded them were dumbfounded.

Even Li Yuan, who was secretly paying attention to this matter in the cold palace, was dumbfounded.

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen were even more envious, because no one expected this scene to happen. For Li Shimin, the benefits were too great.

"Thank you sir! 9

Li Shimin trembled with excitement!

He knew that he would have a big backer from now on.

And he will be plated with a halo, and anyone who cultivates will want to splash him with dirty water again, because he is a person recognized by God himself.

The people of this era are very trusting in things like immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons, and superstitious people are everywhere!

Even the emperor had to claim to be the Son of Heaven!

In addition to Li Shimin these days, who has the means to prove that he is really the Son of Heaven?

This is his capital and confidence, and it is also a great gift from Ji Han, which is a million times more important than the good weather!

"..Mr. is also very good to Lao Li?" Chongzhen said enviously: "Daqin and Daming have both good luck and good luck, when will I get one too, our Daming Dynasty is too hard, all kinds of natural and man-made disasters are all over the place. Constantly!

"Next time!" Ji Han casually reassured: "The time has not yet come, don't worry, there will be! 35

In fact, Ji Han also wants to give a good luck to the Ming Dynasty!

It's a pity that he (Wang Zhao) can't do it now!

Because of the miracle just now and the addition of the buff state, he has consumed a full 200,000 divine power points, and he cannot recover in a few days.

But the miracle just now came is quite cool!

This feeling of being in control of everything makes Ji Han very enjoyable, and at the same time it has added more than one million followers to him, which is really nice and hungry.

"Let's do this first!" Ji Han said casually: "Oh yes, Lao Zhu and your Ming Dynasty seem to have had a lot of troubles recently. It seems that there is still smallpox, so be careful. 35


Chongzhen suddenly gasped in fright!

His expression immediately became extremely tense.

"Sir, are you kidding me?

"Where will smallpox break out?" Chongzhen repeatedly asked.

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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