At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

188 bold ideas and plans, at all costs! 【3/7, please subscribe】

"System, exchange for smallpox virus samples!"

"Exchange one hundred disposable syringes! 35

Ji Han gave an order, and soon he had a large box of well-preserved smallpox viruses in his hand. They were all packed in small bottles, about a hundred small bottles.

Ji Han put it in the trading ring, and then chose to trade with Chongzhen, and soon this box of smallpox virus appeared in Lao Zhu's trading space, and he could use it at will.

"This is a hundred vials of smallpox virus, you find ten cows, and let someone inject the venom from the small vial into the body of the calf with a syringe!

"Remember, cows have stronger resistance than humans. You must inject more than ten bottles per cow to make it sick as soon as possible. Once abscesses develop, start inoculating the whole city! 99

Ji Han exhorted patiently! "Twenty-eighty"

Chongzhen was instantly ecstatic.

"Thank you sir, I'll do it right away."

After Chongzhen got the smallpox virus, he hurriedly got someone to inject it.

But Ji Han couldn't help worrying, because this might not be feasible, what if the smallpox virus that came out was too powerful? It was still necessary to prepare both hands, and it was best to get some modern cowpox vaccine in the past.

Ji Han has always been reluctant to directly throw things of later generations into ancient times!

The belief he has always upheld is to let the dynasties try their best to develop on their own, and he is only responsible for proposing the direction and letting them lay a solid scientific and medical foundation for themselves, so as not to pull the seedlings and encourage them to cause more trouble.

But this time the lives and deaths of millions of people are involved, and this is no small matter!

If there is really no way, we can only prepare more modern vaccines and bring them in. We can't watch so many people die, right?

After all, this vaccination also takes time. If the vaccination fails, it will be too late when the large-scale epidemic spreads and infection.

But how do you get a modern cowpox vaccine?

First of all, due to the large-scale national vaccination after the invention of the vaccinia vaccine in modern times, the United Nations has declared that the smallpox virus has been completely wiped out in the world in 1979, and Kyushu has no longer produced this vaccine on a large scale.

Now suddenly want to find millions of doses of this vaccine, but not small!

If it is exchanged through the system, it can be easily exchanged, but the price needs more than 100,000 corrections, which is currently unbearable for Ji Han.

"Huh? 35

"There is a huge amount of cowpox vaccine here? 99

Ji Han held the notebook and searched, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

Through super hacking technology, he easily searched the global vaccine library, and finally found the vaccine library in a small country in Feizhou, and found these long-forgotten vaccines.

They are vaccines specially provided for the injection of livestock workers in various countries, and there are millions of them!

Moreover, the country is about 5,000 kilometers away from Dongshan City, which means that if Ji Han wants to get them and then ship them back, it will be too late through conventional means of trading.

Because the time ratio between this world and the Ming Dynasty is one to seven!

Chongzhen has already wasted a few days, and in addition to the need to reserve a few days for vaccination, there is not much time left for Ji Han in the end!

He must get these vaccines within 24 hours!

If you normally fly over and find someone to negotiate the purchase, then you will need to go through the formalities and find a plane. It will be impossible to get it done in half a month. By then, the Ming Dynasty will have passed for several months, and the daylily will be cold!

The only way now is to grab it!

Let the cold night people directly grab it, and then hijack several of the fastest large passenger planes to transport things back.

The fastest speed of a civil airliner is 800 to 1,000 kilometers per hour, and it can reach Dongshan Airport in a few hours, which is completely in time!

It's a bold idea, but it's not hard to do!

After all, Han Ye is the top and most mysterious killer organization. They hijacked several planes and robbed a batch of vaccines. It was a trivial matter for them.

The only difficulty now is how to get in?

After all, it is absolutely impossible for a bunch of killers to hijack several planes and enter the border of Kyushu. Are you an anti-aircraft missile?

"Looks like you need to find a few people to help you!"

"Let Han Ye do it first!

"Time is precious every second, but it can't be wasted.."

"These vaccines must be available within 24 hours, at any cost!

Ji Han thought about it secretly, a hint of ruthlessness appeared in his eyes!

After a while, an emergency order appeared in the personal mailboxes of the three leaders of Han Ye!

Then, after Ji Han searched on the computer for a while, he soon made an interesting discovery.

He wanted to find someone to help him to let the plane hijacked by Han Ye enter the country, so he had to find someone with a lot of weight.

But who to look for?

At this time, Ji Han realized that his control over the modern society was not strong enough, and relying on a cold night alone to make his energy not large enough, it would be very troublesome to do small things!

Fortunately, Ji Han suddenly thought of something!

Last time, Xu Chuyun and a few people came to this small manor and saw a lot of things they shouldn't have seen, but they didn't dare to make things bigger in the end, which means that someone behind them pressed it down!

The background of this person is definitely not small!

Ji Han easily found Xu Chuyun's best friend, Lin Jiamin who led the team that day, and then followed the vine to find the family behind her - the Yanjing family, the Lin family!

"Tsk tsk tsk, the background is not small!

"In other words, the Lin family 4.3 has noticed me now, right?

"You can take advantage of this, and by the way, you can try their attitude!"

Ji Han's eyes flickered, he quickly found the location of Mr. Lin through his hacking skills, and then forcibly turned on all the communication equipment in the other party's house, and finally locked an old man who was practicing calligraphy in the study!


The TV on the wall suddenly turned on automatically.

Ji Han used his hacking skills to forcibly control the TV, and finally achieved a video connection, and his picture also appeared on the big screen.

The old man was startled, stopped subconsciously, and looked at the TV suspiciously!

"Lin Mushan, you are quite interested!

Ji Han said casually, and Mr. Lin was taken aback.

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